Status: In Progress



As usual, when we get to the motel room I flop on the bed and ask Dean to get me a beer. He always grabs one for himself. Sam doesn't drink beer. He likes water, and salads. Weird, right?

"Anything good on, Sammy?" Dean asks as Sam flips on the TV. Days of Our Lives is on. "Nope."

"I'm going to look over the evidence again to see if we missed something," I tell them, getting up off of the bed. They both nod their heads saying they heard me.

I walk over to the wall we put our evidence on. There's always a wall in the motel of newspaper articles of deaths, some excerpts from websites, some pages of John's journal, and so on. We're all visual learners, so it's easier seeing all the evidence up there to understand something. We usually figure out a monster's trail by seeing when and where they've murdered someone or something. It's difficult dealing with vampires, because you don't know how many you're dealing with, and if you go into a hunt thinking there's just one, then there's fifty, you've got yourself some trouble.

I look on the map of the past three murders, they've all been in parks, that's all I've noticed. "Hey guys," I yell into the room. They both turn their heads. "I think tomorrow we need to get the FBI suits out." They both nod their heads, knowing what I'm implying.

"I get the bed, tonight, right?" I ask them with puppy dog eyes. They groan and nod their heads. "Have fun deciding who's getting that very comfy couch over there," I motion towards it. They shake their heads and grab some clothes to change into. I walk into the bathroom and take off my sweaty clothes I'd worn today. I throw them on the floor in the corner of the bathroom and walk out. I look at Sam trying to get comfortable on the couch and look at Dean. He's sitting in the other bed, looking very content with himself. I smile to myself and hop into my bed, and put my hair into a high ponytail.

"Why do girls do that?" Dean asks. I raise an eyebrow, confused. "Like, before girls do to sleep they put their hair into a ponytail. Why?"

"To keep it out of their face when they wake up, and so it doesn't get tangled. Why, exactly?" I ask him. He just shrugs. I slide under the covers and crawl into a ball. I've always slept like this, I don't know why.


"Regan, Regan, Regan!" I hear someone say my name. I pop up quickly, and hit heads with whoever was just yelling my name.

"Ow! Jesus!" I yell. I look over and Sam is rubbing his forehead as I rub mine. "What?"

"FBI Agents don't wait till 4 P.M. to start investigating," he says, and walks away, still rubbing his forehead. He's in his suit already, and Dean is just getting up too. I groan and get out of bed. I hurry and grab some clothes and run into the bathroom, knowing I'd never get ready fast enough if Dean got into there first. I hear Dean yell, 'Dammit!' Outside the door, and I laugh.

I put on the black tight skirt, white button up shirt, and a short cut blazer, my usual FBI attire. I take out my straightener and turn it on to let it warm up. I take my hair out of the ponytail I'd put it in the night before and brush through my thick brown hair. I groan as I find many knots and tangles. I rub my eyes frequently to get them adjusted to the bright light in the bathroom. As soon as I'm done brushing through my hair I start straightening it. I wouldn't usually do this, obviously, but as an agent, I need to look presentable. I put on some makeup to look professional, turn of my straightener, and walk out of the bathroom. "All yours," I tell Dean.

"Finally!" he says. I roll my eyes and grab a pair of dress shoes and put them on.

"Regan?" I hear Sam say from behind me. I look around.

"Yeah?" I ask him, and continue to put on my shoe.

"You know how I always get the couch?" he asks. I nod. "I was wondering, if I could sleep with you? I know it sounds childish of me to ask like this, but seriously, you haven't slept on a hotel couch before, and let me tell you, it's not comfortable."

"Sure," I tell him. He smiles. I get off of the bed and walk over to my bag and pull out my wallet with my FBI card in it. Sam and I wait till Dean gets done getting ready to go. We just make some casual conversation until Dean comes out.

Dean finally comes out, all dressed and ready and we all grab our stuff to go to the Impala. I ask Dean to pop the trunk so I can get my gun holster out. It's one that straps on like a backpack, and you have one gun on your side. My blazer conveniently covers it. I get into the back of the car and Dean drives off.

We start with the girl who first got killed. They were all girls, who were walking in the park alone. That's the only connection they have, that we know of. We get to the house, and it's regular sized. Dean parks in the driveway and we all get out. The house is white, with blue accents, like blue wood trim along all of the corners. It looks like a normal family home.

We get to the porch and knock on the door. I get out my FBI badge, and hold it so it's ready to show whomever answers the door. A fairly middle aged man with very noticeable frown lines. We all hold up our badges."Hello sir, I'm agent Stark, these are my partners Banner and Black. May we come in?" Dean asks him. He eyes our badges and nods his head. He walks in, expecting us to let ourselves in. Dean looks back at us and shrugs. He opens the door and we all follow the man. He motions towards the couch as he sits down in an easy chair.

"I'm guessing this is about Emily?" he asks. We all nod. "Why is the FBI even interested in my daughter's murder?"

"We just go where our boss sends us, sir," Dean tells him. He nods his head, but with a little edge to it. "Do you know what your daughter was doing, or where she was before she went to the park?"

"She was here, and was up in her room alone, she suddenly decided to go to the park, then I get a call at about 10 telling me the news," he says. You can tell for him telling this story is hard. Just the way his face changes when he says her name, he knows he'll only see her in memories, or pictures.

"Where is your wife, Mr. Giff?" Sam asks. He points to the stairs we saw when we walked in. "Is alright if we talked to her, also?" He shakes his head.

"No, she's taking this much harder than I am, okay? Don't even try," he tells us. Sam nods, agreeing. I look around the room, to see any signs of anything.

"Um, do you mind if I use the bathroom, sir?" I ask him. He nods his head.

"Upstairs, second door on the right," he says. I nod my head and walk over to the staircase. There are family pictures all along the way up the stairs. I look at everyone, making sure there isn't anything I need to see, or know. I get up the stairs, and look at all the doors along the hallway. I need to make sure I don't walk into the room with his wife in it. I get to the end of the hallway and see a poster of One Direction on a door. I'm guessing that's Emily's room since I'm pretty sure it's not her mom's and Emily's an only child.

I walk into what looks like a normal teenager's room. Her bed is against the wall with a window on that wall right in the middle. She has an end table next to her bed with a lamp on it and a book. Next to the end table is is door. It leads to a closet. I quickly look through her clothes, and nothing seems weird. I close her door quietly and move onto the bookcase next to the closet door. It's filled with books, a few little things, some medals and trophies from track. I look behind all of the books just in case. When I get to the middle of the second shelf I find a ring. It's a promise ring. Why wasn't this on her finger when she went to the park? I take one more quick look around before leaving the room.

I get downstairs and look at the boys. Sam says," Thank you sir, we will try our best to find your daughter's murderer." Mr. Giff nods his head and we walk out the door.

"What did you find up there?" Dean asks. I take the promise ring out of my pocket and show it to them. "She was a virgin?"

"Unless something changed that night. She wasn't wearing it at the scene," I tell him. He raises his eyebrows as we make it to the car. We all get in and Dean puts the keys into the ignition.

"Do you think she might have 'had a little fun to herself' at the park before she got sucked dry?" Dean asks, pulling out of the driveway.

"Unless she still is a virgin, and just left her ring at home. We don't know until we interview the rest of the girls and see what the pattern is," I tell him. He nods his head as we make our way to the next house.

All of the girls who were murdered left their promise rings before they left to the park. One of the girl's friends was at the house, helping sorting through her things. She privately told us that her friend had called her and told her she had sex for the first time, and was pretty excited. She didn't want to tell us in front of the parents, which is understandable.

We make it back to the motel to think things through. "You think they all did that? I mean, I guess it must be hard not having sex-" Dean gets cut off by Sam.

"Because you wouldn't know, we get it. That must be the pattern, but they were all killed in different parks. Is there something we didn't see before?" Sam asks. I look at the map with the marks we've made of the murders and their locations.

"Come on Sammy, you're the nerd here, you find it out," Dean says. Sam shoots him a look and he gets off the bed to look at the map with me.

"It's all yours, Sammy," I smile at him and give him a pat on the back. He shakes his head and I grab some comfortable clothes from my bag and change into them in the bathroom. I mean, I've known Sam and Dean for a long time, but I'm still not comfortable with changing in front of them. Plus I know how Dean is with girls and their underwear.

I throw my clothes into the corner in the bathroom where I usually do, and walk out. "Sammy figured it out!" Dean says, standing behind Sam.

"That fast?" I ask them, walking over to the map. There's a lot of holes in them considering we use the same map to track patterns every hunt.

"All of the parks have the same owner," he explains.

"You figured that out from a map?" I ask him.

"No, I just remembered when we showed up to every park on every gate it said 'Owned By James Jackson'," he says. I raise my eyebrows.

"Not bad," I tell him, he nods his head saying thanks. "So are those the only parks he owns?"

"Nope, he owns one more that no one's been murdered at. Pine Hill," he says.

"Looks like we've got our site," I tell him. He nods his head. "Wait, we need bait." The boys look at each other and smile.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't be able be our bait because you've already had sex. Hmm, shucks," Dean tells me. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Yeah and you can't either because you don't have a pussy," I tell him. He raises his hands and whistles. I walk over to the beds.

"Whoa, calm down, tiger," he says. I stop in my tracks and look back at him. He hasn't said that to me since that night. He looks back at me realizing what he just said. He opens his mouth like he's about to say something, but stops himself. That was the night that I was fourteen and he was sixteen. I'd never thought I would do something like that at the age. I regret it till this day. I wanted to save my first time for someone I'd loved. Not some guy that I might have known for years, but not had feelings for. He was patient. He taught me everything. He told me everything a guy should do, and it was magical, but not how I'd pictured. That was because it wasn't with the one I'd loved. He kissed my neck, and mouth gently, and didn't do anything I didn't want to do. It was my idea in the first place. I told him that I wanted to see what it was like. He gave me that smirk of his that hasn't changed since then and led me to my own bedroom. My dad and Bobby were out on a hunt, and we'd told Sammy before hand not to come in. He knew not to come in, and he fortunately didn't know what we were doing.

"I'm going to go outside to get some fresh air," Dean says, and walks out of the motel room. Sam looks at the door, and looks back at me confused.

"What was that about?" he asks. I shrug, lying.

"I don't know, but I'll find out," I tell him and walk out the door. I look around to find Dean. He's, of course, in the Impala. I walk over to him and knock on the window telling him to unlock the doors. He does so and I get into the car. "Dean," I say.

"Regan, I miss that night so much. I miss how we fit together in that bed. I miss how young and innocent you were, you didn't know what to do, and it was the most fun I'd ever had with a girl. I can't believe I just put it off like we didn't do anything, but saying that to you, I just remember everything. Jesus christ, why am I telling you this," he says, and puts his head in his hands.

"Dean," I say, but can't manage to say anything else. "I-I."

"It's okay, Regan. I can't get any closer to you, you'll be even more of weakness than you are now," he says, and gets out of the car. I groan and hold my face with my hands. I shake my head and look at Dean ask he walks into the motel like nothing's wrong, like he always does. It never works on Sam and me, but sometimes we know it's better to just ignore it. Suddenly the motel room door opens again.

"You coming in?" Sam asks. I nod my head and get out of the car, locking it. I walk over to the room and walk in. Dean's laying on the bed with the TV on. He looks at me then back at the TV.

That just ruined everything we built since that day.