Status: In Progress



"So, the last part they marked on this map was in Austin, Texas?" I ask Castiel. He nods his head. "Castiel, That's a long drive."

"Sam and Dean call me Cas," he says, pointing a finger at me. I raise my eyebrows. "I can transport us there, but we will not have a car for the whole time we are there..." He stops, trying to think about what to do. "No one will steal this car, right?"

"How am I supposed to know! You're the angel! Why are you asking the questions?" I ask him. I don't understand angels, or at least this one.

"It was more rhetorical question, more thinking out loud," he tells me. I roll my eyes at him. "Why do humans do that?"

"What," I say, more of a statement than a question, quite fed up with this angel's attitude.

"The motion of their eyes," he says. "Like this," he rolls his eyes, but puts his head into it.

"It's a visual sign that we're annoyed," I say, still fed up.

"Alright. Well, let's go to Texas," he says, and grabs my arm. "Bend your knees."

Next thing I know we're in the middle of a road, and a car screeches to a stop right in front of us. Cas seems unaffected by it, but I jump away, apologizing over and over. The man in the car gives me the bird and drives away as soon as I get out of his way. I turn to Cas and give him a very annoyed look. He's completely oblivious, and starts walking. "So tell me again, why can't you just track them?" I ask him. He looks around as he crosses a road again, not looking both ways for cars. Fortunately no one is coming, so I run up to catch him.

"I put angel warding signs on their ribs," he is still looking around, probably looking for Sam and Dean. Why is it always me cleaning up their mess? Well, this time I have a sassy angel called Castiel.

"And why the hell would you do that?" I ask, speeding up my pace to stay with him.

"Angels were trying to find them, and the only way to keep them away was to do that. Not all angels are nice," he says, not looking at me.

"Oh I know," I tell him, obviously referring to him. "You think you're just going to find them by walking around the whole town? What if they aren't even here?" Cas stops in his tracks and looks at a laundromat. He hurriedly walks into the laundromat and walks to the back. "What the hell are you doing?" I yell-whisper. He of course ignores me and I just follow him to the back of the store where the cashier is.

"Hamon," Cas says. I go up the counter and see the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He has a very chiseled jaw, small lips, and piercing blue eyes. He's quite muscular, too.

"Castiel," Hamon replies, giving out a hand for Cas to shake.

"Why are you here? Why are you in a laundromat?" Castiel asks. Hamon smiles and looks around.

"It's very peaceful, and a good job for my vessel. What do you think, by the way? Does it match my real features?" He motions to his face and torso. I smile, but Castiel keeps his same hard stoned, face.

"I need to know if two men were walking through here," Castiel says. He's about to start talking again but Hamon cuts him off.

"Sam and Dean Winchester. Yes, they passed through here a few hours ago, actually. I had to eaves drop, of course. They said that you would be looking for them, actually. They were talking about 'working a case' in Colorado?" Hamon says, and leans on the wall by the counter.

"Thank you," Castiel says, and Hamon nods in respect.

"Of course, anything for a brother," he smiles. Castiel turns and walks out of the store, at a fast pace, of course.

"Everything seems fine, Cas. What's the problem here?" I ask him. He stops dead in his tracks, making me run into him. I groan and back up. He turns around to face me.

"That's what doesn't make sense. They haven't answered my calls-"

"Wait, your calls? You have to call them? Like, cell phone, call them?" I ask, smirking.

"Yes, why is that of importance?"

"Oh it's not, just, a messenger of the lord has to use a cell phone to talk to people, kind of ironic, don't you think?" My smirk turns into a smile as I laugh.

"I-I don't understand that form of irony," he says, squinting his eyes, and does a head tilt, like a little confused puppy.

"Oh dear god, you are seriously no fun," I tell him. He raises an eyebrow and looks at me. I put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, fine, continue talking about whatever you were talking about."

"They haven't answered any one of my calls, they always do, if they were in trouble, they would have prayed to me," he stops and thinks for a second. "If they pray to me I can find them, just not without them wanting me to," he explains. "Wait, why don't you call them?"

"Oh wow, the angel finally thought of a solution! Why didn't I think of that? Oh right. Maybe I thought that if they wouldn't answer your calls, maybe, just maybe, they might not answer mine! Who would've thought?" That whole speech was a sarcasm run. I kind of regret how rude it sounded after I said it.

"Well, could you at least try?" He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. Maybe he's just a huge human puppy. That makes a lot of sense, especially for him not understanding anything. I nod my head and pull out my phone. I get to Dean's contact first, so I call him. It rings and goes to his voicemail. I move onto Sam and it does the same thing. I put my phone back into my pocket and shrug. Castiel still looks confused. "Maybe they haven't left. We need to look for them."

"Look for some old crappy motels, they'd be there," I tell him, grinning to myself. He nods his head and starts his fast paced walk again. "How about you transport yourself to all the motels, and come find me. I mean, you can find me, right?" He nods his head. Next thing he's disappeared and I look around to see if anyone was watching.

I end up in a restaurant eating a deluxe burger and fries. Very full, I sit back after finishing the burger. I still continue to eat my fries. There's always room for fries. I take a sip of my soda and look around, just to look around, and for something to do. I check my phone, just in case the messenger of the lord needs to call. I smile to myself. I'm hilarious.

I look back up from my phone and Castiel is sitting right across from me in the booth. I let out a small scream, but stop as fast as I can. I cover my mouth and put my head in my hands, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I shake my head as I look back at Castiel. "Couldn't you just walk into the store just like everyone else?" I groan.

"I saw Sam and Dean," he tells me.

"Well? Are they okay?" I ask him, eager to hear the answer.

"They aren't them," he says simply.

"Yeah 'cause that makes sense," I tell him.

"The Sam and Dean I saw, were not the real Sam and Dean. I don't know who they were, but they were not the real Sam and Dean," he says, looking around. This did not help with his confused face at all. He squints his eyes at the menu hanging up above the counter. "Does that say hot dog?"

I look where he's looking and raise an eyebrow," Yes?"

"You do know what's in those, right?"

What is up with this guy? At first, he's going crazy about Sam and Dean missing, and he wouldn't stop until he got at least one fact about them, and then, he stops telling me about something that could change everything to tell me about the ingredients in a hot dog. Wow.

"Castiel, I don't give a shit about the hot dogs! Sam and Dean! Sam and Dean!"

He nods his head," I know, I know, I'm sorry. Sam and Dean are being framed by shapeshifters. We need to stop the fake Sam and Dean, and find the new ones."

"Um, alright, how do we do that, genius?"

"Well, they were just sitting the room watching the television. We could just go in and kill them," he says, and shrugs.

"It's not that simple, Cas. We don't even know if they are shapeshifters. We don't even know if it's not the real Sam and Dean," I tell him. He nods his head. "We can wait outside of their room, and I'll record them. If they're shapeshifters their eyes will be white when they look at the camera, alright? Simple."

"But they didn't feel like Sam and Dean. They just, they were not Sam and Dean," he says, and looks me straight in the eyes. He's serious about this.

"Can we just make sure, Cas? We don't want to go in stabbing them/ beheading them and having them be the real Sam and Dean, okay? Let's just try," I tell him, I look at him the same way he's been looking at me for the past three minutes. He sighs and nods his head. I smile and get up, leaving the waiter the money and a tip, and motion for Cas to get up. He reaches for my arm but I pull away. "How about we go in a place that's less public?" He shakes his head and grabs my hand, looking at me.

We arrive at room 157. I look over at Cas waiting for him to tell me if they are still in there or not. He looks into the door, and then back at me. "They are still in there," he tells me. I nod my head and take out my phone. I look at him and nod as I go into the shadows, hoping they won't see me. Cas looks back at me, and then stomps his foot, but instead of hearing a small thud, it sounds like a meteor just hit the ground. Obviously, 'Sam and Dean' come running out, looking around. They look around and their eyes look where the camera is, but they aren't right. I smile and let out a sign of relief. I put my phone down and start walking over. Cas turns around motions for me to stop. I raise an eyebrow confused, but I do what I'm told.

"Cas!" Dean says, beaming. He walks over and wraps Cas into a hug. Cas steps back and looks at them both. Sam just smiles at him, and waves.

"Hey, Cas," he says.

"Regan, we know you're there, might as well come out," Dean says, smiling. I walk toward him and him and Sam smile. They walk over and both take turns wrapping me up into a hug. "It's nice to see you, two. But why are you here?"

I look over at Cas, giving him a 'told you so' grin. "Castiel here was afraid that you two were in trouble, but you obviously aren't," I smile at them. "So, we'll be on our way." I look back at Cas, and he still has his confused look. I'm starting to think it's just his face.

"You two are not Sam and Dean," Castiel says. I look at him wide-eyed. He glances over and I mouth,' What are you doing?!'

Sam looks at him confused and Dean smiles," Come on, Cas. What are you talking about?"

"You two are not Sam and Dean!"

Dean finally looks over at Sam and they smile at each other. "Fine, you got us, we aren't Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean aren't here though, so you don't need to be here either, do you? I'll tell you what. You two leave, and don't look for your beloved Winchesters, we'll let you live. If you do, however, look for them, we'll eat you whole," 'fake Dean' says, and gives us a way to staged smile. I look over at Cas and he grabs my hand, transporting us anywhere away from there.

Cas and I are in the middle of no where in the woods. I look around and it's dark, trees all around us, and I'm standing on a log. I slip off the log and fall on my ass. I groan and stand back up, brushing off my butt. Castiel comes over to help, but I'm already up. I look up at him and he gives me a 'I told you so' look. I roll my eyes and nod my head. "Yeah, I know. Should've trusted the angel," I tell him.

"They are Leviathans," he tells me.

"Levia-what?" I ask.

"Leviathan. They have the power to shape-shift, as you've seen. God created them as the first beast, and obviously failing, them being very destructive and not a good help to anything at all, God created Purgatory to keep them away from destruction. The take a serpent shape underwater, but when they find a vessel, they can transform into that person, or stay in that vessel, mostly staying in it for as long as they live, which is a very, very long time, because they are immortal. Also, they have very strong retractable jaws, and can eat anything whole. I think that's all you need to know..." He rubs his chin, thinking. He nods his head.

"Uh, okay. That's a lot to take in," I say, and sit on the log. I put my head in my hands. "So you can't kill them?"

"No," Cas says from above me.

"That just made this a whole lot harder," I say, shaking my head in my hands. "So how the hell do we find Sam and Dean?" I look up at Castiel.

"We'll just have to look," he says simply. I nod my head.

"Wow, sounds easy."