Sequel: Flying High
Status: Finished! I hope everyone enjoys this story! Look for the sequel STARTING OVER

You Never Know

3. On My Way Home

3. On my way home

I drop Jordan off at the rink after we finish eating and decide to go home and rest before tomorrow's practice. I live in an apartment not far from the rink so it doesn't take me long to get there. As I walk in I hear my phone chirp. I thought it would be my mom since she calls around the same time everyday. When I look at the screen it's a number I don't recognize and is listed as Sexy Man. I answer it and don't hear anything for a moment but rustling sounds.

"Dude say something she answered."
"I'm going too back off."
"Umm, hello?" I ask into the phone.
"Oh, um, Nicole?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"It's Max. Did I call at a bad time?" He sounds so nervous it's so cute.
"Miss me already?" I ask, okay maybe a little flirting on my end.
"He did!" I hear someone yell from the background.
"Owe! Dude quite!" I hear someone say.
"Max?" I ask trying to get his attention.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Is everything okay," I ask him.
"Yep, yep, everything is great," he says clearly nervous.
"Is there a reason you call," I ask him.
"Oh yeah! I was just going to ask if we could maybe hang out some You know get to know each other a little better," he rambles slightly rushing the last part.

'He wants to hang out!' I internally scream it myself but I ask," who's we?"
"Well myself, Jordan, Marc, Geno, Sid and Kris."
"That's fine. Do y'all want to come here?" I ask.
"Yeah!" He says, "what's your address."

I tell him and we realize he lives right up the street.

"We'll be over in five," he says before hanging up.

"Their coming over Rex," I say to my dog who just stares at me.

Just then I hear a knock and Rex runs to the door barking.

"Whoa, you have a dog!" Sidney says as I let the guy in.
"What kind?" Geno asks me.
"Border Collie. He's a great guard dog and running buddy," I answer," can I get y'all anything to drink?" I ask while walking toward the kitchen.
"Gatorade?" Someone ask from behind me.

I pull out six bottles, one for each of us. I walk back to the living room and see the guys have already made themselves at home. Marc, Jordan and Sidney are lounging on my couch, Kris claimed the recliner, Geno's on the floor playing with Rex, which leaves the only spot for me next to Max on the love seat; not that I'm complaining.

"Y'all comfy?" I ask with a smirk on my face.
"Yeah, feel right at home," Kris answers back.

I let out a small laugh because of the three grown men sharing my couch. They clearly don't have enough room but are being too polite to complain. We watch TV for a while and talk some just getting to know everyone better. After a while the guys decide its time to head home, so we say goodby at the door and they leave. 
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Here's number three ill post chapter four later today!