Status: Hopefully weekly updates!

Better Days Are Ahead

Chapter 1

​​"Lake! Wake the hell up!" I groan as I hear one of my house mates, Crissa, yells for me. She's nice and all but I wouldn't miss her if one of us ever get out of here. It's shower rush right now and all of the other girls in the house are in a hurry to get their names on the list and such. All 20 boys are downstairs because we get the bathroom upstairs and they get the bathroom downstairs.
​ I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Lake Lullaby Reed. I know, my name is very weird. That's all because my parents were strange. I've been in the Home for a year and a half now. I got here because my parents drank themselves to death, but I'm not sad about it at all. That sounds heartless, but I hated my parents. They beat me and they yelled at me on a daily basis. I suppose the Home is a lot better than where I used to be, but adoption homes suck nonetheless. I just hate being in constant limbo. No one wants to adopt a 14 year old. Especially one that has been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. No happy couple wants to bring my mess into their lives. I don't blame them. I don't even want to be in my own life all the time. I'm lucky, though. I've found music and bands to help me get through everything in my life. I think music is my best friend.
​ The Home is officially called Jane's Home for Lost Children. It's located right in Baltimore, Maryland. Luckily, at the very least, one kid gets adopted per week. I'd say that was a pretty good record. I'm glad kids are getting a second chance, everyone here deserves one.
​ Anyways, I get up and I listen outside in the hallway. I hear grumbles and conversation like the usual shower days. We have shower days every other day, we don't walk around smelling like gym bags. ​​​​​​​​​​I open my door and push my way through the other 19 girls that live in the house. I write my name down on the list and make my way back to my room until someone calls my name.
​ I'm all ​dressed and ready to do nothing. It's Saturday so that means no school for anyone. The others mainly watch TV and play board games in the living room. I go in there with them, but don't really talk to anyone. I don't dislike anyone in the house, it's just that I'm not one to talk. Everyone respects that too, they know I'm not here to socialize. I'm not mean, just quiet. I tend to sit and watch a lot, though. I don't have any friends at school either so I do it there too. Sometimes I say something to the kids here, but that's it.
​ I see the Carer walk in and start pulling out kids from the living room. They're all around my age, so basically kids twelve and up.​​​​​​​ Then she spots me. She makes a "come here" motion with her hand. She doesn't seem angry or worried so that's a good sign. Once we're all in the kitchen she sighs.
​"Raise your hand if you've heard of To Write Love On Her Arms." I lift my hand and so do about two other kids. "Ok good. They've teamed up with some people to get teens, like yourselves, adopted!" I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Who did they team up with? Am I going to be adopted? "Not all of you will be adopted but some of you definitely will." I probably won't be then. "I plan on keeping the adopters a secret until they get here. They're coming tomorrow, but they'll probably come more times. You guys can go back to what you were doing, I just wanted to give you a heads-up." We all start to shuffle out of the kitchen. There is so much to think about right now.
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Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I love feedback so feel free to give me some. (Don't be mean though, please)