Status: Active

Stream of Consciousness


So we're on the jazz era in music class. The teacher is making us write a stream of consciousness while listening to a song. This will probably be one of those random ones I've done.

I watched Sister Act over the weekend! If you don't love that movie you're lying. If you didn't fall in love with the nun-in-training Sister Mary Robert while watching the movie you're lying. All the songs are stuck in my head. Even the end credit song in Sister Act 2. Sister Act 2 has the best end credits in the history of end credits just because it's like a music video.

Jinger Duggar should break away from 19 Kids & Counting! Why do I always think this?

My hand hurts.

First I pictured her dating some Italian guy with lots of tattoos and a Mohawk. I may turn it into a story with original characters. Then I pictured her as Elphaba in Wicked. Then as G(a)linda in Wicked. The as Christine Daae in The Phantom of the Opera. Then Eponine in Les Miserables. Then in some scary movie with "Unchained Melody" as the theme. I may turn this into a story. Then as Mary Magdalene in a movie. Then as Sister Mary Robert but for whatever reason I keep thinking "Sister Mary Judith". Then in some already-made music videos.

What's wrong with my mind?

My wire is coming out of my brackets.