Status: Completed - reposting from Quizilla

It's Time to Rock the Dragon

Chapter six

I was in the car, on the highway that leads to West City. It was about a 45-minute drive from Satan City to West City.

This car wasn’t too shabby, actually. It was a gift from my parents, who said they felt guilty for making me move, so to make life easier they’d buy me a car, in case I ever wanted to road trip it to Domino to see my friends. Ha, what friends. This move was the greatest thing they could have done for me.

But hey, I wasn’t complaining. A car is nice.

I had the baby strapped into a restraining seat in the back seat. We were on the way to see her dad.

We decided it was a girl because she had no male private parts (or female, but uh, it was easier just to say she’s female) and called her Tina, as that was the first name that came up on a name generator on the Internet.

The reason we were meeting Gohan in West City is because he had an event on there. Apparently the Briefs family, as in the owners of Capsule Corp were close friends with Gohan’s family, and they were having a little get together with all their friends.

I protested when Gohan first bought up the idea. I agreed that I could drop the baby off in West City (we were taking turns in looking after it each night) but then Gohan mentioned that in order for the happiness metre to go up, we had to do ‘couple things’ with the baby in order to pass the assignment.

He also said his mother was keen to meet me. I thought that was weird, considering we weren’t dating, but I guess he had told his mother all about me. He didn’t have many friends at school, or people who were even nice to him.

So I reluctantly agreed. However, I made him PROMISE that he would come outside to greet me when I got there. I was NOT going to knock on the door by myself, get let in by a maid or something and then in a room probably filled with a hundred rich people try and find Gohan.

I had to do that once when Kaiba and I ‘first started going out’ he had a dinner party, and I had to let myself in. It was hard enough getting through all the security which took near on an hour, going through rich people looking down on me was worse.

I was not going through that again. Especially with a fake baby in my arms. They’ll either think it’s real and I’m a careless teen mum, or even worse they’ll see it’s fake and see I’m a nutcase.

No, just no. That was not happening. However, Gohan kindly said he’d meet me outside if I gave his cell a buzz.

I pulled into West City, and followed my GPS navigator until I pulled up at Capsule Corp.

I kind of ‘awed’ at the building, it was much different to Kaiba Corp. The building was domed shaped, and the Briefs resided here as well. It was a bright yellow colour, making me feel a little more at ease as it was no where near as intimidating as Kaiba corp.

I called Gohan’s cell, and before he even answered he was tapping on my window.

I rolled it down.

“Yo, where should I park my car?” I asked him.

“Just leave it out here, I don’t think Bulma would care too much.” Gohan shrugged.

“Alright.” I grinned, getting out of the car, going to the back seat and taking Tina out of her seat.

“Can I uh, can I hold her?” Gohan asked nervously, as he began to lead me inside.

“Sure.” I beamed, passing the doll to him.

Gohan took extra care in handling the doll, as if it were a real baby. He grabbed her slowly, and made sure to put extra support under her head. It was cute; I guess he’d make a good father.

As I walked through the building, I kept my comparisons of Kaiba Corp flowing. The inside was just as warm feeling, with bright colours, and animals and plants everywhere. Seto hated animals, and he didn’t care much for plants.

I also couldn’t see a maid or a butler ANYWHERE.

“This IS Capsule Corp, right?” I asked Gohan, as we moved from room to room.

“Yeah, why?” Gohan asked.

“Um, I don’t know. Capsule Corp is like, the biggest corporation in the world. It’s just, different to what I expected.” I shrugged.

“You’re from Domino right? Wasn’t Kaiba Corp like this?” Gohan asked.

I snickered at his ignorance, but shook my head.

We finally landed in a large room. It had a table set up with lots of food, and a few of the people there were scoffing the food down. There was a pool table, with two men playing a game. The rest were either watching the large screen TV, or chatting amongst themselves.

Wow, I was completely wrong. Not only was the scenery pleasant, and there were no maids or butlers, but also this was NOT a traditional dinner party, and the guest list was a lot smaller than expected.

There was only about just over 15 people in the room. I was expecting 100. However, I was still a little intimidated. Even though there were less people, some of these people were a little…strange. There was a man who was completely green, had antennae and looked as if his muscles were on the outside and not the inside. There was a man with three eyes, and a person who was completely white, with red cheeks and the size of a child.

“Guys, this is Charlotte, my partner for this health assignment, which means she’s the mother of this child.” Gohan said, displaying Tina.

Suddenly, everyone looked up from what they were doing and focused on me. Gulp.