Status: <3

A Certain Kind of Sozzled


Lincoln didn’t drink.

He didn’t party, he didn’t go out, he didn’t have many friends. He was a good kid, a really fucking good kid, with good grades and good posture and he even respected his elders. He wasn’t one of those super nerd kids and he wasn’t the perfect jock kid, Lincoln just was.

He was tall, right at that awkwardly lanky tall, but only a little awkward, and he didn’t have great, name brand, expensive clothes, just normal ones. His skin was a little tanner than most and he had freckles scattered across his nose and two of his teeth on the bottom row were a little crooked, but cute crooked. Lincoln wasn’t gorgeous, he wasn’t perfect, but he was okay. He just was.

Lincoln and Sadie had started dating his eighth grade year, a long time ago, three years and seven months and twenty-something days, if you want to know exactly. They were cute and held hands in the hallway and didn’t actively participate in PDA, but sometimes he’d kiss her before class and they were just an awkward, normal couple. They mentioned marriage every now and then and were both going to Oklahoma University and that was that.

But recently, sometime in those last twenty-something days, Sadie had changed. She was distant and pulling away from Lincoln and he wasn’t a worrier and he never suffocated Sadie, but he was worrying and suffocating her, and it was only after Lincoln had asked her seven times in the span of an hour and a half that he discovered she cheated. She didn’t just tell him that, though, she screamed it at him, as if she was mad at him.

Lincoln didn’t say anything; what could he say? So he left.

And now, Lincoln is drinking, drinking, drinking, drunk, and beyond it. He’s pissed and he’s slurring his words and he’s cussing Sadie, and he feels more relief than he’s felt in his eighteen long and normal years.
Lincoln is drunk and he’s sad, but he’s content.
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