Status: Read me!

The Princess



I was never noticed. I never needed to be noticed. I wasn’t like the preps, or the jocks who had to suck up to the teachers to get a decent grade. I wasn’t like the nerds, or the geeks. But yet, I, Sarasi Angeli, am like both of those groups. (I just don’t suck up.) I get good grades, just not A’s. I like all of my teachers, but I wouldn’t say they’re awesome or anything. Normally, I keep to myself, as I always have. I only talk when I really have to. Like when the principal asked me a direct question. I did not want to answer. So I ran away. Now, the police are looking for me. It’s just a matter of time until they find me. Mother told me that if anyone asks a prying question, hide. Otherwise, I could be killed like she was. When she was killed, I was two years old. I never knew exactly who my mom was. I never knew that she was so important. Now I’m 15.
The question the principal asked was, “Why did you put a false address down?” that’s all. I don’t know the real reason why I ran, but I ran because my mother’s voice, or my conscience, told me to. (I like to think that my conscience sounds like my mom.) I always listen to my conscience. It tells me to do something, I do it. But I’m getting way ahead of myself. Let me tell you what happened..................