Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Ten

Chapter 10

Yes! School is out for the day! Finally and end to the whisperings about me. I go to my locker, put my stuff away, and leave. I’m free! Now, it’s time to talk to Niya. But it’s not like she’ll answer me though.
I open the door to our ‘house’ and I see Niya, curled up by the fire.
“Niya! I don’t really want to go to school anymore! People keep talking about how I’m a witch, not that I am, but only because I bumped into Aster.” I proceeded to tell her about the day.
“You see, I don’t really want to go back.
“Sarasi,” Niya said. Wait, she talked?! “I want you to remember that you’re the one that signed up for school. You went up to the principal and asked to be enrolled. You said, these were your exact words, ‘I want to show people what smart is.”
“N-Niya! Y-You talk? Since when?”
“Since forever.” Niya said, with a smile on her face.
“Why didn’t you ever talk to me before? Why did you start now?”
Niya sighed. “Well, I didn’t want to startle you.”
“Oh. I guess it would have startled me.” I told her with a smile. She just grinned. (Nyager Cat grin)
“Anyway, I was looking at the history book, you know the one that I read every day?”
“Yes.” she answered.
“It said something about the Princess still being alive.” I told her.
“Are you sure? You do know that it’s treason to look for her?” she asked.
“I’m sure that the Cleansers won’t find out.” I said.
“So..... You’re going to look for her?” she asked, just to make sure.
“Yes. I am. They won’t find out.” I said.
“You’re going out to look for the Princess.” she stated. She sat down. I guess that this must be a lot to take in.
“Yes.” I told her again.
“Why?” she asked, “The people ruling would seek you out and kill you. You don’t know who’s good or whose bad. The best thing to do is not look for her.”
“I’m going to secretly look for her so I can say that I helped end the rule of the Cleansers” I told her. And that was that. I will secretly look for the Princess that might not even be alive.
“Any homework?” she asked, accepting that I was going to look for her no matter what.
“No. I was planning on going to the market to replenish our food supply.”
“That’s a good idea. Don’t forget my meat. And take the basket!” she said.
“Okay!” I called back, laughing. As I walked out the door, I grabbed a few dragites. We also have crats, jucks, and slivers. The amount I grabbed will be more than enough for what I need to get. I said bye to Niya, shut the door, and headed to the market.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

“You-Simon.” the gang-leader said.
“Y-yes?” he answered.
“I want you to try to find someone. We need some cash.” he said.
“Yes. I’ll go to the market.” Simon said.
“Good choice.” the gang-leader approved. Simon hurried out. He hated that he had to be a spy. But he had no choice. The Cleansers had found him and raised him. He was sent to the gang so he could spy on the people. He had a device somewhere on him that records whatever people say. If he knew where it was, he’d remove it. The gang uses him, like the Cleansers use him, to gain money. They send him out to talk to people about the Cleansers; they talk bad about them, they are gone forever. For every person the gang turns in, they get 40 dragites. He is one of many that were sent out to be spies. He wished that he was never found. His masters like to keep track of how many people he finds. They tell him the amount each time he sees them. The last amount was about 300. That means that the gang has gotten at least 12,000 dragites. (Remember, 1 dragite= 1 trillion u.s. dollars....)
When Simon got to the marketplace, he saw a drab and dreary landscape with many alleyways, many poor-looking people just hoping to be given a few slivers to buy their next meal. He also saw a girl there that he’s never seen before. She’s got fiery hair, no wait, her hair is on fire. Or so he thought. He walked up to her and said, “Hi.” ‘No, her hair’s not on fire.’ he corrected himself. She turned around. He gasped.
“What?” she asked, “Do I have something on my face?” Simon didn’t say anything. He has never seen anyone with icy blue eyes and beauty such as hers. Even if she opposed or is for the Cleansers, he did not want to get her in trouble. He put his finger on his lips and motioned for her to follow him. She followed him to an alley where they wouldn’t be overheard. He started making motions with his hands to tell her that he has a recording device somewhere on his body. She didn’t understand. He mimed a paper and pencil. She gave it to him.
The only thing that he was thankful to the Cleansers for was to teach him how to write. He wrote, ‘I have a device on me that records things. I am supposed to find people that talk bad about the Cleansers.’ He passed the paper to her. As she read it, understanding dawned in her eyes.
She wrote, ‘Cleansers? Is that what they’re called? Someone working for them killed my mom when I was two.’ She passed it back.
Simon read it, then wrote, ‘I’m sorry. I was found and made into a spy by them. What happened to your dad?’ He handed it to her.
She read it then wrote, ‘My dad died in an accident.’ She handed it back to him.
‘What kind of an accident?’ He passed it back to her.
‘He fell out of the sky when a Flaeg hit his Flaeg.’ She handed it back to him.
‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ Simon knew that there has been only two deaths that had Flaegs involved. The King’s death and a farmer’s. The farmer was a woman.
Simon’s eyes widened. She handed the paper back. It said, ‘I’ve never seen a Cleanser. What are they like?’
He wrote, ‘In my opinion, I hate them. They rule with a very firm hand. Too firm if you ask me. They use fear as an ally. They love turning loved ones against each other. I wish that the fake king’s assistant, or the- never mind.’
‘What were you going to write? Or the common people would kill the fake king?’ She wrote after she took the paper from him and read it.
‘Yes. But right now, we should talk about how we love the Cleansers.’ He handed it back to her. She nodded and put it away.
“So, what do you think of the Cleansers?” he asked.
“I love how they rule. I sometimes wish that I could marry one, but then I think, why would one want to marry a peasant?”
“Good point. If I wasnt’ found by them, I would be dead right now. I love them so much.”
“Well now, what's your name?” She asked.
“Simon.” he answered.
“Well now Simon, I have to go finish my shopping. It was nice talking to you. Long live the Cleansers!” She left.
Now, if he didn’t find a person who hated the Cleansers, he would have no supper. He looked around. He saw an old hobo a little way down the alley. He headed toward him. When he got near he asked, “Mister, do you like the Cleansers?”
“Like ‘em boy, like ‘em? Why, no! I love ’em!” Apparently Simon’s face fell because the old man said, “What are ya, stupid? I hate their guts! They’s the ones that put me here. They’s gone and closed down me metal factory. They’s said ‘We don’t need ya anymores.’ Well, I’s says they’s stupid! I hate’em! That’s what I’s thinks of ‘em!” the hobo said.
All of a sudden, a soldier came out of a doorway and grabbed the old hobo.
“I knew it! They’s get me sometime!” he said. “Dis is why boy, watch what you be sayin’. They’s get you otherwise.” the old man told Simon as he was dragged away.
Every time that happened Simon wanted to look away, but he wasn’t allowed. He was sickened every time it happened, too. He shivered, then started to head home. But he never called it home.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

The gang member that was supposed to be following Simon found him just a he saw the girl leaving. She had said, ‘May the Cleansers live forever.’
‘That one was a dud.’ he thought. But that boy, Simon, had better find someone or he wouldn’t get any supper. Then he saw Simon head toward a hobo and ask about the Cleansers. After a while, a soldier stepped out of a doorway and dragged him away. He saw Simon start to head home. That’s when he saw the beautiful girl he was talking to leave. He abandoned Simon and followed the girl. He was thinking, ‘If she likes the Cleansers, then she can join us.’ So he followed her all the way to her house. He memorized where it was, then went to tell his boss.