Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Eleven

Chapter 11

Now, to ask this girl some questions...... School had just gotten out and I told my dad that I was going somewhere. I didn’t tell him where. The place where I am going is Sarasi’s house. I put my hand in my pocket to get the scrap of paper that I wrote the address on. It wasn’t there. I searched frantically for it, but couldn’t find it. That’s when I remembered that I put it in my notebook. I opened the notebook and took out the paper and memorized the address. Astral Avenue 3264. That’s easy to find. I walk down a few blocks, take a right onto Astral Avenue, then look for house number 3264. There it is! It’s a quaint little house with red shutters; the house is white, so it looks good. It is small, but I understand that. Only two people live there. I walk up to the door and knock. A young man answers the door, which puzzles me.
“Yes, what do you want?” he asked.
“Does a girl by the name of Sarasi live here?”
“No. No one here by that name.” he told me.
“Oh. Okay. Thanks for your time.” I tell him. I walk slowly down the path, thinking. I glance a the number, 3264. Yes, it’s correct. ‘Why would she lie about where she lived?’ I asked myself, ‘And what is she keeping from everyone so that she has to lie about her address?’ “Maybe I’ll find out during lunch tomorrow.” I said out loud. A few people stopped what they were doing to look at me. I quickly walked away.
As I was walking home, I thought about the tattoo on the back of her head. Why did she have the mark of a Cleanser? Was she a Cleanser? That explains the wrong address. But she doesn’t seem like a Cleanser. They are so, (how do you put it?), cold and calculating. Wait....Cleansers don’t send their kids to school. They send them out into the town so they can ‘find’ people to make an example of. That means they find people who don’t like the Cleansers. Then they execute them. That part disgusts me. When they do their ‘examples’ they make people come and watch. They explain how bad this person is and how much of a traitor they were and blah, blah, blah. At least no one enjoys it. I ignore it. But I guess some people like it.
Anyway, about her mark. I made a mental note to ask her about it. Then I got to thinking............ Why would a prince, let alone a male Astral, choose a common female for their pair bond? Explanation: male Astrals choose male humans, and female Astrals choose female humans. Royal Astrals just oversee the Choosing; they don’t participate in it. But it wasn’t always like that. When there was true royals alive, like the princess that is missing, the royal Astrals chose them. And, how did she know exactly what Sunlight said? I’ve wrestled with them and they talk no human language I know. And I know a lot. For example, Latin (never needed it), German (Useful only once), Spanish (really useful), French (somewhat useful), Portuguese (we went to Brazil once), Chinese/Japanese (not at all useful), and many others.
Then an image came to mind. ‘Speaking to Astrals’ book, to be exact.
“Now I remember!” I yelled out loud. Then I realized that I said that out loud. I looked around. No one was around. Thank goodness. But the dog that was peeing by a tree was standing there, with its leg up, still peeing, with its mouth open. When I looked at it, it yelped and ran away. Oops.