Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Twelve

Chapter 12

That poor boy looked so innocent, but it’s taken a toll on him. Simon has black curly hair, soft brown eyes, and was a little shorter than me. He looked a lot younger too. I can easily tell that he doesn’t like to do what he does. But it’s horrible what the Cleansers make him do. And, I bet that if he didn’t find someone that day, they would do something bad to him. If they did, I wouldn’t be surprised. They execute at least three to four people every day. Then I started thinking, ‘Can I get him out of there?’ I don’t know if I can. I collected the change for the meat I got Niya, and started home.
When I turned onto the street, I swear that I heard footsteps and saw someone behind me. But when I looked, there was no one there. I guess I’m imagining things. I turned back around and hurried home. When I got there, Niya was sitting by the fire.
“I got the meat like you asked.” I told her. She just looked at me.
“Uh.... You talked before, didn’t you?” I asked her. She just chuffed and looked at my bag. Did I imagine that she talked to me or did she really talk? She pawed at the bag like a kitten. Of course she can smell the meat. I can. I made a decision right there. I imagined her speaking just like I imagined the footsteps. I need to control my imagination. I need a human companion.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Niya didn’t like to see Sarasi upset. But she would have made the connection sooner or later. She had to keep it a secret. That’s what Sarasi’s mother’s dying wish was. To only tell Sarasi that she was the princess when she was ready for it. That, and to always watch over her. Now, as she acted as kitty-like as she could, she had to get that meat. At least a little piece. All cats love meat, right?

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

As Niya and Sarasi ate their dinner, the guy that followed Sarasi home went back to the gang. He reported to the boss about what he saw and about the girl that ‘likes’ the Cleansers. He told his boss about how he followed her home and suggested that they recruit her.
“You know where she lives?’ asked the boss.
“Yes. I followed her. I can take another guy or two with me to recruit her.” he answered. (When they say ‘recruit’, they mean ‘take by force’.)
“Good. Take Red and Silver.” The two men that he mentioned seemed to materialize from the shadows. ‘Red’ and ‘Silver’ aren’t their real names. It’s a name that each of them have chosen so they can be pronounced easier. (Their real names are hard to pronounce)
“This way.” said Fred. We will call the guy who followed Sarasi ‘Fred’ because the name that he has chosen looks like a jumbled mess of letters. (Kiolalzsty)
The three men left the house. They headed to the marketplace because Fred said that ‘it is the best place to start.’ Fred lead them past dark, empty houses, and through confusingly twisting streets, until he stopped. They had stopped in front of an odd-looking house. It wasn’t really odd. It just had weird shutters (rainbow) and a black door. A giant derelict black door. It looked like it would fall off its hinges at any given time. The house was white, but it was turning gray with age.
“Are you sure this is the house? It looks like a house an old lady would live in.” Red said, a little doubtful. Red is young, with a voice that isn’t high, but it’s not deep either.
“It’s an apartment building and she’s in the third room on the first floor.” Fred said. His voice was an average man’s voice. Silver didn’t say anything. In fact, he never says anything unless it’s really important.
“We going? Or did we come here to gawk at the house?” asked Silver. He was looking back at the others. His voice is really deep. Red has never heard him talk before, and has hoped to, just like everyone else in the gang. Fred’s heard him once before.
Red stared at him. Fred tried to get him to move. Silver just kept walking.
“Hurry up! He will leave us.” hissed Fred. That got Red going. They hurried up to the door, acting like they were supposed to be there. They hurried to her room, and, finding her door unlocked, went in. They looked around the dark room. That’s when they heard the voice, saw the eyes, and felt the malice.
“If you value your lives, you will leave right now. If you don’t, then stay.” Then, since no one moved, something launched itself at the biggest man who just happened to be Silver. He didn’t utter a sound as he fought for his life. Fred and Red just stood there in a shocked silence. After a while, the struggling sounds ceased.
“Will you leave now that one of your party is hurt, or will all of you die?” the eerie voice asked.
“W... We’ll leave.” said Fred. Red was too scared to answer.
“Good choice.” the voice didn’t sound so eerie now.
“No! We’d fail the boss and get in trouble! We need to get her!” said Red, who had gained enough courage to say something.
“Do you want to die?” hissed Fred. When Red shook his head he said, “That’s what I thought. Now help me get Silver out.”
When they got out of the building and into the light, Fred looked to see if Silver was okay. There was no mark on him except for the claw marks on his cheek and the bump on his head.
“That’s all? I thought it took more than that to knock him out.” marveled Red.
“There was something evil but smart talking to us. It could have killed him, but it didn’t. Look at the claw marks. They aren’t deep enough to really hurt him, but they are deep enough to scar.” Fred told him, “We need to carry Silver home. He won't wake up for a while, and when he does, he’ll have a big headache.” They proceeded to carry him home.