Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 14

It’s morning. A school morning. Actually, it’s the first day of the Cleansing month. My birthday is in three days. I’ll be sixteen. The weekend went by so fast, I swear I was asleep the whole time. Maybe I was..... Anyway, when I walked in the door and towards my locker, I saw Aster at his locker. Just staring at it. When I started to turn the dial, he shut his locker. Then I opened mine.
“Where do you live?” he asked. Way too random!
“Astral Avenue 3264.” I answered. Why was he talking to me?!
“No, I mean your real address. Because that one is fake.
“No, it’s not.” Now I was arguing with him.
“Yeah, I went there. The address exists, but it’s still fake. A young man lives there.” What?! He went to my fake address? I didn’t think that anyone was living there!
“Why do you need to know where I live?” I asked cautiously.
“Exactly. Mind your own business.” I told him and walked away.
Apparently the hallway had filled while we were talking because I heard the whispers.
“The witch is at it again.” -from a boy.
“Did you hear what she told him?” - a girl.
“She told him to mind his own business and then she just left!” -another girl.
“If I was her, I would tell him everything about me!” -weird girl. I ignored them. I went to the library.
A few hours later, I was back in the class where I first met Sunlight. At least Aster was back to acting normal. Except for the part where he keeps looking at me, thinking I don’t see him doing it. But I was.
“Now, everyone follow me.” Mr. Motz said when he walked in. Everyone got up and followed him into the next room. The room where I was chosen. There was some Astrals in there, but Sunlight wasn’t one of them.
“Now, everyone but,” he looked at his list of names, “Sarasi walk up to the Astrals. One will come to you.”
After about ten minutes, everyone had an Astral. Night has a dark blue one, Aster has a yellow and white one (the closest to gold and silver, which was weird), Jayson has an ornery purple one (suits him perfectly), Petraeus has a neon pink one (that you could clearly tell he loved), Sam (a random guy) has a green one, and everyone else had the assorted colors. (I don’t feel like naming the 23 others.)
“All right. Since everyone has one and has told me their names, we can start training. Try to get on them.” Mr. Motz instructed. I had no Astral. So I walked up to Mr. Motz and asked him what to do.
“Call him.” he told me, distracted, “Hey! You don’t ever touch their tail unless they give you permission!” he yelled at Sam, but was a little late because Sam was flying across the room.
Now, how in the world do I call Sunlight? It’s not like he has a mobile phone. First, I tried talking out loud. (Quietly of course)
“Sunlight! Sunlight! Come here!” I whispered. Not working. So I tried thinking it.
‘Sunlight. We have to train together because Mr. Motz said so. So please come?’
All of a sudden all of the Astrals fell silent. Sam poked his Astral’s tail. No reaction. Which was weird. Then the area of the wall where the Astrals could come in started to open. No one was near the lever. All eyes were on the increasing gap in the wall. When it was completely open, all eyes could see Sunlight hovering out there. Apparently, he can also control things with his mind.
‘You came!’ I thought. But I didn’t expect to be answered.
‘Of course. Why wouldn’t I?’ Sunlight thought back. His ‘voice’ was deep, but not very deep. Average, you could call it. Instead of answering, I just stared at him.
‘Are you still there? May I come in?’ he asked.
‘Yes, you can. You don’t have to ask. You’re the Prince.’ I told him, after I realized he was still hovering outside. After he came in, the gap started to close.
‘I always ask. If I didn’t, someone would throw a fit.’ he told me. Since when are Astrals able to talk mind-to-mind?
‘Only I can. Well, my family too if they were alive.’ he said.
‘How did you hear that?’ I asked him.
‘I hear any thought from anyone about me or my kind.’ he told me, completely serious.
‘Wait, how do you know what I’m saying?’ When he asked me that, I realized that I have been talking with him in Astral language. I got over that realization quickly. I ‘projected’ him a picture of my ‘Speaking to Astrals’ book.
‘That explains it.’ was all he said.
“Okay. Now that that’s over, everyone keep trying to get on them.” Mr. Motz said, “And don’t touch their tails!” he yelled at Sam. Again. He was about to touch his Astral’s tail. He froze. His Astral fixed an eye on him. (Later, I learned his Astral’s name was Ams.) Apparently, he liked tails.
“Well? You gonna get on?” Sunlight asked in his language out loud.
“O-Of course.” I answered, “May I?” (I asked about his tail.) He nodded.
When I put my hand on his tail, I understood why Sam kept trying to touch Ams’ tail. It was soft, like the downy feathers of a newborn owlet and as silky as fresh silk made by silkworms. Or maybe even softer and silkier than that. When I looked up, I saw him looking at me skeptically.
‘Are you done feeling my tail?’ he thought at me.
‘Oh, sorry. I’ll get on now.’ I could hear his harrumph of amusement in my mind. I proceeded to get on.