Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Twenty

Chapter 20

I was jolted awake. There was a burning on my wrist too. That was the first thing I noticed. The second thing I noticed was that I was being carried by a stranger. That explains the jolting. By his garb, I could tell that he was a Cleanser. I was so terrified, I couldn’t move. Then I saw Aster running on this guy’s right. What is he doing here?
“She’s awake!” the soldier said.
“She is? Finally!” I heard Simon say. There was no worry in his voice.
“Sarasi, we are going to the castle. Dan here is going to get us in.” I heard Niya say. If I had never heard her speak before, then I wouldn’t know who’s talking. Then I got my voice back.
“I can run, you know.” I told them.
“It’s faster if I carry you.” Dan said, completely doubtful.
“Too bad. I’m not being carried like a baby.” I told him, stubbornly.
“It’s not too far. I can still carry you. There is nothing to argue about.” Dan said, equally stubborn.
“Yes, there is. Now put me down!” I yelled. He did. Only because I had suddenly become incredibly heavy. (I learned that part later.)
“Oof!” he fell, dropping me.
“Ow! Why’d you drop me?” I asked.
“You became as heavy as a whale.” he said.
“What? How?” I asked.
“Your magic is kicking in. It will somehow do something so you can get what you want. What am I saying? I’m even confusing myself!” Aster said, shaking his head.
“You’re not confusing me. It makes sense. If I need something to happen, my magic makes it possible. It that what you were trying to say?” I asked.
“Yes. Shhh! I hear something!” Aster put a finger to his lips.
We heard people moving around. All of us froze. We strained our ears to hear what they were saying.
“Why does Dan always end up disappearing during things like this? He never has to clean things up or do the dirty work.” one voice said.
“Oh, it’s because he’s the ‘best worker and doesn’t have to do a job that would desecrate his honor.’ What a load of crap!” a second voice said.
“But he’s the boss’ son.” a third voice said. I looked at Dan with a question in my eyes. He shrugged.
“Who does he think he is? The King?” the second voice asked.
“Shhh! He might be nearby. Or one of his friends could hear you and tell him! Then where would we be? We’d be out of a job! Or worse, dead! You know how the boss is!” the first voice said.
“Who cares? I doubt anyone is around! We’re supposed to find people who are missing from the square. I doubt that there is anyone.” the second voice said. They were getting closer. Dan realized it too at the same time I did.
“Aster, you take this and put it on Niya. Simon, lay on Niya like you’re sick. Sarasi, I’m going to carry you like you’re sick. Simon, Sarasi, make sure you look like you’re unconscious.” he tossed Aster a leash.
“What-” Simon started to ask.
“Just listen. We have no time.” Dan interrupted.
“What about Niya’s color?” I asked, finishing what Simon was trying to say.
“We’ll say her fur is dyed. Now hurry!” Dan scooped me up, Simon laid down on Niya, and Aster put the leash on her. And the guys came around the corner.
I shut my eyes enough that I could still see the three men coming toward us. They had uneasy looks on their faces.
“Hey Dan. What are you doing with these kids?” the first voice asked. He is a middle-aged man with straight brown hair and brown eyes.
“Hey. How are you?” third voice asked shakily. He is a younger man with blond hair and very blue eyes.
“Hi.” second voice said. He is a grumpy old man with white hair and brown eyes.
“Hey. I’m taking these two kids to the clinic.” Dan said.
“Man! Are they okay?” third voice asked, “I think that the girl is hot. How old is she?”
“Are they brother and sister?” first voice asked.
“Who’s the boy holding the leash?” second voice asked.
“All three of them are brothers and sister. The girl is too young for you. This is their pet, Ayin.” Dan explained.
“Whoa! Why does it look like that Nyager Cat, Niya?” first voice asked. Dan looked at Aster. Aster looked irritated. I wonder why.
“We dyed her fur. She scratched me.” Aster said, lying through his teeth.
“Ow. That had to hurt. Did it heal well?” third voice asked.
“Yes. After my mother put alcohol on it.” Aster said. First voice hissed in sympathy.
“Well, hate to break up this conversation, but we need to get his siblings to the clinic.” Dan said.
“Sorry for stopping you. I hope those kids feel better.” second voice grunted.
“Thanks. Let’s go!” we continued on.
Soon, we were in the area closest to the ‘castle’ that the Cleansers have taken residence in.
“Okay. I’m going to have to sneak you in as prisoners now. Otherwise, the guards won’t let us in.” Dan said.
“But- you’re the boss’ son. Shouldn’t they let you in?” Simon asked, confused.
“No. Everyone has to have a good reason to go in.” Dan said, “Plus, I’m a rebel. I never listened to my father, so, he doesn’t really like me.”
“Apparently, no one knows that yet. Sometimes, that’s a good thing.” Simon said.
“Here we go. Put these on your wrists. I’ll tie them.” Dan handed us weird cuffs to put on. He put a metal collar and chain on Niya. He tied strips of cloth to the middle of the chain that connected the cuffs together. I really feel like a prisoner now.
When we walked up to the castle gates, two guards stopped us.
“Halt! What is your business in the castle?” one of them asked.
“I’m here to put these prisoners in the dungeon. They were caught snooping where they weren’t supposed to.” Dan said with a wry smile.
“Ha-ha-ha! Kids, you should’ve listened to your parents! Wait a minute. Aren't all people supposed to be executed today?” the other guard asked. He said that with such casualty.
“The boss of executions says that these four will be done tomorrow.” Dan said, definitely making something up on the spot.
“What’s the Nyager Cat on death row for?” asked the first guard.
“She looks like Niya. My brother found her. Told me to take her in. I found these brats on the way.” Dan said.
“Hey, doesn’t that brat look like the missing boy from the gang? Oh, what was his name?” the second guard snapped his fingers, “Simon!” Crap. Simon didn’t show any reaction to his name.
“Must not be. He answers to ‘boy’. I think that might be his name. Can we go? I’m starving. I’m supposed to eat with a lady friend tonight.” Dan said.
“Ooooh! A lady, eh? Who is it?” the first guard asked.
“You’ll find out later. I need to meet her in a few hours. See you later!” Dan called, leading us through the gates.
“That was a close one!” I said.
“I’ll say. Now, how do we overthrow my father?” Dan asked.
“Do you really have to meet a lady tonight?” Simon asked.
“No. We would’ve been there for hours if I didn't say that. I wish I was though.” Dan said wistfully.
“I know that Sarasi has to use her magic to take back the throne. If only I studied the books more.” Aster said.
“There are ancient magics buried deep inside this castle. Sarasi has to say a spell and they will be woken. If the royal family had lived here, then they wouldn’t have died.” Niya said.
“Well, what’s the spell?” I asked.
“I don’t know. But the ancient magics would always protect the rightful heir to the throne.” Niya said.
“That’s helpful.” Then a thought struck me, “What if I’m not the rightful heir?”
“Don’t be silly. You are. You have Niya, the birthmark, and your magic.” Aster pointed out.
“Yeah. Magic I don’t know how to use.” I snorted.
“Well, lets go down to the practice room. It’s where my father practices his magic.” Dan said. Aster whirled on him.
“Your father has magic? Why didn’t you tell us this sooner? Sarasi, we need you to go to the practice room. I’ll go to the library.” Aster said, ordering us around.
“Why do you go to the library?” I asked.
“So I can read and find out how you use your magic. Like if you say a jumbled mess of letters from a language long forgotten or just a word.” Aster explained.
“I hope it’s not the jumbled mess of letters from a language long forgotten.” I said, “I wouldn’t be able to talk!”
“Meet you in the practice room!” Aster said, then ran off.