Status: Read me!

The Princess


Chapter 22

I was speechless and surprised at what Niya said. Surprised because of the way she said it. No emotion at all. Speechless because of the truth in it.
“Just like Sarasi’s mom.” Simon said glumly.
“It’s unfortunate, I know, but all the more reason to get rid of my father.” Dan said.
“Why do you want to get rid of your father so bad?” Aster asked.
“He’s not really my father. He’s never had a woman before. He repels them.” Dan said.
“Then why do you call him your father?” I asked.
“He told us to. My brother- he really is my brother- completely adores him. My ‘father’ adopted us.” Dan explained.
“Why’d he adopt the both of you if he doesn’t like you?” I asked. Dan was confusing me.
“We were little when he adopted us. We’re twins. The only reason he adopted us was because we had magic. He wanted to try and steal our magic. He succeed in taking my brother’s, but my magic resisted his. I think my magic took some of his from him. I didn’t know anything then because I was about five. As I grew up, he hated me. He refused to talk to me about magic, so I would leave the house and go somewhere else so I could be taught magic. Now I know I have Common magic. What kind, I don’t know.” Dan said. It was the most he has said at one time.
“You... have magic? Cool! That’s more on our side. Hey, you can teach Simon while Niya and Aster help me.” I suggested.
“That’s a good idea! Let’s go!” Simon said, dragging Dan, or trying to, a few feet away.
“What word do I say to attack with?” Simon asked him. Dan started explaining.
I looked at Aster and Niya. My opinion of Aster has changed. Not just now, but it changed a while ago. First, he was annoying. First time it changed, I thought that he was a stalker. Now, I think he’s nice and kind of cute. What am I thinking?! I have to save the kingdom, queendom, before I can think of things like that!
“So, how do start?” I asked.
“You can start by telling the knives to get out of that target and go into another.” Niya told me. I turned toward the knives.
“Get out of that target and hit the bull’s eye of another target!” I told them. The knives got themselves out of the target then ‘flew’ to the one that I indicated. They went through that one, the next one, and the next one, and hit the farthest target.
“Ooops.” I said with a smile. It feels good to feel unstoppable.
“Normally, if you weren’t specific, then it would go to a random target. You just need a stronger grip on your magic. That was a show of how powerful it is.” Niya said.
“Wow.” Aster said.
“I’ll try again. Knives, go to the center of that target.” I ordered, pointing to a target a few feet away. They obeyed.
“It worked!” I exclaimed.
“Of course it did! Keep at it. Try other ‘spells’ too.” Niya ordered, “I’m checking on Simon and Dan.” Niya left.
After practicing for a while, Aster looked thoughtful.
“What?” I asked him.
“What what?” he asked, snapping out of his ‘trance’.
“You looked like you were thinking about something important.” I told him, hinting that I wanted him to tell me. He didn’t get the hint.
“I wasn’t.” he said.
“I’m not an idiot. I might be a girl, but I’m not unaware of things.”
“What?” he asked. I confused him. It worked!
“So, you're actually listening? Then answer this question. What were you thinking about?” I pryed.
“Ummmmm.......” he said. I could tell he didn’t want to.
“Come on, spill it. I’m not practicing anymore until you tell me.” I crossed my arms and stared at him. He gave in. Score!
“I was, what's my importance in this whole thing?” Aster asked.
“Boo!” something hit my shoulders and yelled that at the same time. I screamed and jumped away from that spot. It just happened to be toward Aster. I knocked him over. When I looked at him, I noticed that he had green eyes. Blond hair and green eyes. Nice combination.
“Sorry.” I told him, getting off him.
“If Dan didn't suggest that, then I wouldn’t have done that!” Simon was rolling on the floor laughing with tears coming out of his eyes. Then he stood up and wiped his eyes.
“Aster, you are very important to this thing.” Simon said seriously.
“What?” Aster asked, surprised that Simon had heard him.
“Yes. Without you, we wouldn’t have known what kind of magic Sarasi had. Heck, without you, we wouldn’t be here right now! You knew that she was the princess and knew everything about it. Without you, we wouldn’t even have this plan!” Simon said. He was definitely wise. Then he ruined it by running off to tell Dan about his success.
“Simon is right, Aster.” Niya said, jumping into the conversation.
“I guess I do have an importance.” Aster paused, listening to something. “Shhh!” Aster silenced us. We could hear footsteps coming down the hallway. We looked around but didn't see anywhere we could hide.
“Lpsopn Nolmp.” Simon said. I watched as every one of us turned invisible, including me.
“Uh, how much did you learn?” I asked Simon.
“Just the basics. He just needs to learn a little more and he’ll be fine for a little while.” Dan said.
“Quiet!” Simon hissed.
A man who looked old, but wasn’t, walked in. Dan’s ‘father’. He was muttering to himself, like Aster said, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. He stopped talking when he saw the targets that I destroyed. He looked around slowly.
“Guys, find a hiding place now.” I heard Dan’s voice whisper in my ear. I looked around and headed toward a pile of boxes. When I crouched down, someone bumped into me. I froze. I couldn’t see who it was, so it has to be Simon, Aster, or Dan. I knew it wasn’t Niya, because I didn't feel fur. It’s not Simon, the person isn’t short. It’s not Dan, the person isn’t hairy. It’s Aster. I hope everyone else is hidden.
Dan’s father was muttering up a storm in a language that I know now is Lycen. All of a sudden, I could see Aster. We stared at each other.
“He detected the magic and undid it.” Aster whispered.
“What? How?” I asked.
“His type of magic can detect lesser magic. Yours might be able to too.” Aster explained.
I looked through a hole in between the boxes and saw Dan’s father looking around the room for us. As he looked inside a storage room, Niya and Dan ran quietly to the doorway out of here.
“Meet us outside of this room somewhere.” I heard Dan’s whispered voice in my ear again. He was using magic.
As Dan’s father looked behind some extra targets, Simon ran out. Then I realized that he was heading toward us. We had no place to run to. I was thinking so fast, for once, I got an idea quickly.
“Hide us please. Completely undetected.” I said, grabbing Aster’s hand. Then I added quickly, “And let us see each other.” A few seconds after I said that, Dan’s father rounded the edge of the boxes.
“I thought someone was down here! There has to be an explanation for this! I’m going to have to ask all the guards again. They just don’t know how expensive targets are!” Dan’s father left, muttering to himself again.
“That was quick thinking. How come he didn’t detect it?” Aster seemed confused.
“I asked my magic nicely?” I guessed.
“I don’t know. We can ask Niya when we find her. And them.” he added as an after thought.
“Yeah. We should get going.” Then I realized that I was still holding his hand. I dropped it and quickly left so he wouldn’t see my red face.