Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Aster!” I screamed. After Jamal had killed the two men, he threw the knife at Aster. It hit him in the chest. He fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I screamed his name again and ran toward him.
“Aster! Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. For now. Pull the knife out. It kinda hurts. Just saying, I might faint when you pull it out. Thank goodness it didn’t hit anything important other than my skin and muscles. But it hurts….. So pull it out.” he said with a pained face.
“Okay. Just remember-you told me to.” I told him. Before he could answer, I swiftly pulled the knife out.
“Ow….” he said, then passed out. I then put him up with the other three.
“Now it’s just you and I, with you losing your magic as we speak. I can easily see the outcome of this battle.” Jamal said with a smug look on his face. Then he said a word that made his magic blast toward me. It threw me back with so much force that I hit the back of my head on the wall. I was out like a light.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Sunlight looked down and saw that Sarasi was losing. Badly. She’d win if she didn’t have to worry about the other four, but she can still win.
‘Why wasn’t she using it?’ Sunlight thought, ‘This would be over if she called it.But why hasn’t she?’
Sunlight quietly watched the fight proceed. Sarasi had told him that they didn’t want to anger him anymore. So he stayed out of the way. But now, Sunlight’s not too sure what he should do. When Sarasi was flying back, she hit her head and hasn’t moved since. Sunlight knew she wasn’t dead; he would definitely know that. But she would be dead soon, if he didn’t do anything. He knew that Jamal was cooking up something nasty that with one hit, would also kill her. So he acted quickly. He dropped down right in the path of Jamal’s spell. It fizzled out before it reached him.
“You! You’re still here?” Jamal exclaimed, for once refraining from throwing a spell.
‘Of course I am.’ Sunlight thought to him.
“Wha… you…. spoke…. in my mind.” Jamal said.
‘Of course. What else would I do?’ Sunlight said matter-of-factly.
“Do all of you do this?” Jamal asked wonderingly.
‘So much stupid-oh! You’re back!’ Sunlight exclaimed.
“Oh…. I’m going to have a huge headache now…” Sarasi said, getting up.
‘Of course. You just got conked on the head.’ Sunlight said, from now on excluding Jamal.
“Hey!” Jamal yelled.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

‘Thanks Sunlight.’ I told him.
‘Anytime.’ he answered.
‘Clue me in?” Jamal asked.
“How about…… no.” I told him. He started to get mad again. So he started shooting blue fire at us. As we dodged, well, as the fire went out as Sunlight shielded me, Sunlight decided to have a conversation.
‘So… Why haven’t you woken them?’ Sunlight asked.
‘Woken who?’ I asked in return.
‘Niya told you about them, didn't she?’ he asked.
‘Oh…. We did have a conversation about something sleeping here or some big power that would only protect the heir.’ I said.
‘Yes! That’s it! Do you know the word to wake them? You could really use this.’ he said excitedly.
‘Uh… word? I never knew any word.’ I said worriedly.
‘Well, just start yelling words that mean wake up!’ Sunlight ordered.
‘It’s worth a try.’ I agreed.
“Wake up!” I yelled. It made one of Jamal’s shots go awry.
“What are you doing?” he yelled, shooting an even bigger one.
“Get up! Wake now! Awake yourselves! Now get up! Sunlight! It’s not working!” I yelled.
‘Think harder. Hey…. Whoa!’ Sunlight exclaimed.
“Wait! There’s another word! Awaken!” I yelled.
It became deathly silent in there. You could hear a very faint rumbling-sounding like it came from underneath us. All of a sudden, there was a bright light, and you could hear Jamal’s blood curling scream. It was a terrible sound to hear. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. The light disappeared, and Jamal was laying on the floor, dead.
I asked Sunlight what had happened and he said: ‘I saw many people that looked like beings of light, and they were attacking Jamal, one by one. He’d beaten about two or so, then he started sweating like crazy. His fourth person warned him saying, “Stop. You are battling with your life force, not your magic. I suggest you stop.” Then Jamal said, “No.” And he pushed with all he had against them. After that, he collapsed and died. The rest you know. Your protectors, well, the royal heir protectors, have saved you.’ Sunlight concluded.
“Wow.” I said aloud, “We’re free. We’ve won! Hey, can’t I ask the heir protectors what I should call them?”
“Kalikaz.” the whisper went throughout the room.
“Oh, ok. Kalikaz?” I asked.
“Um… by any chance…. can you heal all of my friends?” I asked.
“Try… we will.”
The fire bubble around Dan, Aster, Simon, and Niya disappeared. Each of them were surrounded by white light, then lowered down. First Aster. His wound was healed, but the blood was still on his shirt. When he touched the ground, he ran to me and hugged me.
“We won!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah.” I said, laughing. Then Niya was let down.
“Well done. You figured out the word just in time.” Her fur was all healed and she looked like normal. Then Simon came down. His face had more color, and the bruises from the invisible hands had healed.
“Sarasi! Or… should we call you Queen?” he asked.
“Don’t be silly.” I told him, then gave him a big hug.
When Dan was let down, I expected him to smile and say something funny. But he didn’t. He wasn’t even standing. He was laying on the ground and was very pale.
“There’s nothing we can do. He’ss too far gone.” the Kalikaz said.
“No, not Dan….” I trailed off as tears started running down my face.
“Sarasi…” Dan’s weak voice called me. I rushed over to him.
“Dan…. I’m so sorry.” I said.
“Sarasi…. it’s okay., Jamal is dead. You’ve won. if I weren’t here, then you wouldn’t have got this far, let alone into the castle.” he said, then coughed.
“Oh, Dan. Your name will go down as a hero.” I told him.
“That’s nice and all, but, how about it goes down as your friend?” he asked, a smile on his face as he died.
I smiled through my tears. He’ll be remembered as anything he wanted, everything he was, and more.
“Sarasi? We need to tell the people.” Aster said.
“Yes. We do. Kalikaz? Can you put Dan in a very special place, like, the garden maybe?” I asked.
“We’ll tell you where he’ss at.” they whispered.
“Okay. Everyone, on Sunlight. Oh, Sunlight, can we?” I asked.
‘Why not?’ he said, bending down.
We flew out the hole he had created in the roof. The bright sun shined on his colors, making him gleam.
‘Come to the square.’ Sunlight told everyone. After they had gathered, we landed on the big block in the middle. We got off, and I used my newly restored magic to project my voice.
“People of Aels, you have been freed!” I yelled. A huge silence occurred after I said that. I looked around and saw that there was still Cleanser guards patrolling.
“Capture all Cleanser guards and bring them here.”I whispered, using my magic. There were exclaims of surprise as it worked. In a few seconds, they were beside me.
“Jamal, the Cleanser leader, has been killed!” I announced, “You have been freed!” There was a huge cheer, and I could also hear people whispering about who I was.
“This woman, Sarasi Angeli, beat the Cleanser leader. She is also the missing Princess.” Aster said. People’s mouths dropped open.
“How can we be sure?” one person yelled.
“Sure that I’m the Princess? Well, Sunlight, Niya, and my magic is proof of that.” I said.
“So? What magic?” they asked. Didn’t they see it earlier? Oh, well.
“Give the woman what she wants most.” I said, pointing at a random woman in the crowd. Nothing happened. Then Simon started floating through the air. he landed before the woman.
“Your son.” a voice hissed.
“My-My son? Simon? Is it you?” the woman asked.
“Mom? You’re alive?” Simon asked, “But…. you died.”
“I didn’t. Your father did though.” she admitted.
“I still have you!” he exclaimed, then hugged her.
“The Princess! The missing Princess! Sarasi Angeli! We’ve been saved!” Everyone started chanting.
“Yes! Yes! You’re all safe!” I laughed, completely happy with nothing to worry about.