Status: Read me!

The Princess


Nineteen Years Later

“Aster! Catch him!” Sarasi yelled, falling over. Aster chased after a little boy with blue eyes and red hair.
“Gotcha!” he exclaimed.
“Dad! You never give me chance!” he complained.
“Josh, I always give you a chance. Now give Lanna back her doll.” Aster instructed.
“Fine.” Josh ran over to Lanna, who was with Sarasi.
“Here Lanna.” he said, pouting.
“Good boy.” Sarasi said.
“Mom, why can’t you play with me?” Josh asked.
“Son, I have to help your sisters. I also have to be careful so I don’t lose your coming sibling.” Sarasi patted her growing belly.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll go play with Seth.” he ran off. Lanna went off to find Jinna.
“I swear, they get more energy everyday.” Aster said, walking over to Sarasi and put an arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah. With one on the way, we’re going to have our hands full.” she told him. They kissed, then went to find what other mischief their kids were causing.