Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Five

Chapter 5

I knew that she was lying. I tested her to see what she would do. I’ve questioned people so much that I can tell if someone’s lying. Her body tensed up with anger and her jaw hardened when I didn’t show any sympathy for her dead parents. I also didn’t let on that I knew her name. She would know that I was questioning her for information if I used her name. No one even talks to her. She seems lonely in a world full of people. ‘I’ve got to find out where she lives.’ I thought. ‘Somehow, I need to get to the office.’ I gathered up my stuff and went to lunch.
When I got there, I saw one of my ‘buddies’ sitting in my spot. Hmmmmmm. I’ve got it! I will ask him to move (I know he will), talk a while, get up and get lunch, and that’s when my ‘buddy’ will be in my spot again. Start to fight with him, get sent to the office, see my dad and the records. Perfect plan. Nothing should go wrong.
I went over to the table and said, “Hey Ricky, you’re in my seat.” he didn’t do what I’d thought he’d do.
“There’s a spot over there.” he said. Uh-oh.
“No.” I answered, “ that spot is beside my girl.” She really wasn’t my girl, but I had to find a reason to sit in that spot. No one here was. All of them are too giggly for me. Speaking of giggly girls, the girl that was sitting there giggled and blushed when I said that.
“Dude, can’t you sit somewhere else?” he asked. I could care less where I sat, bu today, I had to go see my dad.
“No, but you can sit somewhere else.”
“What about that girl you ran into and knocked out?” I’m really starting to dislike him more and more.
“She’s fine.” I answered calmly.
“But you weren’t! You were carried to the nurse’s office too! All because you hit your head. You just wanted attention. You’re just a big sissy!” That was it I didn’t even have to go and get lunch.
I launched myself at him. I knocked him clean out of his chair and we slid three feet on the floor. And that’s difficult seeing that I was standing five feet away when I launched myself at him. I threw the first punch. It hit him square in the nose. Blood spurted out all over his shirt. At least his shirt is dark blue. Same as all of the shirts that everyone wears. We have uniforms. He hit me twice, once on the side of my head, the other in the mouth. My lip started to bleed. That is the only punches he hit me with. He has never been a good fighter. He wasn’t that much of a match. I secretly (only my dad knows) wrestle Flaegs every day. They wrestle in the air! I’ve thought of joining the Flaeg wrestling team, but I have to talk to my dad first.
I punched him in the nose again and I heard a satisfying crack. His nose was broken.
He gave up. Just like I thought he would. By now, a teacher had come and tried to pull me off of him. I let her pull me off so I would seem like I didn’t want to go. She said to us, “Boys..... You know the rules about fighting. You get suspended!” She started to ‘drag’ me to the principal’s office and another teacher took Ricky to the nurse’s station. But before she could get me out of earshot, I yelled to Ricky, “Sissy!!” Most of the boys at my table smirked.
I don’t think that he will do that again. I will make him remember this so I can get my way with him. I knew that I’ll win the next time it happens. I showed him who was boss.
She dragged me to the office, sat me down, and said to the secretary, “Send him to the principal.” and then left.
The secretary looked at me and asked, “Fighting is it?”
“Over what?” the secretary had a very squeaky voice. It was annoying.
“Something that is none of your business.” I answered. Man, this lady loved to pry.
“Well. He will see you now.” she said, glaring at me. Ms. Frotu has never liked me. I have never given her a compliment. The closest she will get to a compliment is a glare. I hate that woman. I got up and smirked at her, and went into my dad’s office.