Status: Read me!

The Princess

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7

I went and sat down in the chair in front of the principal’s desk. My dad turned around and said, “What did you do this time?”
“I got in a fight with Ricky.” I said with a smile.
“Did you win?” the principal asked.
“Yes. He wasn’t even a good fighter!” I told him, almost whining.
“How’d you win?” he drills me still.
“I broke his nose.” I answered.
“Good job. Now, why did you get yourself in trouble?” my dad asked.
“I found something, but I can’t tell you yet. I have to make sure. I have to look at the records. Can I?” I asked him hopefully. (he knows that when I get myself in trouble it’s only because I might have found something.
“You’ll have to get them when the secretary leaves. I’ll call you down to the office for when she’s gone,” he said, “now, get to class!”
“Yes, sir!” I replied. I picked my stuff up and left. The secretary smirked at me as I left. I stopped at the door, turned around, and made a face. She looked appalled. I went to class.
When I got there and sat down, my best friend, Jaysin, asked, “What did he do?”
“Who?” I asked. The question caught me off guard.
“The principal! Duh!” he answered.
“Oh. He called my dad.” I told him.
“That’s what he always does!” he complained.
“My dad...........Let’s just say you never met him and you never want to.” I said. All of a sudden, everything was quiet. I looked up to see Sarasi standing there. Everyone was just staring at her. Poor girl. I took pity on her. “Hey, you! There’s a seat over here!” I called. Thankfully, she hurried over here.
“Dude! Why did you do that?” asked Jaysin.
“I’m not mad at her. She did nothing wrong.”
“Everyone’s saying that she pushed you down and laughed about it!” he said.
“No. We ran into each other and fell and hit our heads. That’s all.” I explained. Man, does gossip create things. “Oh.” was Jaysin’s answer.
“Well, I like the other version much better.” this was said by Petraeus, Jaysin’s friend, “I think that it’s more believable.” He said this with a sneer in his voice.
“Why do you think that?” I asked him.
“She is obviously a witch.”
“I highly doubt that she’s a witch. Even if you’ve never seen her face you can tell by her hands. Are they gnarled?” I asked him. He never paid attention in Witch 101.
“No.” Jaysin said, trying to be helpful.
“Who cares? I want to see the hag’s face.” Petraeus said, getting up and going toward Sarasi. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered that Sarasi could probably defend herself.
He got behind her and he moved his arm so fast that it was a blur. He was known for that. His speed and uncanny accuracy. So it was surprising that when she moved her head out of the way so that he would only push the back of her hair out of the way. Don’t know how she did it, but she did. When Petraeus moved her hair, I saw the unmistakable mark of a Cleanser. I look around, quickly, but no one showed any signs of seeing it. So, I was the only one. Cleansers don’t put their marks there. Theirs is on the back of the hand.
She was saved by Mr. Motz because he looked up from what he was working on and said, “Petraeus, what are you doing?”
“Um.....I asked Aster what we were going to do today.” Nice save.
“Well, next time, I think it would be much smarter to ask the person who teaches the class what we are doing today. Right?” he asked him.
“Yes, sir.” Petraeus mumbled.
“Now class, in answer to Petraeus’ question, we are going to meet the Astrals today. Some of you might be chosen today. Although I highly doubt it. The last time someone’s been chosen on the day they met the Astrals was at least 20 years ago. But, for sure, everyone should get chosen tomorrow. If not, the next day, even though tomorrow’s the official choosing day.” he said to everyone, “now, let’s meet the Astrals!” Mr. Motz got up and left through a side door. Everyone else followed him including some of the adults that were learning to teach. We walked down some steps and into a colossal room with a whole bunch of Astrals. I saw many of Astrals, but there was only one massive one. He was at least a head taller than the rest of them. Mr. Motz was talking about it. He said that it is royalty. That it was the king’s son.
“King of them all?” one girl asked him.
“Yes.” answered Mr. Motz. He continued with his explanation, but I tuned him out. I focused mainly on the Astrals. All of them are beautiful. The ordinary ones were either red, orange, blue, green, yellow, or purple.
Astrals are a majestic breed. They have powerful wings that could kill a person with just one swipe. Their long tails help them with their balance. Their back legs help them to lift off and land. Their forelegs are joined with their wings. They also have claws to protect themselves. They also have some kind of natural armour all over their bodies. There is no vulnerable spot. The only way to find it is to be chosen by one of them. Even when you’re chosen, that Astral’s spot is in a different spot than another’s. Also, you can’t see the armour. The only way to see it is to get chosen. The prince is a gold mixed with silver type of color. His wings and forelegs are separated, but only royalty has it that way. When he’s in the sky, and you look up, you can’t see him because he blends in. No matter what the weather is like.
I look over at Sarasi and see her making eye contact with the prince. The prince stepped forward and so did Sarasi. She seemed to be moving her mouth. Mr. Motz had stopped talking. Everyone was looking at Sarasi and the prince. The prince was bowing his head for her to touch him. She did. They looked each other in the eyes and nodded. Once. Twice. And a third time. There was a flash of blue light and the prince disappeared. I have just witnessed a choosing.