Status: Bored.

You Can't Leave Me..,

You Can't Leave Me..,

He followed the attendant robed in white as he walked briskly through the double doors.

"How much further?" Lars asked in panic. "Not much further just through these doors." The doctor simply replied having no idea how much shock and pain the drummer was in.

Lars looked down the hall and saw the doors down the hall way.., in reality they were maybe about ten yards away, but to lars they were miles that he would have to trek through to reach the person on the other side.

He started walking he miles he had to go his pace increasing as he verged closer.

"Um.., doc?" Lars asked. "Yes dear?" She again blankly replied. "What should I expect?" The drummer questioned as he quivered in fear of what might happen to the man. "I have not been given the results yet, but wait until you see him and you will find out!" The attendant replied as the stood outside the doors.

Lars took a deep breath hoping the outcome of the accident would be positive. But the young man was still in shock because the person at the other end of the gun (not the barrel) was aiming for him, not his lover.

He slowly pushed open the doors his hands shaking from anxiety which he never experienced before this moment.

"James!" Lars gasped as he ran over to the hospital bed cupping the bigger mans hand in his cheek and benson down to kiss him with tears stinging his eyes threatening to roll down his cheek. "Are you ok? Oh please tell me you'll be alright." Lars pleaded tears finally bypassing his attempts to keep them back.

"I don't want to lie to you lars.., I'm so sorry but they said when I got shot.., they said the bullet was too close to my heart to operate on..," Lars was crying and weeping harder and harder each word he spoke, but this next sentence James said really set him off. "I really don't want to say this to you lars, but when the time comes it will make it's way to my heart-" at this point James started to cry too. This was the first time lars has ever seen 'the mighty Hetfield' cry. "I won't make it!" He bawled and wrapped himself tightly around lars not knowing what to do or say for these were going to be his last few moments with him alive.

"I love you james! I love you I love you I love you! You truly have no idea how much I have enjoyed my life when you came into it.., I wouldn't be anywhere without you and you made me complete.., I love you!" Lars yelled and engraved into James's head as he bawled into his black Danzig shirt making it wet for it was already soaked with blood from the brutal wound.

"I-I love you too lars, same goes with me I love you more than anything and I couldn't live without you.., I love you more than anything and your the light of my life!" The frontman cried in pain (in actual pain and from the pain he was causing lars).

The smaller man pulled James into a sloppy open mouthed kiss as he knew he must savor these last moment with the one he loves the most only breaking for him to say "I love you." Before going back to stroking his face and comforting him.

"I'm so sorry about this baby, I love you I love you!" He managed to say before growing weak and throwing his head back into the pillow as the heart monitors beeping grew slower and slower as they rubbed noses and silently cried silently to themselves because crying was for depressing moments but this would affect the drummers life forever.

"You wanna know why I got shot?" James croaked. "It was because the sniper was aiming at you..," he stopped to take a breath, "and since I love you, I took the shot..," he trailed off.

"WHY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Lars bawled and hugged the older man after hearing about him taking the bullet out of his love for the young Dane while Stroking his long flowing blond hair fanned out over the pillow as he lay there helplessly going through the most painful moment of his life despite the tragic loss of thee fellow friend brother and band mate cliff.

The monitor stopped beating. James was dead.

Lars planted a soft lingering kiss on his temple and stroking his cheek and more features on his face before closing his eyelids. The next the he knew the Dane ran across the room throwing his fists against the wall, "why! Why him and not me! What did he do to deserve this!" He said taking deep breaths due to the lack of air from sobbing.

He Sunk to his knees curling up and falling over onto his side while rocking back and forth sobbing so hard it hurt as nurses and surgeons of all types rushed to the aid of James.

Lars lunged forward and clawed at the nurses tending to his loves lifeless body screaming, "NO! YOU CANT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! Why did this have to happen.., I love you..," Lars managed to force out as his world suddenly turned white fuzzy to black.
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And once again fuckin' enjoy!