Status: Active

The Immortal Descendants

Pandemonium. That is the world where immortals are free to do as they please without any risk of being discovered by humans. It’s a separate world with separate laws and leaders, though they call their leaders royalty in their world. Pandemonium is based on an monarchy system with kings, their queens, and their descendants. Those descendants are their heirs and heiresses, who are also the sons and daughters of the kings and queens, a.k.a. princes and princesses. These descendants live separately from their royal parents.

Why, you ask? There are actually a number of reasons, but I’ll just tell you the main ones. #1: It’s easier to rule a world without the distraction of your kin. #2: The parents hope to keep up the peace between the separate classes. But little do the parents know that the descendants have split into two groups because of opposing morals, disrupting the peace between the classes. Though everyone else in Pandemonium knows it, the parents or royals are simply too busy to pay any attention to their children.

The two groups of descendants are simply called The Saints and The Sinners. There are six whole separate classes in Pandemonium, however. The class of vampires, werewolves, elves, angels, demons, and shape shifters. All classes have their own immortal features and each individual is born with a unique skill or talent. And the only way to kill an immortal is if you hit through their heart, decapitate them, or use their weaknesses against them.

Vampires have enhanced strength, sight, hearing, beauty, speed, attraction, judgement, charm, grace, and intelligence. They crave the committing of immoral acts and have extendable pearly white fangs with retractable black claws. Their want and need for blood can cause trouble, so their self-healing abilities are a plus. If you need something to relate them to, I would go with a black panther. In addition to that, yes, the sun, crosses, and holy water will burn them. And stakes through the heart? Well, that would kill any immortal.

Werewolves are a little more complicated though. They only have their immortal features when they are in their true form, a wolf. When they are in this form though they have enhanced speed, strength, smell, sight, hearing, self-healing abilities, agility, and judgement. They need meat and have the ability to understand animals. But when they are in their reserved form most of them are all quite the same. They all have powerfully built and tall bodies with lively personalities. In your human world, they would probably just seem like the popular MVP of your school. Silver has always been a weakness toward them.

There are two types of angels: Fallen and Sterling. The Sterling Angels have enhanced beauty, grace, and intelligence. Their innocent personalities accompany a communication with God, ability to grant prayers and get along with all animals, a slight white glow to their skin, healing powers, retractable white wings, and special unknown, unique powers God bestowed onto them individually. Again, if you must compare them to something, then it would simply be a white dove. Sadly, they cannot heal themselves and have to deal with injuries on their own.

They cannot get any illness, however, unless they have sinned. If they have, then they simply get a horrible feeling in their gut that will spread until they have become a Fallen, if they keep sinning. On the contrary though, if the sins are repented somehow in due time then the feeling will go away and they won’t turn into the other. Now, Fallen Angels are not exactly what you would call a happy ending with their a shade too pale skin color and lost white glow. However, their eyes are something on a whole other level. They are ring set, tinted red at the whites, completely black irises, and death is reflected in them. Their powers turn into black magic and their wings are what causes them to become a fallen. The white feathers start to turn black at the bottom roots until the wings themselves are completely black and while that’s happening they also start to drive themselves completely into the angel’s shoulder blades as they turn into something absolutely vile.

Once the process is done, all that’s left are two slit-like scars both an inch wide and six inches long. But what happens to the wings? Well, that’s what causes the black magic and the inability to die. The wings end up turning into a inky, parasitic liquid that replaces the blood and heart of the angel. This angel now has the power of self-regeneration, whether they want it or not. That means that even if they’re ripped to shreds, they’ll always come back in perfect condition. That again is not a very appealing process and it is very painful for the angel. If I had to compare them to anything then it would be a crow.

Now, Demons are a race you never want to be near and, yes, they are descendants of Lucifer. Technically though they are more creatures that were forged by Lucifer to be his descendants. They have enhanced strength, speed, and senses. They also take a liking to blood and can communicate with Lucifer by a bond that cannot even be broken by death. Their beauty, attraction, and elegance are overshadowed by sinister qualities, foul personalities, and dishonesty. They have two retractable black horns on their heads, bat-like extendable wings on their backs, retractable black claws on their fingertips, and also a black retractable tail, not to mention self-healing abilities. More than often, they are the cause of all havoc in Pandemonium. Vultures would be my pick for this one.

Next on our list is shape shifters. Ah, they’re a crafty bunch and almost as bad as demons themselves. They have enhanced speed, intelligence, judgement, and senses. They crave to cause mischief and take a liking to torture and games. They have elegance, beauty, and attractiveness also overshadowed by distasteful qualities and an antagonizing personality. They own the ability to change into anything. These are tricky little things that will get you into a lot of trouble if you’re not careful. They’ll most likely remind you of a fox or snake, depending on the individual.

And now we’ve reached our last class, the Dark and Prime Elves. You see unlike angels, elves have a choice of what path they want to go in. But be careful because once you chose, you can never go back. Be a Dark Elf and be respected by all from fear. But be a Prime Elf and be loved for simply existing.

Dark Elves have enhanced senses, speed, and self-healing abilities. Their beauty, elegance, and attraction are overshadowed by malicious powers, craftiness, the ability to wield the Foul Elements, and slightly pointed ears. The Foul Elements are darkness, fire, metal, lightning, and fog. Prime Elves have enhanced senses, grace, beauty, attraction, charm, judgement, intelligence, wisdom, and dignity. They have alluring auras, healing and self-healing powers, the ability to wield the Holy Elements and get along with animals, great patience, and slightly pointed ears. The Holy Elements are water, earth, air, and light. Prime elves are like unicorns, where as Dark Elves are like bats.

The main character of our story is, in fact, a prime elf. Her name is Alatariel Nieena Falassion and she is the princess of the Prime Elves. And things get a little crazy in her life as The Saints and The Sinners start an all out war between the classes, over her.
  1. Chapter 1
    The Proposal.