My Savior

Guitar riffs of Guilty Pleasures

-Castle Bam-

Cerulean blue eyes stared up at the skateboard covered ceiling tiredly as sun peaked through the black curtains draped over the window pane. The bedside clock red ten in the morning, leaving the curly haired male to groan and shift himself into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes to a more alert state. Picking up torn jeans, and an old H-I-M shirt, he made his way down the swirled black staircase of his gothic castle-like home. The smell of breakfast being prepared by his mother made his stomach growl.

“Mornin, sweetheart.” his best friend and “Life Partner” Brandon Novak replied with a laugh. Ryan Dunn smirked.

“Yeah, Morning Doll-face. How'd the king sleep last night?” he slipped into a chair beside his best friends.

“Good morning Bam.” April Margera said cheerily as she passed him a stack of pancakes

“Hey Ape. Morning, you classless scavengers.” Dunn looked on in mock offense.

“Excuse me, Mr. Margera, I am anything but classless! When I'm drunk by noon.” April smacked the back of his head.

“Ryan. really?”

“Sorry, ma. May I please have more food?” Ryan's hazel eyes pleaded, causing the older woman to groan. “Bam wasn't wrong on the scavenger part.” as she placed more pancake mix in the pan.

“So what's got you in a mood? Lost your favorite skateboard?” Novak asked.

“Fuck off.”

“Seriously idiot, what the hell's the matter? Ever since you left Missy you've been acting like a bitch on her period. Get over it, it's done, she's gone, and we don't want her back. You cheated anyway.” Bam glared. Ryan sipped his coffee.

“I miss her, but I don't. She wasn't the one. I'm twenty-seven years old, I'm not getting any younger.”

“I think today's the day you meet your future bride.” Novak said seriously. Bam scoffed.

“Novak, I love that since your second stint on rehab proved to help you, but come on, you been saying that to me since the divorce was finalized. Over a year. Face it, you're wrong.” he sighed, “I'm gonna get showered and shit. Element scheduled a meeting on me and the head of the sponsorship collaborating on a new project, and if all goes well, they talk partial ownership.”

“Of the team?!” April stared at her youngest son in awe.

“Yeah. I'll tell you more about it when I'm home. Also, you fuck faces better not make Ape clean up even more than usual. It's my job. Not yours.” soon his footsteps faded up the stairs.

“So Bam's gonna find love?” Ryan laughed.

“It's closer than he thinks. He just needs to see it when it hits him.”

“All that dope went straight to your brain.”

“Maybe so, but even I knew Missy wasn't the one.”

“We ALL knew that dipshit. Right Ape?”

“Yes Dunn, whatever you say. Now get over here and help. Brandon, you too.”

“Yes mama number dos.” April just smiled satisfied. She too secretly hoped Novak was right. She did hope Bam would find love.



She stared at her reflection in the glass and choked back a sob, as the final bits of cover up were applied to the fresh bruises on her cheek bone. Dinner still imprinted in her mind. She had forgotten a few trivial things, nothing she would notice, but this was Mark. Of course he noticed. In the end, he screamed at her. Calling her names, saying how useless she was until she cried, then he would stop, and stare at the pitiful heap on the floor, and yank her up by her wrists. He'd force her arms around his neck. Saying how he doesn't like violence, but she needs the discipline that her father had lacked, and like a robot, she can't help but agree.

Mark just smiles.

It's noon, as Ashleigh walks downstairs to find Mark in the kitchen sipping coffee, her cup is by his, steaming with the hot liquid. She inwardly gags, she hates the taste of coffee but takes it anyway, kissing her fiance's cheek out of sheer habit.

“Would you like any lunch?” timidly she asks. He catches her eye and smiles, it's stomach churning and cruel.

“Why? So you can fuck that up too?” he raises a brow.

“No! I just thought you'd be hungry. Dinner was an accident.”

“Well, stop having accidents, making mistakes, and pissing me off, then we won't have a problem.” Ashleigh chokes down the remainder of her coffee. Hoping Mark misses her misty eyes, she heads to the sink hearing his coughs as he swings the glass by the handle on his finger tip.

“Mistake one.” he replies coolly.“And you didn't thank me for the coffee I poured for you, mistake two.” her words fail her as he squeezes her waist roughly. She has no choice but to take the cup and wash it as well. Sighing, she glances out to the busy streets, cars swarming by people bundled in winter attire walking along.

“Mark?” she calls, glancing behind. He seems to pay her no mind.

“Can I go out in town and pick up some decorations? Christmas is in a few weeks after all, and I'd like to make this house as nice as you remember it as a child.” Mark stares amused. She's as innocent as she was three years ago. He finds it beautiful and erotic.

“I suppose that's alright. I need to go meet a client up in New Jersey anyway. So I may not be back until later or even tomorrow.” her face breaks into a childish grin as she hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek.

“Thank you.” he holds her by the shoulders.

“Don't you dare say I do nothing nice for you. Take your cellphone as well.” she nods, as he walks up the stairs to dress, she follows suite to get her jacket, shoes and purse, happy to enjoy the outside world without Mark hot on her heels.


The outside air is frigid and stale, smelling of fire embers and pine trees. The young brunette decides against driving and wonders through little side shops by her home, smiling at children playing the the fluffy cloud like snow along the way. A little girl waves at her with a gap tooth grin, Ashleigh waves back. Feeling happy that she had gotten a few strings of lights and a wreathe for the door, now she needs to head into town looking for a fake tree to set aside as the holiday's closely approach.

The college town is quite nice around Christmas, she was always a big fan for having gone to the university. She knew this place like the back of her hand. It eased her mind, seeing kids just like her in hooded sweatshirts and backpacks, ready for the month break that awaits them.

She sees a blue hummer in front decorative store and she knows she found her stop. Loud metal blasting from it's cracked windows. It sounds like Cradle of Filth or H.I.M some of her favorite bands as a teen, and her secret pleasures as an adult. She breaks into a sprint. Completely missing the sheet of ice in the concrete, she flails, her ankle twists painfully as her head smacks the pavement with a loud thud that spots her vision and makes her body limp. Her eyes slowly close as the ringing in her ears register the guitar riffs of the metal music she heard only three minutes ago, only this time they appear closer. Then her world fades to black.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder who was in the hummer? ;)