Status: Work in progress. Also the first story I've let anybody read. Any and all comments welcomed

Embracing the Storm

Or Not

Chase quietly made his way downstairs. Deanna was still sound asleep and he needed to figure out how he'd bring up the two of them joining. He stopped short when he saw the figure standing in his kitchen. Long white hair pulled back into a ponytail, silky gray robes sweeping the floor, it could only be one person.


The older man turned, a small smile on his face. Nodding towards the table he waited for his grandson to sit.

“It’s good to see you gramps.” Chase sat, the smile on his face gradually fading.

“We don’t have much time. The other Elders will be here shortly. Where is she?” The Elder Storm watched his grandson.

“Sleeping. What’s wrong?”

Taking a deep breath the Elder Storm nodded. “Before we can perform the ceremony, an Elder must record it into a log. I made sure nobody was around when I did it, I figured this way there was less chance of it getting back to her father.” Rubbing his hand down his face, the Elder sighed. “While I was recording the entry, Elder Black entered the Hall of Records.”

Chase stared at his grandfather, slightly confused.

“The Elder Black is Deanna’s grandfather. Her mother’s father. He hasn’t seen his granddaughter since her mother passed. He noticed the entry Chase. He also knew she was supposed to be married to another.”

Chase stood, anger beginning to bubble inside of him. “I’ll not give her up!” He shouted.

“Calm yourself. Nobody is telling you that you have to give her up. I had to explain the situation to him though.” Smiling, he pulled his grandson into a hug. “Back up is on the way son. Go wake her, she needs to be ready for meeting her grandfather.”

Chase slowly made his way to Deanna. How was he going to tell her that her grandfather was on his way to witness the Joining, when he hadn’t even brought it up to her yet. Taking a deep breath and wiping his sweaty palm on his pants, he opened the bedroom door. Deanna stood in front of the full length mirror, hands resting on her still flat stomach.

“Are you okay with this?” She asked his reflection.

“Sit and lets talk.” Smiling at her, he motioned towards the bed. “Deanna, I’m thrilled with the idea of you carrying my pup.”

“But?” Deanna asked, sadness lacing her voice.

“No, there are no buts. I’m happy that you are having my pup. It’s just that we kind of skipped a step.”

Deanna blinked at him, confusion on her face. “Skipped a step?”

“Yeah,” Chase nodded “we skipped a step. Before the pups, usually comes the Joining.” Running a hand through his hair, he smiled weakly at her. “So Deanna what do you say?”

Deanna leaned over and placed a light kiss on his lips. “I thought you’d never ask Chase.”

Nodding, Chase deepened the kiss, quickly pulling away. “Good. Now that the hard part is over, you need to get ready. We will have company soon.” Taking one last look at his mate, Chase made his way downstairs

Deanna swiftly threw on a pair of jeans and one of Chase’s shirts. Inhaling deeply, his scent wrapped around her like a cocoon. Placing her hand on the doorknob she paused. Company? What company would they be having? Aside from his pack, she didn’t know to many people around this area. Shrugging, she happily made her way downstairs.

Walking into the living room, Deanna stopped. Standing in the room with Chase stood two Elders, neither that she recognized. Clearing her throat the three mean turned to face her.

Chase reached out grabbing her hand. “Deanna, I want to introduce you to my grandfather.” Chase motioned to the gray haired man. “He’s here to perform our ceremony. Which we need to do immediately.”

Deanna smiled and shook the man’s hand, “Nice to meet you sir.”

“And this my love is the Elder Black, your grandfather.”


Deanna stood once again in a white gown, except this time it was by choice. The Elder Storm was speaking about the roles of the Alpha and his mate, but all Deanna could think about was seeing her grandfather again. Her mother couldn’t be here to witness this, but she was happy the somebody who loved her could. The last time she saw her grandfather was when she was five, before her mother passed away. When her mother died, her father cut out that side of Deanna’s family. Never did she think she'd ever see them again. Glancing over at him she smiled.

“Now before the ceremony can be completed we first must begin the chase. The Alpha’s mate is given ten minute head start.” The Elder Storm motioned for Deanna to run, “On your mark, dear.”

“Catch me if you can.” Deanna blew a kiss to Chase, a grin spreading across her face.

Turning to run she barely made it three steps before an all to familiar voice rang out.

“There will be no chase on this day!” Marcus’ voice boomed.