Status: Work in progress. Also the first story I've let anybody read. Any and all comments welcomed

Embracing the Storm


John stood on the threshold of an unfamiliar territory, Stephen Norton was no longer the Alpha. Every hair on his body was standing on edge, he couldn’t allow himself to consumed by the unknown. He was only trying to save his brother and Deanna. He never thought about the consequences of taking out an Alpha when he acted. He knew what happened when one challenged the Alpha and won. Killing Stephen triggered his dormant Alpha gene, and he would do anything to hold onto his new role. He knew how ruthless Stephen was, and he was unsure about how the rest of the pack would greet the change in leaders. He hoped they would be for it, but more than likely they would be against it.

With each step into the territory, he grew more confident. This was now his pack, the members his to care for. The snapping of twigs had him turning, shocked at the appearance of the woman in front of him. She wore rags, dirt smudged across her face. She trembled, sensing the dominance pouring from him.

“You shouldn’t be here.” Her voice was just above a whisper. “The Alpha and his men will kill you.”

John opened his mouth, ready to reassure the woman but closed it. She was slowly backing away, eyes wide in fear.

“You! Get back to work!” Anger and authority oozed from the voice.

Looking over his shoulder, John noted the male approaching. He was large and clean, with a smug look on his face. He was pure evil.

“You better be off. We don’t take kind to trespassers on our land.”

John faced the approaching man, keeping his voice calm as he looked him in the eye. “Your name and position.”

“Rob and I am Beta. The Alpha is away on business right now, which puts me in charge.” Taking a step forward, Rob narrowed his eyes when John didn’t move. “You hear me?”

John smirked, “Oh I heard you loud and clear, but I wont be going anywhere. You on the other hand will.”

In a flash Rob was charging at John, intent on killing him. Readying himself, John slammed his shoulder into Rob’s gut. The brute flipped feet over head, landing in a heap on the ground at John’s feet. Pinning Rob down and wrapping his hand around his neck, John leaned in close, slowly squeezing.

“This is my pack.” John growled. “I am Alpha now. Stephen is dead and you will submit to me.”

Rob didn’t struggle, his eyes growing wide at the realization that John was telling the truth. Giving a nod and adverting his eye’s Rob acknowledged John’s dominance over him.

Holding the pressure a little longer, John released his grip. “To answer your unspoken questions, Stephen attacked my brother and his mate. I killed him. You will come with me to announce to the pack about the change in leaders. Some of the Elders will be here in a few days to overlook the transition.”

Making his way to the main living section of the territory, with Rob slowly walking behind him, John was appalled. While the Alpha’s house was in pristine condition, the rest of the pack was made to live in squalor. This pack consisted mostly of women and children, most likely to keep anyone from challenging the Alpha. Mother’s quickly rushed to move their children out of his way, eyes always down, never directly looking at him.

They were forced to live in what looked like nothing more then run down huts. Some of the homes looked like they wouldn’t make it until winter, while others looked like they wouldn’t protect the occupants from the cold that always comes. He couldn’t see how an Alpha could force his pack to live like this. The hunger on the faces of those around him tore at his heart, and he knew exactly what needed to be done.

Walking over to a mother clutching her young child, John smiled at her. “Don’t you worry.” Putting a finger under her chin, he looked her in the eye. “We are going to fix this. I am your Alpha now, and I promise you I will fix this.”
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I previously uploaded this chapter, but after uploading it I decided I didn't like what I i revised it...hope you enjoy the revised chapter