Status: Work in progress. Also the first story I've let anybody read. Any and all comments welcomed

Embracing the Storm


Deanna froze at the mention of her old pack. She didn’t mind bringing up bits and pieces of her past life to John, because he didn’t ask questions. Chase was relentless with them though. Standing she grabbed her plate and made her was to the kitchen. Dropping her plate into the sink, she leaned her hands on the counter and took deep shuddering breaths. Just the thought that her father might find her terrified her. She knew he would drag her back, but he would probably kill this pack, John, and Chase. She fought back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

Deep in thought she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until a hand touched her shoulder. Screaming she turned and dropped down the her knees, expecting to see her father standing there. Strong arms wrapped around her, lifting her up. Taking a deep breath she met Chase’s gaze. His blue eyes full of concern, and something else.
“Please Deanna, let me protect you. Tell me why you wont let me.”
Leaning her head into his chest she began to sob, “I can’t.”

Chase carried her up the steps and laid her on her bed, tucking himself in behind her. Ignoring her protest, he held her tighter until her sobs subsided.
“Dee, let me in. Confide in me. Never once as your Alpha have I ever given you reason to doubt me in anything. I’ve looked out for your every need, I’ve cared for you, taken you in without knowing a single thing about you.” Rolling her over to face him he brushed her hair from her face. “Give me a chance, please.”

She could tell he wasn’t expecting what happened next. Deanna’s arms flew around his neck as she pulled him in crushing his mouth with hers. She wasn’t sure why she did it, but it felt right. His mouth took over softening the kiss and nipping at her neck. Without realizing what she was doing she rolled her head to the side, giving him better access. Chase nipped and caressed her, stoking something inside of her she never felt before. Heat was beginning to build and she squirmed. Through the haze that was filling her head she was aware of two things, Chase was beginning to undress her and his expert mouth barely left her heated skin. His rough palms cupped her breast and rubbed a callous thumb over her nipple as he trailed kisses over her belly. Her body hummed, she didn’t know she could feel this way. Her eyes shot open and she tried to pull away when he pulled her thighs apart, only to have his grip on her tighten. Inhaling deep he let out a low growl. She watched as his eyes dilated and his breathing changed.
Deanna blushed, relaxing when he softly licked her, tasting her.

Nuzzling her he inhaled deep. “I can smell your arousal Deanna. It’s intoxicating.”
Chase couldn’t believe how well she was responding to him. It took everything in him to go this slow and to not quickly claim her, no matter how much his wolf we begging him to hurry. Sliding up her body, Deanna’s legs immediately cradled him. Her breathing was becoming uneven, her eyes slightly dilated. Chase reached one hand behind her lower back, adjust the angle that their bodies will meet. Looking in her eyes she gave her the chance to change her mind, when she didn’t protest he quickly entered her. Only to stop as he penetrated her thin barrier and at her quick gasp of pain.
The quick stab of pain brought Deanna back to her senses. She refused to push him away, knowing it would do no good. Looking in his eyes she felt the pull of the connection they shared strengthen. Taken a deep breath she allowed her body to relax and looked up at him. She was glowing on the outside but on the inside she was terrified. If her father catches her and finds out she is no longer pure he may kill her. She would be considered damaged goods, but he'd probably make up a story that she was forced. On the bright side, Stephen Norton wouldn’t want her anymore. Smiling her first real smile at Chase she pulled his face to her, kissing him, urging him to continue.

At each thrust their connection became stronger. Chase rumbled his pleasure when Deanna began making light gasping noises and clawing at his back. Not able to hold back any longer Chase rose to his knees, lifting Deanna with him. Holding her body to his he thrust one, two, three times, growling his release and spilling inside of her, pleased when he felt Deanna’s body contracting around him.

As if time stood still Chase felt a jolt of energy zap through his body, followed by a white flash behind his eyes.
‘Mate!’ his wolf howled, ‘there is no denying it now!’

“Chase, did you sense that?” Deanna’s body went limp in his arms, her hot breath puffing against his neck. “What was it?”
“What do you think it was Dee? How do you feel?” Chase laid her back on the bed and watched her stretch.

“How do I feel? Sore. Tired. I feel strange, like something is pulling on me.” Deanna watched Chase through heavy lids. “Will you stay with me?”
Chase smiled down at her, “Always.”

Chase looked at the clock, it was 2 AM and he hadn’t slept a wink. Deanna woke him having a terrible dream. Between seeing the scars on her back and hearing her painful cries to her father in her sleep, he began to understand why she feared men. He opened the door leading to John’s room.
"You awake?”

At the sound of his Alpha’s voice John jumped out of bed.
“What’s wrong?” John stood ready to pounce on whatever had his Alpha waking him.
“I need you to do something for me.” Chase leaned against the door frame, arms across his chest.
“What ever you need brother.” John relaxed rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“I need you to dig up whatever information you can on Deanna. I want to, no need to know who her father is. I need to speak with him.” At John’s nod Chase went to leave only to stop at John’s laugh.
“You sly bastard. You finally got her in bed did you?”
Chase turned seeing the smirk on John’s face, before he could deny anything happened John’s smirk widened. “From the looks of it, she is a feisty thing. ”
Grinning Chase nodded. “That’s why I need to speak with her father. She’s the one.”