Gensokyo 20XXIII: Revelations and the War Amongst Fantasy Lands

Part IV: Turmoil

Well, there is only one bottle of fine liquor and Mokou, Kaguya, Yuyuko, and I opted to share it. As usual, Yuyuko was going on and on about Seija the Mofo. Mokou, Kaguya, and I ain't amused by the fact that someone other than Yuyuko ate most of the food. Honestly, of all the things that mofo had to do, why did eatin' the food be one of them? Bitch. Anyway, that day, she spoke of killing the little fucker. "Ya can't be serious, Yuyuko." Mokou said, passing the bottle to Kaguya, to which Yuyuko said, "But I am and that little fucker is only going to cause more trouble and that is all she really does."

I blinked and said, "Okay, well, um, um, ya' know what? You're right, all she really did do was create trouble! I mean we've just been Okuu'd and is living in the aftermath of it and are tryin' to survive and there she goes and messes it up." Kaguya nodded, passed the bottle to me, and said, "Uh-huh, that is all she's done."

"Exactly! I mean, if she is going to stay, then we may as well kill her and use her for food."

"Hmm, I wonder what she would taste like."

"Eh, she'd probably be kinda um, well, tough to eat, Kagu."

"Maybe she'll make a nice soup."

"Hmm, I think she'll taste better barbecued."

"See? That motherfucker is better off as food for the rest of us but, no, it's a first time offense. "First time offense" my ass!"

"So we can't kill her because what she did Yuuka considers a first time offense?"

"That's bullshit! Yuuka can be too nice but what Seija did IS worth a punishment."

"Damn straight."

"I know one thing, Seija will do something that will get her punished once and for all."
"No, suffocate you!"
One night, I heard the troublemaker try to brainwash me into killing the remainders of my sanity. My little Reimu, Ran's babies, Chen, and little Shimmy are the only thing that makes the world worth living while it is in this state and she was using my love of them against me. No, this couldn't stand. "Oh, listen, Yukari, they won't be any more than a burden and they will only suffer, so you would be doing what is best for them by taking that pillow and putting them out of their misery." I knew what she wanted and, just as I almost did what she wanted me to, I turned around, holding the pillow in my hands, saying, "No, suffocate you!" Before she had time to register what it was I was to do, I had leapt onto her, holding the pillow on her face, slowly watching her go limp and white. I had to eliminate this monster once and for all. Just as she was dying, as her last breaths were being taken from her, I was caught in the act was forced to stop. I wanted to see her die, I just wanted to and she needed to die.

When Yuuka inquired on what I was doing, I told her the absolute truth and demanded punishment for the inexcusable. Yuuka then declared that there will be punishment but it will be done fairly and once she has been resuscitated. We voted and decided that, if we are to keep peace, then she should leave. Seija snickered and said, "Alright, I promise I'll go and never return." Yuyuko and I would not be sated and raised hell against about it, Yuyuko saying, "Bullshit! You let her get away with eating half of the food and using our water as bathwater and she's done a whole lotta messed up shit before like causing a car accident, leaving that entire road a blood bath, that one time she caused like over six people to fall off of a bridge, and that one time she blew up some gas stations. Bullshit! I say you let me kill her ass because she is going to do is cause more trouble should she be allowed to live." Ran, cradling the babies Seija tried to trick me into killing, said, "Okay, since we are not kill her, then we should we should cut off her arm at the elbow to ensure she won't return and her chances at survival diminished, also to make a stew." Of course, we'd know she would come right back, so I demanded ALL of her limbs be severed. When I had mentioned the notion of doing so, Yuuka answered, "Now, now, dears, one arm should be enough."

Ran sighed and said, "The only way to keep peace and for her to never come back, so the only way to ensure that is cut off all of her limbs and gap her far enough away OR cut off one limb and send her far enough away." Naturally, we were divided on how to go about it and and who was to carry out punishment. We voted again and, as we were voting, Koishi suggested we "ask Reimu", Sattie stating, " Reimu will more than likely go to one or the other and whichever she picks will be our choice." I opened up a gap and Yuyuko sat down a knife, Koishi placing Reimu between them. I instead of going to one or the other, Reimu had flopped over, apparetly picking both. Of course, that sent us back to square one on how many limbs should be cut off. Ran stated it should be three limbs and a few fingers. We cut off her limbs and I prepared to gap her away.

As I was getting ready to gap her away, she said, "Heh, I was trying to help you all by eliminating what is less likely to survive and those children are less likely. Well, I'm off, bitch." Naturally, I responded, "I'll see you in hell." I sent her away and we were done with her forever.
"Yuuka, will you put make some tea?"

"We're little short on water."

"Is there any milk?"

"The only milk around here comes from Ran's strawberry creams and that is for her babies."


"No, dear, we're short on those, too."
According to Yuuka, we were short on some food and water. I was almost to tears. I was so hungry and thirsty my throat felt closed up. We did eat Seija's limbs in a stew but that was a little over month ago and good food is just a memory. I feel even worse because Chen, Ran, Ran's babies, and Reimu are just as hungry and need food more than I do. Sadly, Ran's milk supply is starting diminish, so she is losing the ability to feed her babies. All we have left is no more than measly cans of beer and cigarettes.

That isn't all, the air is starting to get even colder, meaning winter would be arriving soon and the rest of us are virtually doomed to starvation, adding to a higher death toll, then Huzi and I will be alone in this decrepit town. Meiling killed herself, Patchouli passed away of her health problems further complicated by the worsening times, Koishi is close to death, and Sakuya has gone into some catatonic state. As the air gets colder, any tears I shed turn into snowflakes as they hit the ground. Even Huzi, the phoenix who usually feels so warm, feels cold. Both the warmth from us seems to have faded. As time further went on, my hair grew back an icy white. I guess this is how Eirin felt around the time she committed suicide. She committed suicide in the winter.

In the end, Huzi and I sat in the same corner where our shadows were ingrained and where were where the bomb was dropped in pile of my snowflake tears.
"Reimu, my sweet, Mommy loves you very much and, because I love you, I have to go now."

"No! Come with!"

"I'll come back and Ran will take good care of you."