Status: Please ignore any missspelling or grammar mistakes... Hope you enjoy the stroy :)

California Love


"Here we are.". It was a lovely white house, a big white house. The neighbourhood was lovely, like they always were in the movies and tv shows. Kids running around, trees in a row, these big footplates everyone would know from Desperate Housewives. Wow, it was weird what Tyler ensured. He had to grin at that thought.
"We're back.", he shouted. Two girls ran down the stairs. They were identical twins and the first thought Tyler had was 'This is going to be hard.'. "Hi, I'm Tyler.", "Hello, Melanie", "Stepahnie.", they said within a second. "Short Mel, and Steph.". They are pretty and lovely girls. Another person was in the back of the room, she entered from the balcony, not facing us. "How old are you?", Stepahnie asked looking up to Tyler. "I'm 24 years old.", "Oh my god, he's british.", Melanie squaked. The third person walked towards them. "Mom, that's Tyler.", Frank introduced him to the beautiful woman. "Hello, Tyler, nice too meet you.". Tyler cleaned his throat as he answered with his name as he did it for the 10th time today. He couldn't stop looking into her blue bright eyes. The feeling of her soft hand made him go crazy. She was probably 40. But damn! he thought finally letting her hand go. "Alright, I'm gonna take him upstairs. Showing your room, mate. C'mon.", Frank said as he reached the stairs. Tyler grabbed his suitcase and followed the man. There was a big hallway, it was not long, but just... big. The stairs were like in the middle of the hall. There were doors in every direction. Frank walked directly into a door, a bright light lit up the whole hall. "This is your room, mate.". A double bed stood right next to the door, a sofa was on the other side of the room, facing a flat screen tv on the wall. The wardrobe was behind the door and a big window made the room look warm. Frank dropped into the sofa spreading his arms to kinda present the whole package of awesomeness. "Wow. That's ace.", "Ace?", "Sorry. That's a british slang, for 'SICK!'". Frank laughed as he stood up and pat on Tylers should saying that he should take a nap before they eat. The first thing he did was taking his shirt off, the ugly scars covered his muscled chest. The pictures were all across his head. "Stop it.", he whispered as he threw the shirt into his suitcase and put another one on. A hand went through his black thick hair and felt his subbles to let him know that he has to shave again. The bed was simply heaven. He rolled on his left side, then on his left side. Eventhough he was tired as hell, he just couldn't sleep. Her face was always in his mind. How am I gonna stay in the same house with her for months?! Usually he was the heartthrob, the one every woman fell for, but this time it was the other way around. He was flashed by her beauty. She wasn't that kind of woman, who had the big fat boobs and 'DAT ASS', she was a well dressed woman. Not deep necks, not hotpants, no makeup, no blonde hair, nothing about her said 'Look at me I'm 17 years old!', that's what he loved about her for the very first second. She was beautiful on her own way. Just stunning.
At these thoughts it was getting hotter and hotter, so he took his shirt off and tried to sleep topless. Well he had the body. The abs, the v-line, the biceps. He liked it himself, except the scars. They annoyed him. Too many stories, they tell. With this things in his head his eyes shut and his breath went slower and slower.
"Oh god!", she hushed as she entered the room. 'Why is he sleeping topless, is he insane?'. She took a deep breath as she reopened the door. Small steps made their way to the bed as she slowly touched his shoulder and whispered his name. He didn't move. 'I don't even want to see your body. No, no, no.', she thought as she squinted her eyes trying to avoid the looks of his corpus. "Tyler.". Another try. Finally he slowly moved and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but dinner's ready, dear.". 'Dear? What the... Are you sick Gemma, dear?!'. His eyes were still closed as he made a pain filled face. "Dinner?", he asked quiete. "You must be hungry?". Tyler turned around to face her as he didn't know who he was talking to. He based his weight on his ellbows still fighting against the tiredness. "The kids are not at home. They went to get the dogs, we brought them to a friend, as we didn't knew whether you like them or not.", she smiled sitting on the edge of the bed. "I told him that it's ok.", Tyler answered finally having enough power to get up. Suddenly a loud voice. "Then who's that?". Her face was filled with fear. "Oh no.", she whispered. "Is everything ok?", Tyler asked as he stood up and peeked out of the room. "You better stay in here.", she said as she passed him and walked out. "No, who's that? Is there any problem?". She turned around and tried to look happy. Tyler followed her downstairs eventhough she always tried to push him back, touching his skin, making him go crazy again. But he needed to stay calm on this one. It was all feeling weird and not right. Something was wrong. "GEMMA!", the voice screamed again. A man was standing in the kitchen with his back turned to them. "What's it?", she asked doing her best to sound self-confident. As he turned around he noticed the young, good-looking man, with his black hair being messy and his bright blue eyes looking at him. "Who dat?", he mumbled. Is he drunk or what? "It's Frank's exchange partner.", Gemma introduced him. He walked towards her and slapped her without any warning. Tyler pushed him back and turned to her to see if she was okay. But the man grabbed him and pulled him back. "You liar! You were fucking this guy!", "WHAT?!", she shouted still holding her cheek. "Sir, you got it wrong. I'm not her lover.". Gemma and Tyler exchanged weird looks as he finished the sentence. "I'm just Frank's friend.". The man turned around sighing before he strated to try a few punched on Tyler. None of them hit, well Tyler was a boxer, so he knew what he was doing. Then a uppercut from Tyler. Knock Out. The man fell on the floor. "Are you okay?", he asked once more as he walked back to Gemma. "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks, but Hank.", she said looking at him. "Really? He hit you and you still take care of him? Who is he even?!", "He's my ex-husband. An alcoholic, that's why he hits me.". Tyler put his hand in his neck and turned to the man. "I had to do it. Otherwise he would have hit you again.". A small smile escaped her lips as he said these words. Someone who cares.
"Where did you learn that?", she asked as she helped Tyler to get Hank up. "I'm a boxer.". With one move, Hank was hanging over Tyler's shoulder, slipping out of Gemma's hands. 'Impressive.' It was still hot outside as he walked out of the door with the knocked out man over his shoulder. "You should probably put something on.", Gemma said as she put her hand up to her mouth and nervously played with her lip. "Oh, I'm sorry.". These abs... Darn you. He's so much younger than you, stop it! He took two stairs with each steps as he headed upstairs. In that moment Frank and the girls came in with the two dogs. "Hi Baby's.", "Hi.", Frank answered. "I was actually greeting the dogs, but hello my other baby.", she corrected as she kissed his forhead while the girls where laughing. "Where's Tyler?", Frank asked as he pulled out his phone and read some messages. "I'm here.". A voice interrupted Gemma as she was about to answer. "What happened to your hand?", the girls asked as they took a look. "I fell outside and smashed it.". Gemma looked at him, felt sorry for what happened and tried to wrap that in an expression. A smile came up on his lips, as he wanted to say that everything is ok, she doesn't have to worry.
"Are we finally leaving?", Stephanie asked in an annoyed voice. "Yeah, c'mon mate. We need to bring them to their friends.". With these words the two boys walked through the door with the girls following them.
"This is going to be hard.", Gemma said to herself as she threw the towel over her shoulder and went back to the kitchen. The phone rang and the feeling of happiness came up in Gemma. "Hello?", "Hi Darlin',". A well-known voice greeted her. "Stacy!", "Yes! It's me. How are you?", "Ok, what about you?", "Is everything alright?". Sure it is. Getting slapped by the ex-husband is ok, isn't it? "Of course!", "Good. So you wanna go out tonight? Me and the girls await a yes.", she said as she began to laugh. "Uhm, when? I'm not sure. The girls will be spending their night at a friends house, so it could work out, but I have to tidy up the house. And a friend of Frank is staying here for a few months.", "So? They're young men, they'll probably go out aswell.". Gemma sighed. She wasn't out for almost two months. No one's gonna be at home, so go for it. "Ok, I'm in.", she announced and got a hysterical 'YEY' from the other line. "I'll pick you up at 8pm, be ready!".