Status: Please ignore any missspelling or grammar mistakes... Hope you enjoy the stroy :)

California Love


"Why did you even wanna come to L.A.?", Mel asked. "There's nothing special about this place.", "Oh it's not? Well I thought so. I better be leaving tomorrow then.", "No! No! I meant... like, argh.", she stumbled over her words, being confused. "I know what you mean.", he finally said after laughing for a while. "Well, if you believe me or not. I've been to many places all over the world, but never to L.A. or even California, so this was the place that I needed to scratch off my 'Where to Travel-List'", he smiled. "And also, you have a wonderful beach, perfect for surfing, palm, a red-pink sunset, every night. The weather is 24/7 hot. The atmosphere is just ace!", "Sorry?", Mel asked as she didn't get the last word. "Ace is a british slang, it means amazing or sick!", Frank explained and fist bumped Tyler. As the red car slowed down and stopped next to a familiar house the two girls jumped out of the car, getting hugged by a girl of their age, who was waving at the boys. "So...", Frank sighed as he turned to get back on the street. "What are the plans for the first night here.", "I'm sorry mate, bu I'll have to work tonight. But I thought about, you joining me. You could come with me to the club, and chill at the bar, maybe you'll meet some new people.". It was very kind of Frank, but Tyler didn't feel comfortable with the thought to sit around for hours, dirnking, and drinking that wouldn't end good. "Thanks mate, but I think I'll better stay home. Still a bit tired.", "Oh, ok then. I'll take my car, but this one will stay at home, so if you change your mind or if you wanna explore the city you can take this one.", he offered to Tyler.
As they came back home it was almost 6pm. The house was cleaned up, smelled fresh and some Jazz tunes were flooting around the rooms as they heared the humming of Gemma coming downstairs. "Oh, you're back?", "Wow, mom. What are you up to?", Frank asked, saying what Tyler thought. "Do I look ok?", "Ok? You're stunning!". A cream-colored dress, black high-heels and red lips made her look so beautiful, that Tyler's jaw dropped. "What do you think, Tyler?", she asked as she turned all around. "It's... you look very good.", he stuttered, trying not to show his desire for her. She smiled and thanked for his compliment. "The girls wanna go out and asked me whether I want to join them. So as the Steph and Mel are not at home, I thought I'd leave with them. What about you guys, you're not going to stay at home, do you?", "Well I have to work, so I won't be at home, but Tyler wants to stay here.", "Oh, why is that?", she asked as she faced Tyler to get an answer. "I'm just still tired. I think it will be better to stay home.". With that the doorbell ringed. "Coming!", Gemma said as she walked to the door to open it. A woman came in, hugging Gemma and waving to the boys who were sitting on the sofa waving back. Tyler stood up and shook the ladys hand. "Tyler, nice to meet you.", "Oh, you're british. I'm Stacy, nice to meet you too. And welcome to the states.", she responded. Stacy was well-dressed just like Gemma. As the women said goodbye Frank stood up and went upstairs to get ready for work.
"How beautiful is he?!", Stacy whispered as they sat in the car. She turned to face Gemma who was grinning at that thought. "Yes he is. But he's Frank's friend. So don't even dare to think about something wrong!", "Darlin' I saw the looks you gave him, I think you're telling that to the wrong person.", she laughed and got a tiny slap on her shoulder.

"All right mate, I'm leaving, the house is up to you. And mate.", "Yeah?", Tyler said his eyes locked on the TV as he shoved another handfull of popcorn in his mouth. "Please, please don't throw a houseparty. Not without me.", he begged Tyler as he grabbed the keys. "Are you insane!", Tyler laughed. Frank left the house laughing and threw two fingers to his temple to say bye.
Tyler sighed as he got up to get more popcorn and paused 'The Godfather', his favorite movie of all time. His eyes slowly shut as he hardly tried to keep on watching. But his eyes got heavier and heavier, until he gave the fight up and fell asleep.
A loud ringin woke him up after a few hours. The phone was laying right next to him on the table. "Argh!", he sighed as he let the pillow go, which he had wrapped in his arms while he was sleeping. "Yeah?". Tyler's husky voice, back in action. "I'm so sorry to wake you up, Tyler.", "No, not it's fine.". A smile played among his lips as he recognized the voice. "Is everything ok?", he asked as he realized that it was a weird time to call. "Yes... well no not really. I need a drive home. Stayc drank too much, just like the other girls. None of them can drive me back home.", "What about you? Did you drink?", "Not much, just a glass of wine.", "Tell me where you are and I'll be there in a few minutes.", "Allright.". As he clamped the phone between his ear and his shoulder he pulled his jeans up and grabbed his grey sweatshirt. He even thought for a second to put some perfume on. 'Nah, you don't need to overstate.'. The dimmed street lights made the neighbourhood look beautiful and scary at the same time, that was one of the views Tyler admired about the life. He threw his phone on the seat next to him, as he always does and drove out of the gateway. Bright lights, lovely Diners, the distinctive In'n'Out-Burger and many people on the streets. These are the things he always wanted to see live, the simple things which fascinated him. He slowed down as he saw a familiar person on the sidewalk. Her brown coat hung over her shoulders as she reached for the door handle. "Good evening, Miss. What's the target.", Tyler said as he pretended to be a taxi driver. His acting made her feel immediately comfortable, that's what she liked about him. Even if she doesn't know him for a long time, she doesn't have to act different. "Home, please.", she smiled as she put her belt on. "So, how was your night?", "It was fun, thanks.", "And now the truth.", he said serious avoiding looking at her. But he couldn't ignore the feeling, the feeling of her look. 'How the heck, does he that.'. "I don't know what you mean, it was really fun.". A small smile. "Really, was it? Is it why you didn't ask me to bring the other girls home, as they drunk a lot?". She was fascinated on his way of thinking, the logics behind it and his people skills. "Fine, you got me. It was ok until they got drunk and started to grab every man who passed them and even danced on the tables. That's when it all got a bit awkward.", "Well, why didn't you 'grab' a man and enjoyed the night by having a good conversation?", he asked as he put the grab in quotation marks. "I think it's because I already have a good conversation.", she smiled and got his aswell. "No, seriously. No interesting men tonight?", "Not really. This city is full of jerks.", "Wow. Seems like you got something to tell.". Gemma looked over to him, as he carried on driving home and kept his look on the streets. "It's not worth it.", "I just don't get why. You are a beautiful, smart and lovely woman. Sometimes I don't understand men.". With these words she leaned over to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "What's that for?", he asked as he finally faced her. "For picking me up of course, what did you think.", they laughed.