Status: Please ignore any missspelling or grammar mistakes... Hope you enjoy the stroy :)

California Love


He lay on the bed, with his phone in his hand and his shirt on the floor instead on him. "Tyler?", she whispered as she knocked on the door. "Come in!". A huge mistake. The shirt was still on the floor. "Well, this is awkward, but I can't sleep when it's so silent.", "Uhm, ok.", he mumbled as he sat up and thought about what to do. "You can sleep here, if you want to. I mean if you don't mind.", he stuttered the last words as he thought it would be too offensive to offer her a night in his room. "If you're ok witht that, I'd love it.", she smiled as she closed the door behind her. "No, it's fine. Lay down in the bed, I'll take the sofa.", he said as he scratched his chest. "What happened?". He immediately stopped to scratch and sat on the the edge of the bed. "Not that important.", he smiled as he tapped her leg as if he wanted to say go to bed, get some rest. She understood him and nodded as she felt his hand on her leg. Actually she wanted to grab him and pull him in for a kiss, just to smell his scent again and to feel his perfect lips. There was a tingle sensation in her stomach at that thought. She watched him as he walked to the sofa, his back muscles moving with each step he made. "Good night.", he smiled from the other end of the room. Watching her turning around as she wished him a good night aswell. It was hard for him to resist her, really hard. It was the second day here and he already suffered as hell. His phone vibrated to get his attention. And if that was a sign, it was a message from Katy.

'Hi babe. How are you?'
'Good, thanks. It's almost four in the morning here, aha. :)'
'Oh darn. Then get some rest! I'll text you tomorrow then. :)'
'Ok, take care. X'
'I love you, xoxo.'

He sighed as he read those words. Does he even love her anymore. It was not normal what he felt for Gemma, but he owed this all to Katy, his girlfriend back in London. If she hadn't bought him this journey, he'd never met Gemma. With an anger filled move he threw his phone at the other end of the sofa, next to his feet. Get some rest, Tyler. You're tired as hell.

"No! Let him sleep.", a voice came from the door. After stretching and yawning, which, by the way, always feels like heaven in bed, he sat up and as always took a look at the watch. Sick, already 3pm. "I'm already up.". As he said those words the two girls came in the room, hugging him and wishing him a happy birthday. The kitchen was looking pretty, with the balloons and the huge cake standing in the middle of the room on a tiny table. Now he was a real family member, after living with them for 6 months. The day passed very fast as the sun set and the boys got ready for smashing Tyler's birthday at the club. "Take care.", Gemma whispered to herself as she looked how her son and his friend jumped in the car, well-dressed, goodlooking. In her Bathrobe she wandered into the kitchen to make her a cup of tea. "Perfect.". The pictures of her and Tyler flashed through her mind as she poored the hot water in the cup. How he held her waist and whispered sweet things in her ears when no one was around. The way he came close to her lips as if he was about to kiss her, but stoped a few inches away, took a deep breath and smiled as he walked away. It was a rough time, it still is. But Gemma knew that this night was about to change everything. She commissioned Frank to find a pretty girl for him, "He's alone. He'll need someone.", she said back then, holding the tears back. Gemma was in love, she really was. But he was so much younger, it would not work. And he was her sons friend. She smiled at that thought and felt a warm tear on her cheek, which she immediately whiped away, taking a sip.
It was a long sleepless night. She hoped that he would rush through this door, falling on his knees and kissing her tenderly as he held her in his strong arms. But he didn't came. She heard footsteps on the porch and a key scratching on the door, desperately trying to find the slot. A drunk Frank walked in with Tyler laid over his shoulder, hardly trying to bring him upstairs. "Frank?!", she whispered. "Oh, you're here?", he mumbled. Gemma got up to help her son carrying the handsome man upstairs. "Why did you guys drink so much?", "Mom, it was his birthday, what did you expect? I tried to take it slow, but they forced me to drink.", he yawned. As they dropped Tyler on his bed Frank disappeared into his room, leaving Gemma with Tyler alone. "Look at you.", she whispered as she put her hand on his cheek watching him, listening to his breathing, smelling his scent, missing him. "I hope you didn't exagerrate, dear.", "I didn't.", he answered unexpected. Gemma twitched as she heard his husky voice, thinking that he was asleep. He smiled and opened his eyes slowly to see the bright blue eyes he had missed for a long time. Without a warning he grabbed her and pulled her on his bed, next to him. "What are you doing?", she laughed as she tried to push him away. But she couldn't, she fell for his eyes, again. "I'm not drunk, Gemma.", he explained. His hand wandered from he side to her back giving her goosebumps. He got a smile for being honest and a warm hand on his cheek. "Killing me softly.", she hummed. His lips touched her chin, her cheeks, her nose, her neck. "I love you Gemma.". His eyes were locked with hers, still praying for a kiss on her lips. "You don't, Tyler. Don't promise things, when you're happy.", she said as she held is face in her hands. Looking from his perfect, young skin to her old hands. He sighed as he got up and took off his jacket and his shirt. Filled with anger he held his chin, scratching his subbles. Why are you doing this. I hate you. She closed her eyes as she tried to avoid this body, these abs, this perfection. "Look at me.". Gemma sat up, her eyes still closed. "Gemma. Would you please look at me!", he asked her. "Tyler, this is not right. I want this to end.". Please, please don't agree with me. I need your sign that you really love me, fight for it. Tears came up and her hands were cupped by his as he kneeled infront of her. "Say that again, looking at me.". Her heart burned, melting through her body, falling into their hands. "I can't.", she whimpered. "Gemma. I will never let you go. You're mine. I don't care what you think about all this. Whether it's right or not. I don't care what other people think, I don't care about your or my age. All I care about is you.". She grabbed his face and kissed him tenderly, thanking god for these words. "Do you even know what you said, Gemma?", he said as he stopped kissing her. "Do you know how much that hurt?", "I was naive, I thought we both would die at the same day.". His bright blue eyes looked down in their hands. "Gemma, time doesn't matter. The day we will be torn apart will be the day, when my eyes turn grey, my skin becomes cold,", he brought her hands up to his mouth to kiss them, "and your lips kissing mine for the last time.". Her body shaked and her stomach tingled. He leaned over as she leaned back on the bed an let her hands slide over his bare back with nothing but the sound of their breathing in the room. "I've been thinking about you all night. I've missed you voice, your scent, your hands touching me.", he whispered as he kissed her neck gently. "Liar.", she smiled as she cupped his face. He grinned as he finally saw her smile. "I would never lie to you, love.", "I've thought about you either. Your lips,", she stroked over his lips with her finger, "Your eyes, the way they look at me and immediately read my mind, my feelings.". Tyler didn't say a word, he enjoyed the way she described him for the first time, a smile grew up on his pale face. His arms were holding her tight as she laid on the bed and he was inches above her face, feeling her hands in his neck and her legs between his. "But what I miss the most is your tight grip. The way you hold me and everything feels alright. You don't know how much it kills me, when you're standing close to me, but not being able to hold me infront of the people. That's why I enjoy these moments so much.", "I'll hold you everywhere we are.", he said kissing her. "You are the milk to my tea.", Tyler added as he broke the whole romance which came up, making her laugh. "Well I have to drink one, works waiting.", she whispered as the silence came back. "No, just a bit more time.", he mumbled as he hid his face in her neck, giving her goosebumps. She slid her hands through his dark hair, kissing the edge of his lips. It was silent, his bare corpus laid in the sun the scars over his chest looking like beautiful drawings.