Status: Please ignore any missspelling or grammar mistakes... Hope you enjoy the stroy :)

California Love

8 - FIN


"Mom! I can't find my earring, I just bought that! How rubbish is that?", Melanie shouted from her room. "Look in your pockets!". Her hand slipped in her right pocket and felt a tiny piece. "Thanks mom!", she grinned and slid that earring through the skin of her ear. "You look gorgeous!". Gemma was amazed how beautiful her two daughters have become. She covered her mouth with her hands and hugged the two nineteen year olds. "Mom, my make-up. Please!", Stephanie muttered. "Oh Gosh, hurry. We can't be late as the hosts.".
The three women ran to the car and tried their best to jump in, which is not so easy with tight dresses and extra made hair.
"Wow, you must be freezing!". Melanie rubbed her mothers arm as she saw her goosebumbs. "No, actually not, I just had a weird feeling. That gave me goosebumbs. Anyway, we arrived.". The location was wonderful, fairy lights adorned the place and made it glow in the dimmed evening. After Gemma had welcomed ever guest the music started to play and a long black limousine arrived. The driver stepped out and walked around the car to open the door for a handsome bridegroom, who had curly hair and held his hand open to help the beautiful bride out of the car. The crowd applauded and whistled. Everyone did, except Gemma. Mothers always cry on the wedding of their babies. The ceremony went very well and it ended with a lovely song, having all the couples dancing together. It looked gorgeous in the night, with all the fairy lights surrounding them. That was a moment of happiness. But the night was still long, the alcohol came along with some pop music to which many people danced except the newlyweds. They had to chit-chat with all their friends and familymembers who joined their weddingday. "You look beautiful.", Gemma said as she hugged her new daughter-in-law. "Thanks Gemma. You're not bad yourself.", she grinned. "Mother.", Frank whispered as he held his now 45 year old mother in his arms. "Thank you so much for everything you did for me and the girls. You are a wonderful mother, please never forget that.", "I won't.", she replied and kissed her sons cheek. Her bones hurted from all the standing and maybe from all the pain and happiness at the same time. The chair literally smiled at her as she made her way to it, to sit down for a while. Gosh these shoes kill me. She slipped out of her High Heels and enjoyed the cool air tickeling her feet. The view was still gorgeous. People dancing, hugging, kissing, drinking, having fun together. Her gaze cathed Frank who was talking to a guest. She admired her son and how beautiful he was. Suddenly she had a weird feeling in her stomach and the goosebumbs again. She twitched and let out a sound of fear, sadness and wondering at the same time. "No.", she whispered and felt her hands and knees shaking. A little girl bumped her in that moment as she ran past her. "Sorry Miss.", the little girl apologized at her and got Gemma's attention. "It's fine darling.", she smiled and looked back to the two men. She narrowed her eyebrows as she saw the girl running towards the two men. Indeed the little girl got lift up by the other man who gave her a kiss. Frank stroke her cheek and said something to her, smiling. The little girl tried to hide from him as she hugged her fathers neck. "Tyler.". It was him. It can't be him. But it was. It really was. That smile, these hands, that hair, these light-blue eyes. He still looked the same way he did three years ago, when she last saw him walking through that rain stream. Gemma closed her eyes as she brought that moment back from her memories. She smiled and let a single tear slowly slide down her cheek, still with her eyes closed. "Tyler.", she whispered once again and opened her eyes to see him again. Frank turned around as Tyler said something to him stretching his hand out. A woman with long black hair and a blue tight dress joined the group. She greeted Frank as she hugged him and gave him a little kiss on his cheeck. Gosh she was beautiful. Gemma was still lokking at them and saw how that woman kissed him, kissed Tyler. She closed her eyes again. Hardly trying to bring his face right infront of her eyes, his smile, his perfect teeth, his black hair and blue eyes. The way he laughed, the way he looked angry at other men, the way he looked embarassed on the floor. She even felt his hands on her waist, on her cheecks. His lips on hers. And his voice. "Gemma, I still love you.".