Hail to the King

Tensions on the Rise

(From here on out, all the matches will be done in 3rd person.)


It hasn't even been 24 hours after the Elimination Chamber and Roman and Seth are still looking for answers from Dean on where he was last night. It was bright and early the next day when Roman and Seth went to Dean's room, banging on his door.

"Dean! Answer the damn door!" Roman yelled, while hitting the door.

"Roman, relax." Seth tried to calm him down.

Roman just glared at him, turning his head to the door when they heard something fall from inside the room. It wasn't much longer that the door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Dean.

"What?" Dean rubbed his head groggily.

"We need to talk." Roman said, pushing past him and walking in the room.

"Can't this wait?"

"No!" Roman raised his voice, Dean's eyes going wide.

"Rome, people are sleeping." Seth yelled in a hush tone.

"Whatever." Roman rolled his eyes. "Explain." He demanded from Dean.

"Look, I tried to take Bray out, we went into the crowd and he knocked me out. That's what happened. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the trainers room and the show had ended." Dean tried to explain.

"You couldn't call us?" Seth asked, trying to be understanding and calm.

"I looked for you both, but you were gone and it was late. My head was killing me and all I wanted to do was get some sleep. Fair enough?" Dean said, looking at Roman when he said the last part.

"I suppose. But, if it ever happens again, you're not going to get off that easy." Roman glared at him.

"Alright man." Dean held his hands up in defense.

"Now that, that is over, we have a show to get ready for. Dean, get cleaned up and be downstairs in 20. We're going to the gym." Seth instructed.

Dean nodded, getting his things together while Seth and Roman headed out of the room. Letting Dean do what he needed to do, they headed downstairs to the lobby to get some coffee. Whiile they were there, they saw Belle getting something to eat.

"Hey Belle." Roman said as they headed over.

"Hey guys!" she greeted happily. "No Mox?" She looked behind them.

"No." Roman growled.

"Not a good time." Seth said, shaking his head.

"Oh. Well, sit." She offered.

They took her offer, sitting down at the table with her.

"I got some news." She grins.

"Oh? What's that?" Roman looked up at her.

"I have a match tonight." She smiled big. "Against Summer in a dance off, so not really a match, but still."

"That's good though. People will get to see you in the ring." Seth added.

"Yeah, we get into it after the dance off a bit. I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'm proud of you. All your hard work paid off." Roman grinned, happy with her success.

"Thank you Ro. I owe it all to you. Without your help, I wouldn't be here."

"Anything for you."

"Rome?" Seth looked at him, thinking they had something going on.

"It's nothing Seth." Roman chuckled. "Just friends since pre-school." He laughed.

"I was gonna say." Seth chuckled.

"He's my boy. Always there for me. Best brother I never had." Belle laughs.

"I can see that." Seth laughed.

They talk for a bit longer, drinking their coffee while Belle eats her breakfast. They stop talking when Belle's eyes light up and they look behind them since their backs were to the door.

"About time." Roman mutter.

"Enough." Seth hissed under his breath.

They then said goodbye to Belle, getting up and heading over to Dean. Dean waved to Belle before they headed out to the gym. After a few hours in the gym, they headed to the arena to get ready for the show. It wasn't to much longer after the show started that they had a segment. They made their way to where it was being taped and got into character.

"So walk me through this one more time. Where you last night?" Seth asks Dean.

"I've been repeating myself, I've been repeating myself for 24 hours now alright? And I'm getting a little sick quite frankly, of you two ganging up on me." Dean says a bit agitated.

"We're not ganging up on you." Seth tried calming him.

"And I'm getting a little sick of explaining myself. So, if uh...if all that's not good enough for you two, and if you don't trust me, then whatever. Whatever." Dean says getting fed up.

"That's not it!" Seth yells aggravated.

"I'm outta here." Dean walks off leaving them both there.

"I don't know if I believe him. I want to, it makes a lot of sense, but so many times now, it's just...over and over and over..." Seth starts before he's cut off by The Wyatt's walking up.

"Please boys. Don't allow us to interrupt." Bray says.

"You already did interrupt and that's a big problem. We can settle it here right now. Or you can man up and you can fight me in the ring one-on-one. You leave the family behind, I'll leave the hounds behind." Roman steps to him, annoyed then challenging him.

"You are...an interesting creature. I accept." Bray acts creepy before accpecting.

"I knew you would." Roman chuckles, nodding his head up.

The Wyatt's then walk off, leaving Roman and Seth there, trying to figure out what just happened. Once the cameras were off, they headed off to find Dean to prepare and talk about the upcoming match. They were in their locker room, warming up before heading to their position, well Roman heading to position. Once in position, The Shield's music hits and out comes the big boy, Roman Reigns. Reigns comes out through the crowd, but he's by himself. As promised, he's leaving the other members of The Shield behind to battle Bray Wyatt, who promised to leave the rest of The Wyatt Family behind so that they could slug it out one-on-one. During Reigns' entrance, we head to a commercial.

When we return from commercial, Reigns is standing in the ring waiting for his opponent for this singles match. The Wyatt Family music hits without the "we're here" intro. Bray Wyatt comes out by himself as highlights are shown of The Wyatt Family beating Cena down earlier tonight. The bell rings and here we go.

Reigns walks to the middle of the ring and waits for Bray. Bray circles around Roman and the two trade a punch. Bray doesn't like the looks of things so he rolls out to the floor briefly. He comes back in the ring and the two lock up. Neither guy seems to be able to budge the other. Bray finally hits Reigns with a big knee to the gut and headbutts him down to the mat. Reigns knocks Bray down with a big shoulder tackle.

Reigns seems to be in control of the offense now. Reigns launches Bray out to the floor. Bray comes back in and the two trade punches. Bray seems to be getting the better of Reigns now and he is now in control of the offense. A light Husky Harris chant breaks out as Bray continues to dominate Reigns in the middle of the ring.

The fight spills out to the floor. Reigns nails Bray with a huge clothesline. We head to a mid-match commercial on that note. When we return from commercial, the guys are back in the ring duking it out. The fans are getting restless, as a number of random chants have broken out. There's been loud "Randy Savage" and "Under-Taker" chants thus far.

Meanwhile, Reigns is firing up on offense. He hits a big sidewalk-slam style move on the leader of The Wyatt Family. Reigns calls for his finisher and The Wyatt Family cut-in happens. When the lights come back on, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are standing outside of the ring. Seth Rollins flies out of nowhere and dives onto Rowan and Harper on the floor. Harper and Rowan have Rollins at their mercy moments later, with the announcers questioning where Dean Ambrose is. Ambrose pops into the picture out of nowhere to make the save.

The guys continue to fight outside the ring while Reigns hits his big Superman punch on Bray in the ring. Reigns calls for his finisher again, however Ambrose runs into the ring and starts beating up Bray. The referee calls for the bell. The guys continue to fight and The Wyatt Family duck out the back door. The Shield's music hits as The Shield stares The Wyatt Family down from inside the ring.

Once The Wyatt's were gone, Roman, Seth, and Dean left the ring and headed up the ramp to the back. Roman walked ahead of them, not wanting to talk.

"Rome!" Dean called.

"Don't talk to me!" Roman yelled back, walking faster.

"What's his problem?" Dean asked Seth.

"No clue." Seth shrugged, not wanting to get in the middle of them.

They made it to their locker room, got their things then headed out to the car. Once in, they headed to the next city in total silence.

Smackdown February 28, 2014

Roman was still not in the mood to talk to Dean, but he put that past them since they were not at work. The day went pretty good, they all had a good time doing things from doing signings to hanging out with Belle. The days were good once Roman calmed down, but when it came time for work, he was all serious and his his character.

"Rome, we good?" Dean asked as he was getting into his gear.

"We're good. Just don't mess things up anymore." Roman said from over his shoulder.

"I won't." Dean nodded.

"Good. I want you both to get along. That's what we need in this group." Seth said, after coming in the room.

"It's just a rough patch, we'll get through it." Dean said.

"We will." Roman nodded, standing up after getting his boots laced.

"Alright, we're needed. Ready boys?" Seth informed them.

"Ready." They both nodded.

They balled their hands in a fist, putting them together before heading out. They Wyatt's were in the ring, cutting a promo. Roman, Seth, and Dean ended up interrupting him. Triple H then comes out and announces a rematch of their six-man tag-team match from Elimination Chamber for next Monday's WWE RAW in Chicago, Illinois.

"That's right Wyatts!" Dean bounces around.

"We're coming for you!" Seth yells.

Once Triple H leaves, they get on the side of the ring.

"You heard your daddy boys." Bray chuckles, taunting them.

That set them off, Dean and Seth running across the ring, diving between the ropes, taking out Luke and Rowan. Bray then gets in the ring and he and Roman go at it. Soon, Seth and Dean get in the ring, just as Bray gets out. They stand in the ring, yelling and taunting The Wyatt's. After The Wyatt's were out of sight, Roman, Dean, and Seth got out of the ring and headed to the back.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Seth proudly said.

"We did good out there. Let's keep it that way." Roman said.

"As long as we work together, it will stay that way." Dean said.

They all agreed, heading back to the locker room once again to collect their things. It was a short night, one of few for them. They took advantage, leaving early and heading back to the hotel to get some much needed rest for the long haul to Chicago and the fight they would have once they arrived.