This Is Untitled for a Reason

Chapter 6

I'm here to talk about teachers. I know that at everyone in the world has had one crappy teacher you intensly dislike, maybe hate.

I did. In the fourth grade, I had this teacher, Ms.Rudman and she was unbelieveably mean! She always made me cry. Like every single day! She eventually got fired for hitting a kid. (I know, I was shocked as well.)

In seventh grade, I have a teacher MsFreemon. I used to think she was an evil biatch, bit now, I think she's actually nice.

I know realize that even though we have bad techers at least once in our life, we however also have the good ones.

And I have had my share of AWESOME teachers that you want to smuggle home. Teachers are there to help you, I have probably heard that about 500 hundred times. And you know what? It's true!

They are there to make you smart for a better future for not only you or your children, but the whole world. Today's kids will be who affects tommorow.

I know I may seem kind of lecturing people, but it's true. If we really try hard enough, we can overcome bad things in life to make a better future for well, the future!

I know even though I havent experienced high school, I have watched those stereotypical high school movies about different cliques.

And you know what? I'm tired of that! If every teenager out there decided to mix up the cliques, we would all be friends. All the so called rejects with the so called poular getting together and being friends.

All those crap high school movies that Hollywood made about cliques and popular girls being slutty or the non-poulars being depressed are so not true. But sometimes it is, but not all popular girls are sluts or blond. And not all un-popular people cut themselves.