I'm Just Fine

The Friends He Keeps

Flynn Tempest made his first friends when he was four. There was a boy his age named Rico. He was a little taller than Flynn, had bright orange hair, intense blue eyes, and freckles that dotted his cheeks and across his nose. Rico was his first friend and being an only child made entertaining himself a lot more fun. Then there was a girl maybe a year or two older named Trinity. She had long straight light brown hair, dark almost black brown eyes, and was the toughest person Flynn ever met. Lastly there was Scorch the calico kitten he found while playing with Rico and Trinity. It was all normal children's play and it made his parents relieved to know he was having fun.
He brought them to school everyday in kindergarten. The first three days were rough. He was extremely shy around new people and it wasn't until Trinity all but bossed him into talking to another kid that he made more friends. That year his love for art really piqued. He would play with the other children but when he could, Flynn would sit and draw. He drew trees, the play ground, his friends, his parents, and on occasion himself. The ones he enjoyed drawing the most were Rico, Trinity, and Scorch. They were his best friends after all.
Although he had many friends, Flynn's close circle of friends did not grow until first grade when he became desk partners with Tyr Morgenson. Tyr was almost the opposite of Flynn. While Flynn was lean build, had light curly auburn hair, dark hazel eyes, and vampire pale skin, Tyr was build to play sports. He was solidly build with short black hair, brilliant green eyes, and tan skin. When Rico, Trinity, and Scorch's eyes landed on the new boy they warned Flynn to be careful. They'd met children like him and they tended to be jerks. Flynn had been teased before and more than once pushed down. But the moment Tyr sat down next to Flynn he turned and with a brilliant smile said, "Hi! I'm Tyr Morgenson, it's nice to meet you." There were dimples on both side of his cheeks and his eyes sparkled excitedly.
Flynn blushed at how wrong his friends were and greeted, "Hi, I'm Flynn Tempest."
Tyr's eyes widened as he replied, "Your name is almost bad as mine!" Flynn was taken back for a minute before the two boys started giggling together. After their first meeting the two became fast friends. For the first time in Flynn's life he had play dates with someone and the year passed with great fun. During recess the two would play with the other students, making sure to always be on the same team.
What really solidified their friendship or at least in Flynn's mind, was that Tyr accepted his three best friends with a smile. As each year passed the two would move up together and everything stayed the same. It wasn't until fourth grade where things changed for the worse and better. Fourth grade is when Flynn realized he truly was different.
It was a Saturday and Tyr was at baseball practice until 1. Flynn was drawing in his room with Rico, Scorch, and Trinity; it was time for another portrait of them. His mom walked in to talk to him and sat down in the seat Scorch was in. "Mom! You're sitting on Scorch!" Flynn cried as he ran over to push his mother off his friend.
"Flynn!" She got up and crossed her arms. "You should not push people. You are too old to still have imaginary friends, you are nine years old." She shook her head.
Flynn furrowed his brows as his eyes darted between his mom and friends. "But-"
"Flynn," She bent down to his level and ran a soothing hand through his unruly hair. "I know your only friend is Tyr, but you are getting too old to still have imaginary friends. I am sure there are kids at your school that would love to come over and play. We can invite them over next time if you wish." Flynn looked down and said nothing. She sighed, "Tyr will be over at 1:30, make sure your room is picked up before he is over. Okay?"
"Yes, mom." Flynn mumbled. He received a kiss on his head before she left. The boy looked over at his friends, "But you aren't imaginary..." Rico, Trinity, and Scorch looked at each other sadly and then swarmed him with a group hug. After they separated, Flynn tore down the picture, crumpled it up, and threw it across the room. When Tyr had been over for a while, he found the picture he had thrown away.
"Hey Flynn, what's wrong with this picture?" He turned and straightened it out the best he could.
Flynn was quiet a moment before say, "It wasn't good."
Tyr gave him a disbelieving look. "What's really bothering you? You're quieter than normal." He hopped on the bed and waited as Flynn shuffled his feet. "What's wrong?" Flynn although shy, was never hesitant to talk to him. It was discerning.
Finally Flynn asked quietly, "How many are in this room?" His four friends looked at him surprised.
Tyr replied, "Two. Me and you."
"Oh." Flynn's hazel eyes were glazed with unshed tears as he looked up. "Mom called Rico, Trinity, and Scorch imaginary..."
Tyr nodded, he knew how important those three were. He cocked his head and gently asked, "Aren't they?"
"I can see them now. I can always see them."
"They look like me?"
Flynn nodded. "I can hear them too. Like they another person."
Tyr looked down at the picture in his hand and then at the ones around Flynn's room. The pictures of Rico, Trinity, and Scorch were detailed and always the same. If he didn't know better, they could be people Flynn actually knew. However, he had never seen them even though his friend seemed to have them over all the time. He stopped having imaginary friends when he was in second grade but accepted the fact that Flynn still had them. He did find it a little strange but never thought much of it because that was who his best friend was. He lived more in an imaginary world than the real one but that was why he was an artist; he saw the world differently. "What are they saying right now?"
Flynn looked at Tyr surprised, "Trinity is mad and Rico's trying to calm her down. Scorch seems to think mom has sight problems." The two boys laughed. Then Flynn's face grew sober, "What do you think?" Tyr's opinion mattered a lot to Flynn. He was his only real friend apparently and he didn't want to lose him.
"I think that if they aren't getting you into trouble then who cares. You're still my best friend whether or not your three other friends are real or imaginary right?" He grinned, showing off his dimples. Flynn smiled back and launched himself at his friend. The two laughed as Flynn clutched Tyr and shook him. "Hey! Are you trying to suffocate me?" Flynn shook his head, a smile still planted on his lips. "Good, let's go find an adventure outside!"
"Okay!" Flynn chirped and the two raced outside. They spent hours along the woods that bordered the Tempest's back yard.
Tyr noticed the small change in Flynn almost immediately. On the outside Flynn was still the same. He hesitantly but with determination did things that made him scared. He played with other kids and drew all the time. He worked hard to get decent grades and always did his best. However, he stopped talking about Rico, Trinity, and Scorch around people. Occasionally he'd talk about them to Tyr but more often than not they rarely came up. Tyr also noticed that he never spoke about them around his parents. He would hide the pictures he still drew of them, only showing Tyr if he asked about them. It upset him because he knew that Flynn was never really being fully himself unless he was alone with Tyr. But time seemed to fly and they never really talked about the change.
Sometimes, he would catch Flynn talking to himself and know that his three imaginary friends still followed him where ever he went. But they always seemed to be good for Flynn rather than hindering him. He remembered a conversation when Flynn described each one to him. Trinity would always challenge him to be more outspoken and try new things. She urged him to risk rather than always playing it safe even though it was in his nature. Rico was the brains of the three and made sure he didn't do anything too stupid. Flynn liked to call him his moral compass (well when he was old enough to know what that meant). Then there was Scorch who was there for moral support. The cat would walk confidently beside him in any new situation and would watch over him no matter who or where he was. Flynn said he was never alone because his little calico cat was always there as a companion and comforter. Tyr once joked that Flynn didn't need him if he had such great friends. Flynn nearly cried, Tyr never joked about that again.
Flynn really realized the difference between his four friends when the bullying started. They were in the upper school when it began. Flynn and Tyr didn't always have classes together and some of the other kids made fun of Flynn for how introverted and unsportsman he was. They would teasingly invite him to play football or dodge ball. He would refuse as often as he could because he wasn't very good at sports. Trinity would urge him to stand up for himself and more often than not he would. Something bad always happened when he did. It was never 'serious.' Sometimes food or liquid would end up on his lap or head. Sometimes he'd be pushed up the stairs or in the hallways. On occasion he would be targeted at recess (when he played a game with the bullies) or in PE. He never complained and took it with little to no reactions.
A month into school Tyr finally caught on to what was happening. He wouldn't have if he hadn't been running late for class. He turned the corner to see one of the kids push Flynn into a nearby locker. The latter barely had time to put his hands in front of himself before slamming into the cold metal. Tyr scowled as he marched over to the small crowd. "Oi, what are you doing!" He easily slipped in between the group and stood protectively in front of Flynn. When the bullies didn't reply, he asked again, "What do you think you are doing?"
The bullies looked at each other. They didn't want to mess with Tyr. Not only was he liked by almost everyone (including themselves), he was also amazing at sports. If he wanted to, he could probably beat them up.
"He was being rude to us?" One bully lies.
Tyr rolled his eyes, "We both know that's a lie. Flynn is probably one of the nicest kids you'll ever meet." He crossed his arms. "I'll let you off without telling the teachers, but you have lay off him and anyone else you're bullying. It's stupid."
"Why are you protecting him!?" The bully asked in disgust, "He's a freak."
"He's my friend now leave him alone or I'll tell the teachers. I don't care if people think I'm a teacher's pet or whatever. Now get." When the bullies didn't move he said more firmly, "Go!" They muttered under their breaths and walk off. Tyr let out a breath and turned to his friend still on the round. He held out his hand and asked, "You okay?"
"I was fine on my own." Flynn muttered as he took the hand and got up. "But thank you."
"How long have they been mean to you?" Flynn shrugged, not looking up at Tyr. "Flynn?"
There was some whine in Tyr's voice that made Flynn reply, "Since school started."
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I can take care of myself."
Tyr sighed, "I know, but I'm your friend. I could have helped." When Flynn didn't say anything, Tyr took his hand and started down the hall. "Let's go to the nurse. We can get a pass, not get in trouble with the teacher, and the nurse can look at your knee." Flynn didn't fight and let himself be dragged off.
After the nurse checked Flynn out and sent him back to class with a small ice pack, he asked, "Do you mind if I try something?" Tyr turned and then nodded. The pair stopped and Tyr watched Flynn curiously. First Flynn poked and prodded Tyr (receiving a laugh. Tyr was quite ticklish.) and then swept his hand next to Tyr. Flynn frowned as his hand met with no resistance as he tried to stroke Trinity's shoulder. With a sad sigh, Flynn started off again.
Tyr jogged to catch up. "What was that about?"
"I'll tell you later. Get to class before you get in trouble." Flynn waved as he walked to his classroom and disappeared behind the door.
That afternoon after practice for Tyr and homework for Flynn, the two boys sat on Tyr's bed. Tyr looked at his friend and asked, "Can you tell me now?"
Flynn shifted uncomfortably and replied, "I was testing a hypothesis I came up with. When I was pushed by the other students, Trinity and Scorch tried to defend me... But they couldn't. I can touch you. You have texture." Unconsciously Flynn stroked from Tyr's shoulder to his wrist. "I can't feel them. Trinity... Rico... Scorch. They just feel like air. They aren't people. Real live people." His eyes grew sad. "I guess they really are in my head..."
Tyr felt bad for his friend, he could see how the realization crushed him. "Is it really a bad thing that they are imaginary?"
"I don't know. It feels like a part of me is being lost though. I don't know how to let them go." He admitted.
"We all go through this, Flynn. It's okay."
"Is it really?"
Flynn's three friends never did leave like Tyr said they would. Flynn thought that now that he recognized that his friends were fake that they would go away, but they never did. They aged and moved up with him. Flynn found it difficult to focus as his reality and imagination had trouble coexisting. He sometimes found himself whispering for them to just disappear and then would feel guilt over the sad faces they pulled. His only saving grace was Tyr's friendship. He never abandoned him no matter how many times he got irritated at him and yelled at him for lying. He always listened as Flynn poured his heart out to him about feeling confused and wondering why he wasn't like everyone else. He confided in his friend that he was conflicted over still having imaginary friends and finding their constant company soothing. Tyr couldn't help think if puberty was as bad as people say it was, he hoped Flynn would make peace with his inner turmoil or it would be ten times worse. He never did find out.
The summer of freshman year changed everything for the two. They were excited to finally being high school and even more excited to know they were going to the same one. As per usual Tyr left to spend the next two and a half months at his cousin's new house in New Mexico. They promised to meet the weekend before to compare schedules for the first quarter. But in July Mr. Tempest caught his son talking to the imaginary friends that should have long been gone. The next day and that following week Flynn went in for tests. At first he was angry, scarred, and tried to introvert himself as much as possible. He was just fine. But as the week wore on he couldn't hide how he sought out his friends for comfort. When he thought he wasn't being watched he would stroke Scorch for comfort and mutter to Trinity and Rico about how scarred he was. He wanted to write to Tyr but he neither had the cousin's address nor a phone to text on.
After ruling out what wasn't wrong with him the Tempest family met with Flynn's doctor. Dr. Crane looked at them calmly and as gently as possible he told the family his diagnosis: mild Schizophrenia. Flynn's mother and father froze while Flynn cried, "I'm not crazy!" Things were hectic for a little while before everyone calmed down.
Flynn was pulled out of the public high school, signed into an institute for those like him, and the family moved. All within a week. Flynn didn't even have a chance to explain to Tyr what happened; everything happened too fast. When Tyr returned home, he excitedly went straight to Flynn's house to find a young couple now living there.
"Sorry dear, that family moved out two weeks ago." Tyr stood in shock as the woman gave a sad smile and closed the door. Why hadn't Flynn told him?
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So I'll do my best to portray Schizophrenia the best I can, but I will probably take liberties for some things. Hope you enjoyed the grade school years of our lovely duo.