I'm Just Fine

There are More Friends Here than He Cares to Admit

Flynn stood before the bathroom mirror to make sure that he would be up to Nymph's approval. Tonight was the Frat's party and she demanded that he looked his best for it. His dress shoes were as shiny as they were going to be, his dress pants were wrinkle free with the crisp crease down the middle of each leg, the burgundy shirt also free of all wrinkles and buttoned correctly, and lastly his suit coat fit him perfectly. Nymph was scary good when it came to fashion. He made a face at himself; he looked really pale with his hair. Hours earlier, Nymph temporarily dyed his curly locks black and cooed at how good it looked. Flynn personally thought it just made him look sick, but Nymph was happy so he could live with it.
Quickly slipping in his barely used contacts, Flynn left the bathroom and started to loop his blue scarf around his neck. "Nymph, Clark, you ready?"
"Coming!" Nymph's voice could be heard from behind her door. "Almost finished with Clark." By the time they came out, Flynn was lounging in his long black coat. "Stand up, stand up! I want to see how gorgeous you are!" She grinned as he finally stood and turned for her. "My word, if I didn't know better I'd say you were Sherlock Holmes himself."
"And if I didn't know better, I would say Inara Sierra was standing before me." Flynn smiled as he looked at her from arms length. Like Flynn, Nymph also dyed her hair black and then made it wavy. She wore an almost identical copy of the red dress Inara wore in the show and a floral shall over her right shoulder. "You look beautiful." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks." She blushed before turning to push Clark so he could be on display. "And how does my Mal look?"
"It's scary how well you can make costumes. Looking good Clark." The other young man blushed and looked down embarrassed.
"Thanks." He replied.
"Ready to go?" Flynn asked, trying to take Clark out of the spotlight.
"Let us get out coats and we will be." Nymph turned and retrieved the coats. Clark helped her into her's before slipping on his. "Onward friends! To the party."
"You should have made the dress from the party episode." Flynn commented as he shut the door. Nymph merely laughed before pulling Clark down the hall.
They met their friends outside the house. Malia was a vampire (feeling the most comfortable with that costume), her boyfriend didn't dress up (much to everyone's non-surprise), Trina was dressed as Pepper while her boy was Iron Man, Marty was Ron, and his girlfriend was Hermione. They received their Solo cups and headed in to the overcrowded frat house. The first place they hit was the kitchen where everyone picked their poison. Except for Flynn who filled his with water. After an hour most of his friends were hammered and Malia looked ready to cry.
Scowling, Marty whispered to his girlfriend and then guided Malia to the dance floor. Within minutes she brightened and started laughing. Marty could be an ass but he always knew how to make the girls smile. Not wanting Lydia to feel left out, Flynn offered his hand and asked, "Care to dance?" She laughed and easily agreed. Halfway through the song Marty made them switch partners. "You'd think he wouldn't be jealous of me dancing with her." Flynn muttered into Malia's ear.
"Honey, he just thinks she's too good for him." Malia replied before Flynn dipped her.
"That boy." Flynn rolled his eyes. "She's over the moon in love with him."
"Not that he knows." She giggled and then they grew more as she grinded into him and whispered, "Don't look now but a certain man is watching us... more specifically you." Flynn's body became stiff as he felt eyes on him. "Relax Flynnie! You are the hottest man at this party. I'm going to get more to drink." She sloppily kissed his cheek and disappeared towards the kitchen. Not knowing what to do and having a slight erection, Flynn started weaving through the crowd. As he did so, he took four large gulps of his drink to quench his thirst and to distract him. That didn't work. His thoughts kept going back to Tyr and then they stayed on him when the young man popped out of nowhere.
"Hey Flynn, awesome cos-tume." Tyr grinned as his eyes slowly scanned Flynn.
Flynn shifted uncomfortably as he replied, "Hey Tyr. Roman soldier, classy."
"Coulda gon toga. Yer Sher-lock."
Flynn could smell the alcohol waft off of Tyr's breath. "Yeah." He blinked, trying to clear his head. For some reason he felt hazy and was having trouble focusing. "Simple and easy."
Tyr's hand moved up to touch Flynn's hair. "Yer black now." His eyes narrowed in concentration. "I like." He decided with a nod. Tyr took another swig from his cup.
"Thanks." Flynn muttered. Tyr was touching him and too close for his comfort. Well, not true he would like for Tyr to be closer but not in this way. He kept taking drinks so he was doing something else. His mind never left Tyr though.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah. Socializing is fun."
"Good." Tyr grinned. "I sawr ya dance wit Mal earlier."
"Um yeah, her dick of a boy won't so-"
"Bein' good friend. Yer always good friend, Flynn."
Tyr shouldn't say his name like that. He started inching away before he did something stupid... like push Tyr against the wall and show him how many Roman men had fun. He shook his head. What the hell is wrong with me? "I'm gunna go get some more water, I'll see you Tyr." Flynn didn't look back as he waded through the over congested rooms. He never did make it to the kitchen as people stopped him. Many knew who he was due to his social friends and were surprised that Flynn had come out tonight. He received many compliments verbally, physically, and on occasion on a piece of paper with ten digits on them.
Flynn really should have noticed the signs. It doesn't take a genius to correlate his head becoming fuzzy, the whispers he was hearing, the anxiety that was building up in him, and how his cup magically never emptied. But this was really the first time since coming to college that he went out to a party such as this. It finally hit him when he was in the middle of a melt down. He was drunk and to make matters worse: hallucinating (worse than usual) and becoming delusional. His faceless hallucinations were whispering to him, confusing him. Flynn placed his cup down and bolted for the bathroom to hide. Once he was inside, he sat down and held his head.
Five minutes later he heard a knocking on the door. "Flynn? Flynn, you in there?" It was Tyr, but Flynn wasn't sure it was actually him. On top of hearing the faceless, he also could hear his mother and counselors voice talking to him. "Flynn, I know you're in there... I'm coming in." Flynn lowered his head to his knees, completing the fetal position. "Flynn?" He finally looked up to see Tyr's concerned face in front of him. "What's wrong?"
Flynn didn't answer at first, instead slowly raised his hand. With hesitant arms, he pushed Tyr. His friend rocked, but did not fall over; having sobering up since they last met. Flynn sighed in relief as tears slipped down his face. "I thought you were another delusion."
"Flynn, I thought you weren't drinking?" Tyr's face scrunched up.
"I wasn't. It just happened... It was suppose to be water." Flynn's head fell forward again.
"Alright Flynn, it's gunna be okay." Tyr ran his fingers through FLynn's hair as he called Nymph. After the second time calling her, she finally picked up.
"HELLO?" She yelled over the music and people.
"Nymph?! I need you to get to the second floor bathroom. Flynn's not doing well!"
"Flynn's drunk!" Yelling to each other over the phone was not fun.
"Shit! Where are you?!"
"Second Floor Bathroom. Knock Four Times."
"Will do!" She hung up and quickly weaved through the crowd. When she made it to the bathroom she knocked four times and the door opened. Flynn hadn't moved since Tyr last spoke to him. She crouched down in front of him and rubbed his arm. "Hey love, how are you?"
"Bad. I hate being drunk. How the hell did this happen?" He growled as he hugged himself harder.
"You didn't watch your drink. Want me to bring you home?" She asked gently.
He whispered, "Yes..." He didn't want her to leave because of him but he knew he couldn't stay.
"Okay, I'm going to text everyone else so they know we went home. Okay?" He whimpered an agreement as she pulled out her phone.
"Do you want me to take him home? You can stay."
"I don't want to impose."
"Don't worry. I was planning on heading to my room anyways." Tyr smiled.
Nymph looked at him hard and then nodded. "Okay, I'll help you out and will be home later tonight. I suggest you get him to our apartment."
Tyr nodded. The two positioned themselves so they could help Flynn stand and walk. "On three. One-Two-Three." Once Flynn was up they started through the house where people tried to stop them every chance they got. When they finally made it outside, Tyr and Nymph sighed in relief.
"Here's Flynn's keys." Nymph rummaged through his pockets until she produced a key ring. "If you need anything call me. Understand?"
"I understand." Tyr nodded.
"Good. When he's like this, it's best to just sit with him until he drifts to sleep. Maybe make him something so he doesn't have a terrible hangover. Oh and water! Make him drink a lot of water. Before you do anything touch him. Not in a sexual way clearly but to inform him you aren't a hallucination. Right now he isn't sure what is real and isn't. Got it?"
"I think so."
"Good. Text me when you make it home. Thanks Tyr." She kissed his cheek. "If I find out you did anything['/i] to him without his consent you will become a eunuch in the most painful way possible. Okay?" She smiled sweetly.
"I'd never do that!" Tyr exclaimed.
"Just making sure." Then she turned her attentions to Flynn. "Flynn honey, Tyr's taking you home. If you need me, I'll be only a few minutes away. K?" Flynn merely nodded almost completely introverted at this point. "Good. See you later." She watched as her two friends started towards the apartment.
It took the pair fifteen minutes to reach the place, another ten to get to the door and an extra three to finally get the key into the lock. Tyr guided Flynn to his room where the former started to undress Flynn enough so he was comfortable. "Flynn?" Tyr cupped the side of his friend's face so he would look at him and know he was real. "I'm going to get you some water and food. I'll be back soon." Again Flynn nodded. Tyr got up and started the process of taking care of an inebriated friend. When he returned to the bed room, he found Flynn pacing and muttering. He moved with jerking movements, glared at thin air, and flinched at words only he could hear. He tried pushing hallucinations away or block his hears so he would not hear their condemning words. He looked scared and lost. A few tears still glided down his face as he tried to make the hallucinations and delusions go away. Tyr caught words here and there but none of it made sense. He placed the plate down on a dresser before striding over to his friend. "Flynn!" He called desperately as he tried to touch him. Flynn pushed him away and coward. The rejection hurt, but Tyr tried again anyways. "Flynn, it's me. It's Tyr."
"No! You're just in my head. You're all in my head." Flynn sobbed, finally sitting on the floor to curl into himself. It was a sad sight to see. Flynn was always had a quiet confidence of himself and now all that had been wiped away.
Tyr knelt before him and both hands on either side of Flynn's face. "No Flynn, I'm here. Real. See? You're touching me." It took Flynn a moment to realize that Tyr was in fact real. He let out a sob and flung himself at Tyr. It startled Tyr but he managed to wrap his arms around his friend and let him sob into his shoulder. After a little while and Flynn calmed down some, Tyr asked, "Flynn, can you eat some of this for me?" It wasn't much, just some eggs and toast. Flynn looked up with moist eyes and nodded. He carefully touched the plate before grabbing it and nibbling at the food. Tyr sat next to him with always a body part pressing against his friend.
Half an hour later Flynn gave up on eating and returned to his curled position. Tyr quickly cleared the plate and returned to try to coax Flynn into bed. With only minor difficulties Flynn laid down and started drifting. When Tyr went to leave the room, Flynn shot out his hand and wrapped it around Tyr's wrist. "You're real, please stay." Flynn's voice cracked and sounded broken.
"Sure, do you mind if I borrow a pair of pants? It will only take me a minute to change." Tyr's voice was soft.
"Sure." Flynn slurred. Tyr carefully dislodged his wrist from Flynn's vice grip and quickly changed out of his costume and into pants. He slid onto the bed and placed a hand on Flynn's.
"You okay?" Tyr asked in a whisper.
"Better." Flynn muttered. "Don't leave."
Nymph found them the next morning with Tyr shirtless on his back and on top of the blankets and Flynn on his stomach. She couldn't help but coo at the pair holding hands. She placed a blanket on Tyr before leaving the two alone and going about her business.
♠ ♠ ♠
"We're all mad here." Said the cat (Alice in Wonderland)

So our play has opened and it is awesome yet so sad. It may be another week before you get another chapter because I have a quiz and two exams this week. Please let me know what you think of the story. Cheers!