I'm Just Fine

Friends and Their Parents

The night ended with the small group of friends passed out around the room. Mal was curled up on Tyr's bed, Tyr was in his chair, Charlie was half on half off the end of the bed, and Flynn on the ground with a pillow. Around nine Tyr's phone buzzed and startled him awake. He groggily answered, got up, and half awake shuffled downstairs to see his mysterious visitors. His frat mates could be such pains sometimes especially when they played guessing games. He stumbled down the stairs still in his clothes from yesterday to find his parents and siblings waiting for him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked before shaking his head. "That was rude. Hi Mom, Dad, Connor, Ryan, Theresa. Aren't you suppose to be in school?"
"April break." Theresa smiled.
"Ah yes high school where you're in less than you are out." Tyr teased.
Ryan rolled his eyes, "You complain about us having these days out yet you get out a month before us."
"Because I rarely have days off." He ruffled Ryan's hair who growled at him. "So what brings you here?"
"We wanted to take you out to lunch and we have somethings for you. Shirts, pants, snacks. The usual." His mother smiled.
"Alright, come on up." As the Morganson family walked the halls, all the frat boys greeted them. Right as his mom started opening the door, Tyr remembered that he still had friends in his room. He opened his mouth but it was too late, his mother froze at the sight. "I forgot to mention I have friends over."
"Is that boy okay?" Mrs. Morganson asked with alarm at the sight of Flynn's bruised side.
"Ah, yeah. A bit sore but fine." Tyr shrugged.
Charlie's head slowly popped up and grinned, "Hey Mrs. Morganson, Mr. Morganson, little Morgansons."
"Hello dear." Mrs. Morganson chuckled.
"How are you son?" Mr. Morganson greeted.
"Awesome." He sat up and stretched. "How have you been?"
Mal groaned and cuddled closer into the pillow she was hugging. "Sunshine, you should get up we have guests." Charlie shook her foot.
"Five mer minerts." She muttered.
"Sorry darling, but you need to get up. Besides your cell is ringing like crazy."
"Of course." She sat up and opened her phone. As she was reading she realized there were other people in the room. She looked up and turned bright red. "Ah, hi. I-I-I'm Malia."
"Hello." The family greeted and then individually introduced themselves.
"Hi." She looked down to read her texts. "I'm sorry, I have to go." She swung off the bed and crouched down to the last sleeping boy. "Flynn, you have to get up. You have a group project session in an hour and a half."
"No I don't." The curly haired student mumbled.
"Not according to Nymph."
"She's lying, but I'm up." His hazel eyes finally opened to see a familiar woman and man in front of him. "Ah... Hi Mrs. and Mr. Morganson. Long ah time no see."
The two adults stared at him in shock and possibly a little horror. Mr. Morganson was the first to recover. "Hello Flynn. How have you been?"
"Fine. It was nice seeing you again but apparently Nymph needs my help." He smiled as he stiffly got up. Being hurt sucked.
"Are you okay?" Mrs. Morganson asked.
"Fine. Nothing serious. It was nice seeing you, sorry I have to go my roommate needs me. Thanks for having us over Tyr."
"No problem. See you around." Tyr gave a grin to his two friends.
"Thank you and nice meeting you." Mal smiled shyly before scurrying out of the room. "I'll meet you downstairs." And before Flynn could say anything she was out of the room.
The room filled with awkwardness as Flynn and the Morganson family stood unsure of what to do. "So... what's up with all this awkwardness? I mean didn't you all know each other back in grade school?" Charlie asked scratching his head.
"It's just been a while." Flynn replied. "It was nice seeing you." Flynn gave an uncomfortable smile and he ducked out of the room. He walked Mal to the sorority house before heading home. When he walked in he saw Nymph begging for his help. With a deep breath he shut the door loudly.
"Oh Flynn, you're home!" She exclaimed with false surprise.
"Darling who's at the- Oh hi." A medium sized man walked to the door naked.
Flynn diverted his gaze to the ceiling. "Hi, who are you?"
"Monty. And you?"
"I live here. Please put clothes on."
"Oh, sorry man." Monty walked back into the room to put clothes on.
"What's his deal?" Flynn whispered.
Nymph sighed, "Clingy. I don't like when they're clingy."
"SO why am I here?"
"To you know, get him out."
"You took him home."
"You know I don't like kicking them out. That's why I don't like clingy."
"I can't do this for you, Nymph."
"Please, Skitz. Just this once." She gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Didn't you say that last time." She whimpered causing Flynn to sigh. "Fine."
"You're the best!" She kissed his cheek and then danced to the bathroom.
When Monty walked out he looked around to only see Flynn. "Where's the little Nymph?"
"She's getting ready. She forgot that she agreed to go visit my grandmother's grave. Anniversary yeah know?" Flynn shrugged.
"Oh yeah yeah, I understand." He stood there waiting.
"She'll probably be a while. You know women."
"Yeah, true man. Tell her I said bye and I had fun." He winked and headed out the door.
Flynn waited two minuted before calling, "He's gone."
"You are wonderful." She smiled, exiting the bathroom.
Flynn looked at her and motioned for her to follow him to the couch. "Alright Nymph, talk to me."
"About what?"
"I thought you and Clark..." He trailed off knowing she would understand.
Nymph sighed, "We were but then we got into a fight on the way here. I don't even remember over what but he left and I met whatever his name was. He was an ok fuck but he had to go and ruin it."
"You should make up with Clark."
"Why? It was his fault."
"You don't even know what the fight was about."
"So, go and make an effort to patch things up. He really likes you, you know."
"Well yeah, we are friends with benefits." Flynn looked at her with a raised brow. "What?"
"Nothing. Just be careful, you've been sleeping with some questionable guys lately. You sure they're clean?"
"I'm not that much of a whore!"
"I didn't say that. You know the statistics Nymph of contracting an STD. Both treatable and untreatable."
"You ruin all the fun with your stats talk." She pouted and crossed her arms.
"I'm looking out for you. Come on, help me make breakfast."
"[/]Fiiiiiine." Flynn pulled Nymph up and they began making scrambled eyes, toast, and sausage. "So, what happened to you last night?" She gave a suggestive grin at her roommate.
Flynn shrugged, "Mal, Charlie, and I went over Tyr's to play Super Smash Brothers. We fell asleep there until you texted."
"Ooooh tell me all about it!"
"If you think anything happened between me and Tyr please get your mind out of the gutter. We literally played video games all night until I passed out on the floor and I think Tyr was at his desk, Mal near the head board, and Charlie at the end of the bed. Sleeping on the ground with bruises all over your body is a terrible idea."
"Well at least you two are expanding your friendship." Nymph thought for a moment before stating, "Charlie and Mal would look cute togeth- Oh my god! You are totally trying to play match maker!" She turned and accused him.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." Flynn replied stiffly.
"You are!"
"I am merely trying to get her to have fun without thinking of ass hat and if Charlie happens to be around..." He shrugged.
"You are such a liar."
"I'm not. Don't repeat this but yes Charlie likes her but I'm not pushing her into anything she isn't ready for especially since it's been less than a month since she broke up with her ex."
"Now that I know, I'm totally helping now." She stated with no room for argument.
"Fine but don't push too hard." Nymph nodded and the two sat down for breakfast.
Two hours later Flynn was a half an hour into work when he arrived at his table to find Tyr's family. "Ah, hello my name is Flynn and I will be your waiter this afternoon." This was about to get awkward. "May I start you off with some drinks?"
"Hey Flynn, I'll have a Sprite please." Tyr nodded as Flynn started writing down everyone's orders.
"Coke!" The twins ordered at the same time. Flynn chuckled, remember how much they did that when they were younger.
"Apple juice for me please." Theresa smiled with some bounce.
"Coffee please." Mr. Morganson ordered.
"Coffee and water." Mrs. Morganson said.
Flynn nodded and then asked."No problem. Do you need a few more minutes or are you ready?"
"A few more minutes please." Tyr's mother requested in a tight voice.
"No problem, I'll be back with your drinks momentarily." Tyr gave him an apologetic smile before returning to the menu.
When Flynn returned to the table he was mildly startled when Connor exclaimed, "I remember you! You've changed a lot. What happened to you? You were so short the last time I saw you."
It took Flynn a moment to reply, "I grew during my latter teenage years. It's nice to see you again, you've grown too."
"The puberty fairy was awesome to me." He grinned while his mother looked at him sternly.
"Connor, that is inappropriate at the dinner table." She scolded.
"Sorry mom." He looked down.
"Are you ready or do you need more time?" Flynn recorded the table's orders and went to place their order and visit his other tables.
"I barely recognize him from the shrimp of a friend you had." Ryan commented as he played with his straw.
"He wasn't that much of a shrimp." Tyr rolled his eyes.
"Tyr, I use beat him up and I'm two years younger than you. He was scrawny."
Tyr thought back to a few times Ryan or Connor would beat up on Flynn. Playfully of course, but Flynn never won. "Touche, he was a scrawny little kid."
"He was more interested in drawing than sports. Is he majoring in it?" His father asked.
Tyr shook his head. "No, I think he's minoring but his major is Psychology."
"How did you meet him again? You haven't said anything about seeing him." His mother was still unhappy with the curly haired young man. It was fresh in her mind how distraught Tyr had been and hurt that it would take a while before Flynn was close to her good graces again.
"Our Psychology class on disorders." Tyr took a sip of his soda. "We were partnered up for a project on Schizophrenia."
"Ahh, that sounds interesting."
"It does! Did you learn a lot?" Theresa asked. "In class we watched A Beautiful Mind for my intro to Psychology but we didn't go into details about the disorder."
"Yeah quite a bit. I didn't realize how different each case was. There really isn't two cases a like. Some are extreme while others are more mild." His mind went to Flynn immediately and how he still carried with him Trinity, Scorch, and Rico.
"Where did he get all those bruises? I hope he isn't going to be a bad influence on you. You have a bright future ahead of you." Mrs. Morganson looked at Tyr sharply.
Tyr snorted, "Hardly a bad influence. He's still one of nicest people you'll ever meet and if anything I've been eating healthier because of him. He's close to being a health freak. A friend of ours ex was being stupid and he fought him. It wouldn't have happened but the jerk hurt Mal and Flynn took him down."
"Flynn? The scrawny kid that we just talked about?" Ryan asked in disbelief. "You're kidding me. He's still as scrawny as he was when he was ten."
"You'd be surprised. He goes to the gym couple times a week with his friend Marty and has on numerous occasions stopped said friend from doing something stupid. He can hold his own when he wants to."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
"Hopefully you'll never have to." Tyr chuckled.
"Hopefully he'll never have to what?" Tyr's head jerked up to see Nymph. "Hey, sorry to interrupt but have you seen Flynn? He left his wallet at the apartment and me being his wonderful friend decided to drive all the way here to give it to him."
"Aren't you the best of friends. He left a little while ago to put our orders in. Try the back?" Tyr smiled.
"Thanks doll. Sorry to interrupt, bye." She turned with a wave and sauntered off with swaying hips.
"Who was that?" His mother asked in disgust. The young woman was wearing her usual scandalous clothes. Her top was a red crop with a zipper down the middle that accentuated her breasts, a mini jean skirt that was close to being a wide belt rather than a skirt, and knee high suede stilettos.
"Yeah, who was that?" Ryan and Connor's eyes watched Nymph leave.
"She's too old for you." He looked at his brothers before continuing, "That's Nymph. She went to high school with Flynn and they're apartment mates. They're very close."
"I can see why. She should cover up in public."
"Don't judge a book by its cover mom. She's actually a really nice person."
"Just don't bring her home please."
"Mom!" Tyr looked at her and then his father.
"Elizabeth, you are being rude. She is one of Tyr's friends, you should be nicer in regards to her." Mr. Morganson looked at his wife.
"I'm sorry Tyr. I just know too many women like her and they can be bad news." His mother apologized.
"She isn't believe me." The rest of the meal went smoothly and with little incident. The conversation stayed on safe topics. At the end of the day Tyr's family returned to the hotel rooms they rented and Tyr passed out in his bed for a much needed sleep.