Sequel: Fallen Embers

The Fire

Falling Over the Edge...

Tre looked at Sabrina and saw how hard it was for her to tell everyone the things that she spoke about. 'She looks so small and frightened,' he thought. His heart lurched at how she looked. Without a word he walked over to her and brought her into his arms and held her as tight as he could. All he wanted to do was keep her safe. "I'll watch over you Sabrina and protect you," was all that he could speak. After he said those words, Tre fell over the edge and totally fell completely in love with Sabrina Sanders.

All during dinner, Tre kept his leg right next to Sabrina's which was driving her wild. They kept exchanging glances through the dinner. Everyone took notice of the two lovebirds and smiled to themselves. Sabrina was so comfortable with these people that she let down her guard and joined in the conversation with the other adults.

"Wow Sabrina you are so lucky to eat what you want and still look fabulous," Brittney said with a jealous look.

"This body isn't easy to maintain." Sabrina returned with a laugh. "I am lucky that with the hard work I do everyday my metabolism is high. If I didn't work so hard, I'd probably have to actually exercise. God forbid that..."

"What kind of work do you do on the farm?" Claudia asked, getting interested in how a working horse farm operated.

"Well a typical day goes as like this; I wake up at 7am and I'm out to the barn office by 7:30. I go over paperwork until Chris shows up at 8am. We then go and do the training workouts which usually last until lunch. Chris goes home to eat with his wife and I go back to the office to the paperwork. When the stable hands come back from lunch I go help them muck out stalls until early evening. I am always the last person in the barns at night. I then go back to the house, clean up and then grab some dinner. I try to eat healthy, but sometimes I just grab a TV dinner if I don't feel like actually cooking. Afterwards, I go to the studio to catch up on my "other job". It's usually late at night when I finally finish up, so I take a few minutes to check my email and surf the internet, and if I'm lucky I actually go to bed, but more often that not, I fall asleep on the couch. My alarm goes off at 7am and then I repeat and this has been my life more or less for the last 20 odd years. Such a glamorous life that I lead," Sabrina said with a snort.

The whole table looked at her as she spoke about how she lived her life. They thought that being a celebrity and that she was part of one of the mist successful pop bands in history, she would live a different kind of life.

"What about the Derringer band. What happens when you write new material and record a new cd and then tour with them?" Billie Joe asked.

"Umm," Sabrina started hesitantly, "Well, I don't write any music with Derringer, Rick has all control in the band. I am... I mean I WAS more of a hired gun in the band. I had to sing what he put in front of me and sing it how he wanted it sung. I only get to show up at the studio after the music tracks all recorded. I get to listen to the music only a few times to learn them and then I have to record the vocals. Luckily I have some sort of talent that allows me to learn music quickly and have perfected the kamikaze approach of recording. The whole process of me in the studio only lasts about 2 or 3 days. When it comes time to do videos or touring, Rick gives me a copy of the choreography and I learn it, show up and wham bam thank you ma'am, it's done."

"But why do you allow that to happen like that Sabrina?" Mike asked confused.

"It's was in my contract to be like that. I sold my soul to the devil in 1983 in order to have my own record label. I didn't want to sing pop music but the vinyl 45 of 'Lucky Star' and 'Borderline' that we recorded as a whim was storming the charts and MTV was clamoring for videos that Rick was desperate for me to continue being the voice of Derringer. I hate pop music and said no. Rick countered with an offer I couldn't refuse. If sang and did things his way, then I could have my own label in which I could release anything I wanted and it would have the full backing of Warner/Reprise. They would promote and distribute, and I would make the profits. I couldn't refuse that. That contract expired upon finishing this last album, our 18th one. I still get to keep my label since that was a condition of the contract."

"But the re-invention stuff that you go through with each new album..." Adie stammered.

"All Rick's brain farts, sorry to burst the bubble of the being the 'mother of re-invention," Sabrina said with a wry smile.

The people at the table looked with disbelief at Sabrina and what she had to do in order to make the music she really wanted to make. They thought about the videos, the concert tours and everything else that was Derringer and realized that it was a lie. They were stunned.

"What about the performance at the 2003 VMAs?" Tre asked.

"Oh you mean the kiss heard round the world?" The woman grinned, thinking back to the re-make of her 'Like a Virgin' wedding cake VMA performance with Britney and Christina. "That was just another one of Rick's ideas. It was brilliant actually, that kiss was talked about for months afterwards."

"So Lisea, Tre tells me you are an artist. I looked up some of your work on the internet; my favorite is the one with Ramona in the lower right hand corner sitting with a rippling lake. It's a very powerful picture," Sabrina spoke to Tre's ex-wife. With that one comment she was able to turn the conversation off of herself and back to the others.