‹ Prequel: Chances Taken
Sequel: The Three C's

Chances Risked

Chapter Twenty Four

Nick was the one who picked our parents and apparently Emma’s parents when they flew into Pittsburgh. I was sitting in my bed, my knees up to my chest, arms wrapped around my knees; I didn’t have any tears left in me. Pat was sitting next to me on the bed; he was rubbing my back and just being there for me. It was less than twenty four hours ago that my brother was killed on the ice.

When I had woken up in the morning, Pat was holding me as I slept on the couch and then I looked around to see that I was in my basement and my friends were asleep around me. Marc was sitting on the couch sleeping, Vero had her head on his shoulder and he had an arm around her. Jordan and Heather, who were sitting on the couch next to them, looked the same way. Tyler, Paul and Matt were sitting on the ground leaning against the wall; leaning against each other, I had a small smile on my face as Tyler and Matt had their heads on each of Paul’s shoulders and Paul had his head on top of Tyler’s. I snuck out of Pat’s arms and stood up and turned around to see Geno sleeping on top of the pool table. I smiled and then walked towards the stairs and headed up them. When I walked upstairs, I saw James and Sidney sleeping on each of the couches. I was happy that my friends were there for me.

I heard my phone go off on the bed and looked to see that Nick had texted me saying that he was here with everyone. The guys had gone home a while ago, being sure to remind me that it was going to be all right and they were there for me and my family.

“Emma still in her room?” Pat asked and I nodded my head.

“I tried to check on her before, but she’s got the door locked,” I said quietly and then sighed and decided that I should get up. Pat and I walked downstairs just in time to see Mom and Dad walking into the house sadly. Just when I think I don’t have any more tears to spill out, more come. My Mom and Dad pull me into a hug and started to cry against them again.

Three days had passed since Mike’s death; we all knew that Maggie was taking it hard. We had practice today, no one was expecting Maggie to be there, but when I pulled into the parking garage, I was shocked to see her Escalade there. I quickly walked into the rink, like usually, there before my teammates, though, the fact that Maggie was here at all, I was shocked.

I opened the door to the locker room and looked in to see Maggie just standing there. She had her gear bag at her feet, just staring at Mike’s stall. I sighed and walked into the room, over towards her, I called her name a few times but she didn’t answer, didn’t look away.

“Maggie,” I called again and placed my hand on her shoulder. She winced and then snapped her head towards me, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Sorry,” she said quietly and looking down.

“Mags, are you all right to be here?” I asked and she didn’t look up at me, “Mags?”

“I’m fine, Sid,” she said and then walked towards her stall and sat on the bench.


“I’M FINE, SID!” she yelled, still not looking up at me.

I sighed and walked over towards her and sat next to her on the bench, “Maggie,” I looked at her, she was still looking down, “No one’s going to be bad- Everyone will understand if you take some time-“

“The last thing I need is time, Sid,” she said and looked up at me, I saw her red puffy eyes, “I need this.”

“Just don’t push yourself,” I said and she just looked down and started to grab her gear. I sighed, stood up and kissed her head, she was little a little sister to me, to just about all of us.

When the guys started showing up they looked just as surprised as I did when they saw Maggie sitting in her stall dressed in her gear. When Coach came in, his eyes were wide at first, but he sighed and looked at her sadly, Maggie was still looking down.

We all went onto the ice for practice, each of us being sure to keep our eyes on Maggie to see what would happen. After being there for about a half hour, I was on the bench watching Geno’s line go up against Craig Adams’ line. Marc and Johnson were in the net and we were watching as they fought for the puck. We watched as Maggie just bent over and started to move towards the net. She was slowing down; Marc caught her before she went into the net. We were all on our feet; practice stopped as we made our way towards Maggie, Marc had his helmet propped on his head looking down at Maggie.

She had her hands on the bars; she was gripping it and shaking. I moved in front of everyone and placed my hand on Maggie’s shoulder and looked at her face, her eyes were clamped closed. Marc was calling her name, but she wasn’t hearing him.

“Move, move, move,” I heard and turned around to see Doc heading over towards us. He moved in front of Maggie, she was breathing heavily, “Maggie,” he called and then cupped her face, “Hey, hey, hey, just breathe- Guys, back up, give her some room!”

We all backed up and watched as Doc had Maggie let go of the polls and started to pull her towards the door, Eric and Jack helped her off of the ice and we just watched.

“What was that?” Tyler asked and I shook my head not knowing.

After practice we all headed back into the locker room, got out of our gear and Coach knocked on Doc’s door. They talked about something and then Doc walked out to see us, we all started to ask what was wrong with Maggie.

Doc sighed and rubbed his face, “From what I can tell, she’s got PTSD,” he said and I looked at him.

“Like what soldiers have?” Tyler asked and Doc nodded his head.

“She witnessed a traumatic even to her brother,” he said and I sighed, “She’s relieving it, she was having a flashback on the ice.”

“So being here is hurting her rather than helping,” I said and Doc looked at me and nodded his head, “So what is she supposed to do?”

“She should take some time, I don’t recommend her playing- Coming anywhere near the ice until she’s ready,” he said and I sighed, stood up and looked towards Maggie, she was sitting in Doc’s off, on the table just staring off.

“How is she now?” Coach asked and Doc sighed.

“She’s traumatized, she’s not talking,” he said and I watched as Jordan got up and walked into Doc’s office, I remembered that she was always close with him and Max, “You could try talking to her, but it’s like she’s blocking everyone out.”

“How long do you think it’ll take for her to come back?” Coach asked and Doc sighed.

“I don’t know, there’s three more games until playoffs start,” he said and I nodded my head, we had a game against the Bruins tomorrow night, and away game against the Rangers the next day and then the Flyers the day after that, “I definitely don’t recommend her playing the Flyers game, not with the league still debating on what to do with Kokorin.”

“And if the stats don’t change then we’ll be playing the Flyers in the first round of the playoffs,” I said and the guys sighed and nodded their heads.

“So we no have Maggie for rest of season?” Geno asked and I sat on the bench and ran my fingers through my hair.

“This is a nightmare,” Marc said and I nodded my head.

“Did Kane leave?” James asked and I looked at him and nodded my head.

“He needed to go back last night, but he said he’ll be back,” I said, having been in communication with him the past few days.

Jordan was sitting on the table with me; he was just rubbing my back and keeping my company. I heard footsteps in the room and looked up to see James walking in; he came over towards me and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and then felt his hand on the back of my head.

“Let us take you home, Mags,” James said as he pulled back, “I don’t want you driving.”

I just nodded my head and slid off of the table and felt James wrap an arm around me and walk with me out into the locker room. Some of the guys were gone, but those who weren’t, were just looking at me. I wished they would just stop looking at me. I basically rushed out of the locker room and headed for the parking garage.

I was almost at my car when I heard my name, I knew the voice, I sighed and stopped walking, my back still towards him, “What do you want, Kris?”

Kris caught up to me and then moved in front of me and look down at me sadly, “I just wanted to say that I was sorry,” he said and I looked up at him, “I’m so sorry, Maggie.”

“Thanks,” I breathed and looked back down again.

“I know you probably hate me right now, Mags- But, I want to be there for you, I want to help you get through this,” he said and I looked up towards him, tears starting to stain my cheeks again. Kris cupped my face and then wiped my tears away. He just looked down at me and then pulled me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around him and felt him rub my back and hug me close, “It’s gunna be all right, Mags.”