Maybe It's Just My Imagination.



Lauren Roberts, a singer/dancer, has been trying to break into the business for a couple of years, finally she made it. She was finally signed to Hollywood Records. All she needs now is to get her name out there. So her manager Stacy signed her up for a new talent competition. In the past Lauren has been unlucky in the show business, she's also been really unlucky in love. Lauren was always the one hurt, and always the one who was taken advantage of. Guys walking all over her, thinking that they would get somewhere with her, if they were jerks. She was always attracted to the heart-breakers. And the consequences were the pieces of her heart being thrown to the ground and stomped on. She hated the fact that she was a little too nice and forgiving, and is desperately trying to change that about herself, but its harder then it seems. All the times she's been shot down from a record company, because she wasn't skinny enough, or pretty enough, or maybe it was just that she wasn't enough. All of that negativity, could make you want to give up, which she has thought about doing in the past, many times. But she loved performing, and she believed that if you love something enough and put your heart into it, then anything can happen and her dream could come true. Plus all the times her heart has been broken, or crushed or bent, she believed that its all just to help make her stronger, even though its rough, its just something you have to deal with. Sometimes it scared her at how positive she was about things like that. Anyways, the two things Lauren wanted most, was to get a record deal, and fall in love with a guy who's in love with her too. She wanted him to come in a sweep her off her feet. She wanted true love, a romance like in the movies, but that never happens in real life. One half of that has already came true. She's waiting for part two to become a reality.

Do you think that maybe all the pain and tears is worth going through? Do you think that there is a guy who can be her 'superman' or maybe her prince? Do you think that there is a guy who could possibly sweep her off her feet, and prove to her, that true love doesn't only exist in the movies? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
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Okay! Thats the prologue hope you liked it. :]
Chapter one will be up soon! :]

