Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

Nice Poster.

"Nice poster." Lauren giggled at the poster of Jessica Alba, in a swimsuit, hanging from one of his walls. Joe looked at the poster and back at Lauren before blushing.
"Well, you know, I saw it in the store, and thought it was very tasteful. So I just had to buy it, and then it looked so perfect right there on the wall. So I just had to hang it there, but I don't know, I'm just not so into it or her anymore." Joe said emphasising on the word 'had', in a weird voice, actually I'm not really sure what it was, but it was him trying to get another laugh out of Lauren. It worked.

"Okay then." She said once she caught her breath.
"But I thought that she was your future wife." Lauren added putting air quotes on 'future wife'.
"Nah, she's hot and everything, but I like someone else, and besides she got pregnant, and she isn't even married, that's not cool." Joe said.

"Oh. You like someone else? Do tell!" Lauren said before sitting on Joe's bed and resting her head on her hands, staring at Joe intentivly, Joe couldn't help but laugh at how she looked.
"I'm so not telling you." He said throwing a pair of sweats at her, and walking towards his closet to find her a shirt.
"What?! Come on! Why not?!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air, just as Joe threw a shirt at her, he was laughing at her, the way she was so interested.
"Because I can't tell you. She might find out, and I'm not so sure if I am ready for that yet." He said sitting on the bed next to her.
Lauren groaned.

"Fine, I wont ask you about it again. You will tell me who it is when you are ready." Joe nodded.
"Okay now, where do I change?" She said getting up from the bed, Joe did also and pointed to the door that was right across the hall.
"There is an extra toothbrush in the top drawer." Joe said as he pointed to the drawer, Lauren nodded and closed the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys.
Heres another.
cos I seriously stink at updates.
im sorry.
which is why im giving you guys so much.
cos I feel bad.