Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

Joseph, I'm Cold; Make Me Warm.

They laid there just gazing at the stars above them. The wind was picking up a bit, and Lauren was freezing, although she'd never say anything to Joe about it. So she just dealt with it, by hugging herself a little tighter each time the wind blew. Joe noticed that Lauren was freezing, so he swiftly pulled his arms free of his jacket, and turned to her.

"All you had to do was say 'Joseph, I'm cold; make me warm', and I would have." He said laughing a little as he draped his jacket over her, Lauren instantly smelled the Joe's scent. She tore her gaze away from the stars, to look at him. He had a smirk painted on his flawless face, she gave him a toothy smile back.

"No, Joe, you're just supposed to know when I am cold, I shouldn't have to tell you." she said smiling bigger than before.

"But I don't want to take your jacket." she finished, beginning to pull the jacket off of her. Joe put his hands on hers, forbidding her to finish removing the jacket.

"I want you to wear it." He said as their eyes locked, and they stared at each other for just a minute or so too long. It seems that this was happening a lot, Lauren couldn't help herself, he was so beautiful, and sweet. Joe thought the exact same of Lauren, if not a little more. He wondered if maybe, he was possibly falling for one of his best friends.

He knew he liked spending time with her, and that he was attracted to her, but he never thought that it was anything more than a crush that would soon fade over time. The thought of Lauren liking him back never crossed his mind, he figured that she thought of him as a friend, and a friend only. Which hurt him, but if it was true then he would accept it and move on.

What he doesn't know may surprise him; They were both crazy for each other, just too blind to see. Lauren nodded, as she realized that his hands were still on top of hers, she quickly pulled her dainty hands out from under his large, warm hands.

She turned her gaze back to the sky above them, looking intently at the twinkling of the stars. They reminded her of the way Joe's eyes would twinkle. Joe stared at her for a moment more, before turning away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehh, that was a little short.
But, I'm trying to get better at updating. :]
P.S. Which story is your favorite?
Wanna let me know?