Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

I Bet They Left Us.

It was silent for about fifteen minutes, both Lauren and Joe caught up in their own thoughts, each thinking about the other. Joe broke the silence.

"Lauren, I think that we should go find Nick and Kevin." he said just above a whisper. Lauren turned to Joe, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so instead she just nodded. Joe stood, and held out his hand for Lauren, she took it and he helped her up off the grass. Joe's jacket was now just in her hands, she held it out to him.

Joe gently took the jacket from Laurens grasp, and walked around behind her, placing it on her shoulders. When Lauren handed him the jacket, she didn't expect him to do that, she expected him to just either carry it, or put it on, not give it back to her.

Still, she took a hold of the collar of the jacket and slid her arms into the sleeves. Joe was just watching her every move. She looked up at him, only to see a smirk smeared on his face.

"Why, thank you kind sir." Lauren said before laughing at her own comment.
"Anything for a beautiful lady." Joe said as he laughed, and linked his arm with hers. They began to walk through the park to find Nick and Kevin, when they saw that they were no where to be found. Joe pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"I'm going to call them, I bet they left us." Joe said dialing a few numbers.
"Where are you?....Home, well thanks for telling me and Lauren that you guys were leaving....We walked through this entire park looking for you two....yeah, yeah...we're on our way...bye." Joe hung up his phone, and shoved it in his pocket.

"They left us, huh?" Lauren asked as they began to walk down the sidewalk towards the Jonas house, this time taking the shortcut.

"Yeah. But whatever, it gave us some time alone." Joe said not even looking at Lauren, she nodded. The rest of the walk home was pretty silent, other than the sounds of the leaves crunching under their feet, or the noise the wind made each time it blew.
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Hope you guys loved it.