Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

Was He About To Risk It All?

She sat at the bar as Joe walked over to the fridge. He pulled out cream cheese, and walked over to the pantry and got a package of bagels. Joe opened the bagels, and pulled two out before cutting them in half. Lauren watched his every move, the way he was careful with the knife, and twisted the bag of bagels up almost perfect. He popped both the bagels in the toaster before pushing down the lever. Joe poured two glasses of orange juice, and pulled two plates out of the cabinet.

He sat the glasses of orange juice at the table, and the plates next to the toaster on the counter. The bagels popped up and he pulled them out, carefully. He placed them on the plates and started to spread cream cheese on each side of them. Lauren was still watching him, she couldn't even remember if she had blinked the entire time he was moving. Joe finished spreading the cream cheese on the last half of the bagel and picked up the plates. He stopped at the fridge, and grabbed something, but Lauren didn't see what it was. He then walked over to the table and sat the plates down, before walking back to Lauren. He extended his arm, holding out his hand for Lauren to take.

She hesitated, but took his warm soft hand and he helped her off of the bar stool. They walked back to the table.
"Let me get that." Joe said as he rushed for the chair that Lauren was about to pull out herself.

"You didn't have to do that." Lauren said taking a seat.
"I wanted to." Joe said with a smile as he sat down, Lauren smiled back, and looked at the table. There was the glasses of orange juice, with bendy straws, and the bagels, along with a bowl of mixed berries. (Blueberry's, strawberries..ect.)

Lauren giggled, causing Joe to look at her, he had cream cheese above his lip, which only made her giggle become a laugh.

"What?" Joe asked, completely oblivious to the cream cheese.
Lauren looked at him, he looked so cute even with food smeared on his face. She picked up her napkin, and leaned closer to Joe. She raised the napkin, and wiped the cream cheese off of the lips that she has wanted to kiss for longer than forever.

Joe couldn't help but turn red, and he didn't want to help the fact that he was lost in her brown eyes. So once again, they stared at each other for sometime, maybe a little too long. Joe started to slowly lean in, as did Lauren.

Were they finally going to get to kiss? Was the thing that they have both wanted since the day they met, finally happening? Was Joe about to feel and taste the lips of the girl he's been dreaming about for the past few weeks? Was Lauren about to see just how soft his kisses were? Or see if he tasted as good as he smelled.

Their lips were just inches apart. So close yet so far. Did Joe really want to do this, and risk the whole relationship being awkward? Did Lauren want the relationship to become something more? Yes, but Joe was wondering. Joe licked his bottom lip, about to risk it all, and just do it. Lauren bit her lip, she was nervous; Was this really about to happen?

Their lips were almost touching, when the front door opened, and the house was filled with the chatter of the Jonas family. Lauren quickly pulled away, and grabbed her glass of orange juice, and took a sip. Joe did the same, only he picked up the other half of his bagel and started to chew.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think.
This one will be finishing up.
And sometime.
In the future.
Probably nearer than most would like.
All of my stories will end.
And possibly.
My writing career will end along with them.
Just wanting you guys to keep a heads up.
Because I have another passion, that isnt writing.
And would love to focus on it, more.