Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

I Made Plans For You.

Joe lifted his head a little almost touching their lips, when Joe's phone started to violently ring from the chair beside them. Lauren quickly stood up and walked over to the other side of the room, pretending to stretch some more as she stole glances at Joe. That was the second time today they have been interrupted, during a moment they both wanted to finish. Joe grabbed his phone from the chair, not getting up off the floor, and answered it.

"Hello." He said not really sounding that enthused.
"Hey, whats wrong?" Kevin asked from the other line.
"Nothing, what do you want?" Joe asked, changing his tone a little.
"Oh, nothing mom wanted me to call you and ask if you were going to be home for dinner, and if Lauren was going to stay for dinner." Kevin said, Joe wasn't really paying attention, he was watching Lauren out of the corner of his eye.

"Uh, one sec." He cupped his hand over the receiver end of the phone and sat up.
"Lauren, do you wanna stay for dinner tonight?" Joe smiled.
"Only if its okay with everyone." Lauren said as she turned and started to walk towards him, Joe nodded.

"Yeah, dude, Lauren's staying and we'll be home soon." Joe said.
"Yeah okay talk to you later." Kevin said instantly hanging up his phone after. Joe hung up his phone and stood up.

"So are we done here?" Joe asked as he watched Lauren gather her thing's.
"Uh, yeah, we're done." Lauren said as she put on her coat, and pulled her skirt on over her leggings. Yeah, when she took off her skirt Joe nearly had a heart attack. Lauren grabbed the keys to her car and opened the door.

"Coming Joe?" Lauren smirked at him, he was just standing there staring off into space.
"Oh, yeah." Joe said as he snapped out of it and walked towards the door.

They made it to the Jonas' house a little later than expected.
"Hey Nick! Kevin!" Lauren said as they walked into the living room.
"So sorry we're late, the traffic was horrible." She added as she shrugged off her jacket, Joe did the same. They sat at the kitchen table along with the rest of the family.
"Thanks for letting me stay for dinner Mrs. Jonas." Lauren said as they finished up giving thanks.

"Oh, dear, I told you to call me Denise, and its no problem." Cooed the voice of Mrs. Jonas, or Denise, if you will. Lauren smiled politely as they said grace and began to eat the wonderful dinner she had made.

Those Jonas boys are very lucky, because Denise is an incredible cook, she's seriously amazing. How she raised four boys, is beyond anything I know, she must be very strong, Mr. Jonas, or Paul, or Kevin, whichever you prefer to call him, I like Paul, cos it gets a little confusing with two Kevin's. Even though, Kevin II, likes the nickname K2. I think it's cute, K2, but I call him Kevin because I feel like a spy calling him that. Anyways enough about this, back to what you all were waiting for, more of the story.

They all finished dinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas went out, taking Frankie along with them once again. They always seem to be doing something, same with Nick, Joe and Kevin, they are always occupied with something. Whether it's radio shows, television shows, recording a new album, or a photo shoot, they are always doing something. It's crazy how they have enough energy to go through all of that, and then half the time have a sold out concert right after.

They sure are some serious crowd pleaser's. I mean Joe and his crazy dance moves, and Nick with his drumming, or his 'Nick flip', as people I know, have named it, and Kevin with his amazing guitar skills, and dancing. It's all pretty amazing to me, to really watch what they do, and how they perform for their fan's, giving them everything that they've got, even if they woke up at five a.m. that morning, and not going to bed until about two a.m., and then have to wake up the next day and do it all over again.

They truly are all about the fans, and that, my dear friends, is what makes an amazing artist.

"Alright Joey, I should get going. I think that maybe my apartment is lonely." Lauren giggled as she pulled on her jacket.
"Yeah, I'll see you later?" Joe asked, Lauren nodded and smiled.
"Yes, Cos if you don't remember, you have to take me to dinner." Lauren smiled, Joe suddenly looked confused.

"When did I agree to this?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, actually, you didn't. I just kinda, made plans for you tomorrow night." She giggled, Joe smiled.
"Alright Lauren, can I take you to dinner tomorrow night?" She smiled at him.
"Yes, Joe, you can take me to dinner." Lauren nodded, Joe smiled.

"Alright, I'll see you later, Laur." Joe said, Lauren smiled and stood on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek. Joe blushed a tiny bit and he leaned down and kissed her cheek, returning the favor, and causing her to blush as well. With pink cheeks, she hugged Nick and Kevin, and gave one more hug to Joe, before exiting the Jonas house, and going to her own apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah yeah, I know. im a horrible updater.
Lots of things going on. extra long chapter.
Love you. thank you for reading.
