Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

..And He Was Broken.

Today was the day. Joe thought to himself, as the bus pulled into the parking lot of Hollywood Records. Joe was completely ecstatic to see her. He was practically bouncing off the walls. Jumping around the bus, messing with Nick and Kevin, who were ready to throw him off the bus and onto the busy highway. Fortunately for Joe, they finally arrived that their destination to Hollywood Records, after eight long months, it was finally time to reunite with their family, and friends, and for Joe, this was supposed to be a big moment.

He was finally going to do it. He was going to walk up to Lauren and kiss the lips hes tasted all those long nights, alone. He's just dreamy of the feeling of her soft lips pressed against his, and the way her hand would reach up and tangle into his hair, and he couldn't wait.
Joe pushed past Kevin, and Nick, walking as fast as he possibly could. He took a deep breath and opened the door, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Lauren, she was so beautiful, her once, long brown hair, was now shorter, and high and low lights were added. Joe smiled at her and opened the door the rest of the way, and his heart broke, into tiny little pieces.

There it was, Laurens fingers intertwined with another boys. Joe was crushed, he had never been so hurt in his life, especially not over a girl. But this was the girl, and he was broken.

As you can imagine, Joe's mood instantly changed from anxious and excited, to sad and disappointed. He stepped off the bus, with his fake smile.

"Joey!" Lauren giggled as she threw her arms around Joe's neck. Joe wrapped his arms around her, one around her lower waist and the other up higher, playing with her hair.

"I missed you, Laur." He said softly, trying to hide the fact that once he was home, in his room. He'd lock the door and let the tears of heart break fall from his beautiful eyes.

"Oh, I missed you too, Joey. So much, life isn't the same when you aren't around." She smiled at him, pulling away from his body.

"And this is Cory!" Lauren smiled as she took Cory's hand and laced their fingers.

"He's my boyfriend. He's been my friend for so much longer, but we decided to try this out. I mean we both knew there was something special about this friendship, and I'm so happy." Lauren gushed to Joe, like they were best friends. Because thats exactly what they were, and thats all they would ever be, unless Joseph could get the courage to take a chance and tell her what he feels and how long he's felt it.

But Joe would never do that, he'd never take a chance on Laurens heart, he wouldn't want her to be hurting, not ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so, I've been writing on this one, a lot. :] Hope you like it.

I cant decide how to end it, though.

What would you like to see happen?
