Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

I'm Not Like Most Girls.

They finally made it to her dressing room.
"Okay, you guys just sit here, and I'll be out in a second." she said grabbing a pair of her jeans and a green ribbed tank top out of her bag. She walked into the bathroom and changed, she grabbed a pair of sock's and her van's, they matched her tank and they were comfy. She slipped her tiny feet into them and put her heels in the bag where she had gotten her outfit from.
"I don't see how you women walk in those shoes." Nick said thinking out loud
"What?" Lauren said as she spun around.
"Nothing, just don't those shoes hurt your feet, I mean they cannot be comfortable." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Eh, they aren't always comfortable, but I don't always wear them, so it's not so bad." she said packing up all of her things, Stacy would be in to load all of her stuff in a little bit, and she didn't want her to have to do all of the work. She finished packing up the last few things, she grabbed her purse, and jacket off of the back of the couch, and turned to the boys.
"Ready?" She said opening the door, they all got up, and walked out the door. Lauren stopped and talked to Stacy for a few seconds, and told her that she would call her in a little while. They then made their way to the parking lot where Joe led them to a limo that was parked around back.

"So, where are we going?" Lauren asked scooting in the limo next to Joe.
"We are going to dinner. I'm hungry." Joe said shifting in his seat, and rubbing his stomach.
"Okay, sounds good to me." The rest of the ride to the restaurant consisted of small talk, they were getting to know each other a lot better, Lauren was finding things out about those boy's that she would never be able to read in any magazine, and they were finding out some rather interesting things about her as well.
"We're here, time to chow!" Joe said facing Lauren, she couldn't help but laugh at him.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Nick said hopping out of the car.
"Am I the only one that isn't clued in on where exactly we are eating?" Lauren said as she scooted out after Kevin, Joe following close behind.
"Pretty much, but you will love it." Joe said stepping out.
"Oh, yeah, I love In-N-Out!" Lauren said as she dusted the imaginary dust off of her pants.
"Really, and you aren't going to order a salad are you?" Joe asked raising an eyebrow.
"What? No, I'm not ordering a salad their burgers are amazing! Do they even have salads here?" Lauren wasn't lying she loved their burgers, she always got a burger from here.
"You know, most girls would first, be afraid to eat in front of us, and second, if they would eat in front of us, it would be a salad." Nick said turning to face Lauren.
"Well, I'm not like most girls." Lauren said, and with that she proceeded to walk towards the restaurant, leaving the boys behind, they quickly ran to catch up with her, Joe linking his arm with hers, and starting to skip, Lauren had to run to keep up with him. Joe saw that she was falling behind, and slowed to let her catch up with him. They soon fell step by step together, just in time to reach the door to In-N-Out.
"Ladies first." Joe said as he opened the door.
"Awe, thank you." Lauren said as she walked in, Joe followed, not holding the door for his brothers.
They made their way in the restaurant, and ordered. The Jonas boys decided to get a booth in the back, it was private, and they figured that there wouldn't be as many interruptions. Lauren was sitting next to Nick, he was on the inside, they figured that most people wouldn't see him if he sat there, Joe was sitting across from Lauren, and Kevin from Nick. Joe and Kevin were facing the back of the restaurant, so that if people happened to look over there, they wouldn't see Joe and Kevin from the Jonas Brothers. They would just see a 'normal' girl having dinner with three 'normal' boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys theres chapter four.


i will update faster!

no seriously, i will.!
