Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

Oh, How Time Passes By.

The next few weeks went by fast, Lauren and the Jonas Brothers were together almost everyday, they were all like best friends. Joe and Lauren have some what of a closer relationship, meaning that he has a massive crush on her, and wasn't afraid of showing it, he flirted and she flirted back. Nick and Kevin saw it, and they thought that it would be good for Joe to get a girlfriend, he hadn't really been in a serious relationship, since A.J., and they thought that it would be perfect. Not that Joe needed a girlfriend just that he loved the fact of a girl being there, one he could do special things for, one that he could hold hands with, and kiss. He hadn't tried to kiss Lauren, or hold hands yet. He thought it was maybe to soon for anything like that, but she was definitely someone he could see calling his girlfriend, in his words 'She was girlfriend material.' whatever that means.

Lauren thought highly of all of the Jonas Brothers, and she had to admit that Joe was a big flirt, they all were flirts, but they did it in different ways, like Joe was really upfront about the flirting, it was obvious when he was doing it, he would poke fun at her and things like that. Nick was sort of the underdog, he was flirting, but it was a little harder to catch on when he was doing it. And of course Kevin, he was a mixture of the two, but no matter how much Nick and Kevin flirted with Lauren, they knew that Joe was actually into her, and she was into him. Nick and Kevin were just doing the friendly flirting, and Lauren knew it.

The Jonas Brothers were going to be leaving for tour in about two weeks, and the label decided that it would be best if they had someone other than Lauren opening up for them. Nick, Joe, and Kevin were completely against this, but they had to do what their label said. So instead of Lauren, they would have one of the other acts; one that went on before her that day of the big new talent concert opening up for them. The act that was going on tour with the Jonas Brothers consisted of a girl and a boy, Christian and Taylor, so you can only guess at how clever their 'band' name was 'CT', and Joe, Nick and Kevin, didn't even bother to remember the name, they wanted Lauren to go with them. Lauren told them to be nice, knowing that if she didn't then there would be some serious beef on the bus. Lauren took the news so well, of course she wouldn't get to see the Jonas boys as much, and she wouldn't get the experience of being on the road with them. Still she was happy for them, and was grateful to have met such amazing boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this one is so fillerish. haha

sorry =]
