Maybe It's Just My Imagination.

Lauren/Joseph Time.

"Hey Lauren!" Joe said squeezing Lauren as tight as he possibly could.
"Joe! Please let me go, I need to breathe." Lauren said
"Oh, right, sorry." Joe said letting go, and taking a step back.
"What are you wearing?" Lauren said looking him up and down, he was in his skinny jeans and a zip-up hoodie.
"What are you talking about?" he said looking down at his jeans and hoodie
"Nothing, I just thought that you had a special event to go to tonight." She said cocking her head to the side.
"Well, my mom and dad wanted us to go out to dinner with them, but I decided to spend time with you." He said smiling.
"Awe. Joe you should have gone, I don't want to keep you from spending time with your family." Lauren said feeling slightly bad that he was with her and not his family.
"No! You aren't, I spend enough time with them anyways, and besides, we need to get in as much Lauren, Joseph time as possible before we leave for tour." He said linking his arm with hers, and started to walk.

"Where are we going?" she said falling in step beside him.
"I thought that we could just go back to my house, and watch a movie, or something. Because if we go out in public it's not exactly going to be very private." Lauren nodded and Joe began to walk faster and Lauren tried to keep up, but he was so tall, and his strides were longer than hers, Joe noticed that she was sort of falling behind.
"Can't keep up Roberts?" Joe asked looking down and smirking, a grin grew on her face, and she pushed him playfully.
"Well, Jonas, if you weren't so freaking tall, and didn't take such big steps, then maybe I could keep up." He smiled and bumped her hip with his, it had more force than he thought, cause she stumbled, and nearly fell to the ground. If Joe hadn't have had such a good hold on her arm she would have been on the ground.
"Wow, that was a close one." Lauren said grabbing Joe's arm with her free hand, and holding tight, he had his hands shoved in his pockets. Joe snickered a little, and nodded, they walked a little further, before reaching the Jonas house. Joe pulled his keys out of his pocket, and fumbled with them for a moment before finally the lock clicked and he opened the front door, letting Lauren enter before him. Lauren walked in and removed her jacket, hanging it on the coat rack before sitting down on the couch. Joe walked over to their DVD collection.
"So, what movie do you want to watch?" Joe said as he turned around to face Lauren.
"I don't care, surprise me." she said shrugging, Joe nodded, and took a few more moments looking at the selection, before grabbing a case, and popping the disk into the DVD player.

He made his way back to the couch and sat next to Lauren, he wanted so badly to put his arm around her, or pull her close, but he didn't want to make things weird. The previews to the movie played on the screen before them, and with every second Joe spent on that couch next to Lauren he wanted to be closer, so he made the first move; he scooted a little closer to her. Lauren felt the couch move, and she looked over at Joe who was staring intently at the TV screen. Lauren smiled to herself, she thought he was so cute, and funny; she was really hoping that he would make the first move already, but she still understood why he didn't. So when she felt the couch move, she took it as the official first move; so she scooted a little closer to him. Joe looked over at Lauren, who smiled innocently at him. The movie started, and Lauren should have known what was coming; a thriller. She figured he did it on purpose; which he did.

"This is such a good movie." Joe said as he broke his stare away from the television screen to look at Lauren.
"Did you do this on purpose?" Lauren asked with a smirk on her face, Joe's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, as he looked down at his hands.
"No." Joe replied fidgeting his hands nervously in his lap.
"Oh, come on, Joseph, since when are you nervous, or shy?" She said as she pushed his arm playfully.
"Since I met you." He said pushing her arm as well.
"Whatever." She said as she smiled, and rolled her eyes.
"It's true. You make me so nervous, I'm afraid that I am going to say something stupid, or scare you away by being too forward, or something." He said not looking at her. She smiled, and scooted closer to him.
"You don't have to be nervous around me, Just be yourself. Besides, I like it when you act like a dork." She laughed, he did also.
"Oh thanks so much, way to boost the confidence level there Roberts." He said with a slight laugh.
"What do you mean you're afraid that you will scare me away by being to forward?" She asked confused.
"Uh, nothing." Joe said as he turned back towards the TV screen. Lauren's face fell a little, she thought that he liked her, but he was clearly out of her league. She was fine with that, or at least that's what she kept reminding herself, she liked Joe, and if she can't have him as a boyfriend, then she's happy to just be his friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay there was chapter six hope you liked it!

I did. haha

Yeah. Lovee you guys!