Gensokyo Diaries I: Keine

Entry IV: I'm Dying

After awhile, my illness became far too much to bear that we opted to go the hospital. That day was very sad for all three of us. It was a rainy day and the flower in my flowerpot had wilted, much like I had.I was so weak I had to be placed in a wheelchair.As I went in to see the doctor, I wish I didn't tell Kaguya and Mokou to stay outside and wait for me. The doctor ran a few tests and informed me that I was to be staying there for awhile. He also told me I had lumps in my lungs and that I was afflicted with some kind of disease but I cannot for the like of me remember what he said. He also informed the treatment I was to have may lengthen what time I have left but has some side effects

The next day, Mokou and Kaguya visited me in my hospital room. I tried to cheer them up and I told them I would see them in some time and we'll go home together. I knew deep down that I was lying. I wasn't going to leave this hospital.

I'm dying.

---- 上白沢 慧音