Gensokyo Diaries I: Keine

Entry V: A Letter to Kaguya and Mokou

If you two are reading this, then you know I will have already passed on, however, while I am alive long enough to write this entry, I wanted to take the time out to thank you two for being there and being my friends, especially you, Mokou, for being my big sister. I know you two are hurting from the wounds of a broken heart but I want you two to know that I will always be with you, even if I am not there in body. As I write, this is also my final will and my final wishes for you to take care of each other and be nice to each other. Remember to share and behave. Remember to clean up after yourselves and,Mokou,if Kaguya wants to help,let her. Remember to keep your clothes clean and to keep good table manners.

More importantly, remember to never forget me and what it is I have taught you both. Some day,the pain will subside.
---- 上白沢 慧音