Gensokyo Diaries II: Sakuya

Entry III: More Heartbreak

It had been long time since I had seen my beloved and I haven't received any sorts of letters from him. We used to exchange letters but he's stopped sending them. His father would call me and has been doing so for awhile, until he had a heart attack over the phone, leaving me to visit his grave. Sadly, his death and the fact my beloved has contacted me are not my only worries. I had gone to the doctor over the sharp pains and gushing down my legs. Unfortunately, I was informed that I was going to have a baby but it died, meaning I had what he called a miscarriage. Starting anew really isn't going so well. I suppose things could be worse, after all, I could be out of a job.

Tomarrow, I will inform Old Man's friend I will leave and go to a city. Maybe I will have better opportunities there.

-----十六夜 咲夜