Gensokyo Diaries III: Sanae

Entry IV: Beatings

Recently, times have grown difficult and Kanako-sama won't stop beating me.She beats me over anything and I try my hardest to behave and go along with her wishes. Today, she's beaten me with a towel rack when I came home late. Yesterday, she's whipped at me with a belt, when I even uttered a word and hit me with a shoe when she felt her bathwater was too hot. I still have bruises from the day before yesterday when she slapped me hard enough to knock me over into the television (it's broken, I was hit for that, too). The day before that she hit me hard enough that I could barely get up. The day before that day and the day before that day, she got upset and beat on me and I don't know why. Just earlier, she beat me when she had gotten angry. I'm still sore-

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive my misbehavior-"


"Did I or did I not tell you not to talk to anyone on the way home?"

"I'm sorry, really, I am, I just merely stopped to ask what time it was-"






*Glass breaking, things being knocked over*

"I want you to clean this mess up and take out the trash, ....NOW!"

"Yes, Kanako-sama."
I'm still sore the beating I took a week a ago. She informed me we are leaving tomorrow and I want nothing more than to not make her angry. Maybe I'll be more well behaved on this journey, then maybe she'd love me again.

----東風谷 早苗